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RiddleAugust's avatar

Maximum Capacity

Commissioned by :iconphraxus: and :iconkreizen:

Esmeralda and Nanako were enjoying a nice day at the beach when they realized with such a wide open space, it was the perfect setting to test their limits! No longer worried about holding back, the marshfolk inflated themselves to their absolute limits, bloating bigger than ever! Esme topped out at about 24 feet wide, while Nanako managed to hit 40!
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2000x1800px 1.84 MB
© 2013 - 2021 RiddleAugust
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Phraxus's avatar
I can't believe I haven't commented on this already - I thought I had somehow, but evidently not. ^^;

I absolutely adore pretty much everything about this piece.:D  The sheer size of both Esmeralda and Nanako is nothing short of glorious, as are the shapes their inflated bodies have taken.  Esmeralda's smaller, paler form looks adorably wobbly and awkward, and I love the expression of growing worry on her features.  Nanako's huge, turgid form, looming like some vast, rubbery green mountain beside her friend, looks impossibly over-blown, and her expression of furiously determined, puffy-cheeked strain is not only insanely cute, but helps to give the audience a good idea of just how much pressure she's holding in.  I particularly like her pose - the way her body is tilted back, her enormous belly jutting up into the sky, while her vast, inflated butt-cheeks keep her from tumbling over completely.  I love how their bikinis squash and dig into their deliriously bloated bodies, and the glossy sheen on their rubbery green skin really enhances their resemblance to a pair of outrageously over-inflated balloons.  I'm sure if they weren't feeling fit to burst, they'd be quite proud of themselves for getting so big.  Hell, Nanako probably does anyway. :XD:

Thank you so much for taking this on.  It's absolutely gorgeous. :D
nothingnobodynowhere's avatar
I don't know how I missed this one so long...... I am ashamed and a bad friend... -_-;

They're both simply stunning but Nanako is utterly glorious!
falloutghoul's avatar
Is Esmeralda still pregnant? ;)
Slash-Pseudo's avatar
That Nanako is such a show off.
Fudgepops's avatar
They need to watch out for those seagulls!
hottieman's avatar
Permission to rub bellies? X3
Artbot5000's avatar
Hmmm...maybe after they deflate, their max will increase? :meow:
Very nice!
CountVonZeppelin's avatar
Your work just keeps getting better and better my dear. :)
AintLifeSwell's avatar
They're gonna pop!
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