A New year is fast approaching. 2021 will be remembered for a long time. Alot of big events, alot of test of patients, alot of evils being thrown our way daily. Yet here we are stronger than ever. The first quarter of the year was very tough. Alot of people gave up. Yet here we are. The world is full of darkness YET HERE WE ARE standing in the light of Truth, love and most importantly God. I know i speak for many when i say i am in this till the end. I will never give in, i will put God first, i will hold the line with every last breath in my body. I will pray pray pray and give God all the glory. As the new year comes we have a choice. To make 2022 another year of let downs, darkness, loneliness, and feeling helpless against the powers we face. OR we right here right now decide THIS IS OUR YEAR. We help lift each other up and keep eachother true to our resolution. We start to come together thru this Darkness and build up something special. It all starts with each individual. U cant help the team if ur not willing to always learn and grow and be humble. So who will step up with me and say i will do my part. I can always improve me and start to build bonds with each other and a habit God smiles down on. So here is the list of new years resolution:

1)Pray first thing when u wake up, Pray daily for 1 min at 8pm eastern

2)read 10 min of bible each day

3)find at least 1 person daily across .win that seems down or lost or sad and offer prayer and a friendly ear

We can always do more this is just a baseline we can all do together and over time God will grow us as individuals and as a group.

** This thread is a work in progress. I feel the idea is not 100% complete. If u have any thoughts or ideas to improve or tweak it a little, please let me know 🙏**


Since most of us are sort of "alternative" folks (I mean, we are here instead of Reddit, or, even worse, Facebook/Twitter/etc), is anyone here interested in alternative church models? Going against the grain of the "Church Industrial Complex" (Catholic church, Lutheran church, "mega church", etc)? Maybe house churching, 'organic church', non-tax-exempt, lay clergy, etc? Just curious! Share your thoughts with me!



Now the concentration camps the normies made fun of are actually a reality with people having escaped some. I can't believe AU just bended over but I knew when balcony doors were being taped shut they were done. Actually my first clues were back in 2019 when people could be arrested for sexual assault just for looking at a women 'the wrong way' and they phoned the cops.

https://yournews.com/2021/12/01/2260236/australia-embarks-on-massive-manhunt-after-three-covid-negative-teens-escape/#:~:text=Three%20teenagers%20escaped%20the%20Howard%20Springs%20quarantine%20camp,close%20contacts%20of%20positive%20cases%20in%20the%20area. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2021/12/02/police-state-australia-recaptures-three-teens-who-escaped-covid-concentration-camp-want-to-guess-their-test-results-n2600008


And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

-Mark 16:15

And He ordered us to preach to the people, and to testify solemnly that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead.

-Acts 10:42

Good evening and Happy Sunday, and a early Merry Christmas to you all. Welcome to this week's edition of the Weekly Christian Meme Making and Sharing Session here on Christianity.win, the last one before Christmas day. I hope everyone is feeling safe and healthy tonight. Since tonight is the last Sunday night before Christmas, I am making tonight's session the designated Christmas meme session

I have no major news for you all today, so we can start the meme-making works!

If you missed the session last week, it can be found here.


If you need a review on the first post on this series, it can be found here:


Included in the post are:

-The reasons for the memes and

-The goals of the sessions

For an up to date list of recommended tools and resources that can be used for our efforts, click here:


The gallery of all the memes that we have created, discovered, or improved upon during our sessions can be found here:


And as before, say a prayer to God and Jesus to help guide the creative efforts and that everyone will be fruitful in these sessions...


Okay, this one is going to be brief. Work has been brutal, and I'm in horrendous pain. One of my customers got 6,000 lbs of pork today, and I had to unload all of it by hand. No pallet jack. No loading dock. No lift gate. My back doesn't like me right now, so I'm gonna post this quick and try to get to bed early.

This is something that struck me listening to Steven Crowder last week. I forget what day it was, but he was talking about the harmful effects of pornography on the brain, and he mentioned the way that neural pathways become ingrained. You seek the dopamine hit, and you automatically take the path of least resistance to get there. Habitual sin is like walking the same trail through the woods. It packs down the dirt, crushes the weeds, and makes a serviceable road. The path gets easier every time you walk it, and the easier it gets, the more attractive the option becomes. That trail has to be abandoned for a long time before it becomes fully overgrown and impassable.

There's a famous poem by Robert Frost:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveller. Long I stood, and peered down one as far as I could, to where it bent in the undergrowth. Then took the other as just as fair, and having perhaps the greater claim, as it was grassy and wanted wear. Oh I saved the first for another day, but knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever be back. Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.

I hope I got that right. I always cut and paste Scripture to make sure it's an exact quote, but that I just did from memory. This parallels Matthew 7:13-14,

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

We are faced with a choice of paths; the broad easy path that leads to destruction, or the steep narrow path that leads to salvation. That less travelled path can be intimidating. You wonder sometimes if you're on the right track, but the trail is marked for us. Even if it's a little overgrown from disuse, we can be confident that we're heading in the right direction.

Jeremiah 6:16 says,

Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

The good way is long established. It isn't just an old path, but an ancient one, laid out for us from the foundations of the world. Just look for the trail markers.

I don't know how many of you are familiar with The End of the Spear. It's the true story of 5 missionaries who were martyred trying to reach the Waodani tribe of Ecuador. After their deaths, the missionaries' wives went back to the same tribe that had murdered their husbands to finish the work that they had begun. A man named Mincaye devleloped a special relationship with Steve Saint, the son of the very missionary who he had personally speared through the chest.

I was fortunate enough to hear Mincaye speak at a conference once, with Steve acting as an interpreter. He put it this way: "How could we follow the good trail, the one Jesus dripped His blood on, if we could not read the markings?" He understood the Christian walk through the eyes of a man who lived his whole life in the rainforest. There are dangers all around; snakes, jaguars, quicksand, and God only knows what else. You mark where there is danger, and teach your children from the time they can walk what those signs mean. Our Father has marked the path, and He left us a Book to guide our steps. Don't hit those trails without your guidebook, without your map. That's how you get lost. More importantly, observe the first rule of wilderness safety: don't go out alone. If you can't take someone with you, then let someone know where you're going. Remember Ecclesiastes 4:9-10,

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.

Choose the narrow path, and it will guide you away from the path of destruction. Keep that guidebook handy, so you don't get led astray by side trails. Plan to walk the good trail, but never assume that you won't fall. There are people who are more than willing to lift you up, but they can't do it unless they know that you've fallen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We are all overwhelmed by your love, power, grace, and mercy. Your great mercy allows us to boldly run into your arms without fear or rejection. For You love the Son, and the son loves us, and whatever belongs to the Son belongs to You. You sent Your only Son to suffer and die so that Your claim on those who believe can never be stolen again. Your faithfulness to us is so overwhelming. Thank you. Thank you so much Lord. Our minds can be at ease knowing we are saved, You opened our eyes so we can see past the adversary’s deception. Your love crashes down on the earth and will wipe away every tear from anguish, fear, and pain. How great is your love, we bless You and love You oh God.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Please join us at 8pm eastern DAILY for 1 min of prayer.

Battle in Prayer Romans 8:37-39 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 John 5:4 4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.

2 Corinthians 2:14 But thank God! He has made us his captives and continues to lead us along in Christ’s triumphal procession. Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.

2 Corinthians 4:13 13 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak,

Jeremiah 30:17 17 But I will restore you to health     and heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord, ‘because you are called an outcast,     Zion for whom no one cares.’

Philippians 2:9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,

Ephesians 2:4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us,

Matthew 18:18,19 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 19)”Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

As the title indicates, God's existence is a mathematical theorem within standard physics. Standard physics is the known laws of physics, viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics. This theorem has been given in the form of physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology. These aforestated known physical laws have been confirmed by every experiment conducted to date. Hence, the only way to avoid Tipler's Omega Point Theorem is to reject empirical science. As Prof. Stephen Hawking wrote, "one cannot really argue with a mathematical theorem." (From p. 67 of Stephen Hawking, The Illustrated A Brief History of Time [New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1996; 1st ed., 1988].)

Prof. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals, such as Reports on Progress in Physics (the leading journal of the Institute of Physics, Britain's main professional organization for physicists), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (one of the world's leading astrophysics journals), the International Journal of Theoretical Physics (a journal that Nobel Prize in Physics winner Richard Feynman also published in), and Physics Letters, among other journals.

Prof. Tipler's Ph.D. is in the field of Global General Relativity, which is the field created by Profs. Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose during the formulation of their Singularity Theorems in the 1960s. Global General Relativity is General Relativity applied on the scale of the entire universe as a whole, and is the most elite and rarefied field of physics. Tipler is also an expert in quantum field theory (i.e., Quantum Mechanics combined with special-relativistic particle physics) and computer theory.

For much more on Prof. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the details on how it uniquely conforms to, and precisely matches, the cosmology described in the New Testament, see my following article, which also addresses the societal implications of the Omega Point cosmology:

Additionally, in the below resource are different sections which contain some helpful notes and commentary by me pertaining to multimedia wherein Prof. Tipler explains the Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE).

Also, to here point out, Profs. Hawking and Penrose's aforementioned Singularity Theorems are themselves completely valid proofs of God's existence in the First Cause aspect of Him.

Indeed, in the Feynman path integral formulation of Quantum Mechanics (i.e., sum-over-paths; sum-over-histories) a singularity is even more inevitable than in the Penrose-Hawking-Geroch Singularity Theorems, since the Singularity Theorems assume attractive gravity, whereas the Feynman sum-over-histories get arbitrarily close to infinite curvature. In other words, the multiverse has its own singularity.

Further, due to Liouville's Theorem in complex analysis, it doesn't matter what form of physics one resorts to, as any physically-realistic cosmology (e.g., one capable of incorporating Quantum Mechanics, since the complex number field is intrinsic to the mathematical formulations of Quantum Mechanics) must begin at an initial singularity and end at a final singularity. (As Barrow and Tipler wrote, "Initial and final cosmological curvature singularities are required to avoid a universal action singularity." See John D. Barrow and Frank J. Tipler, "Action principles in nature", Nature, Vol. 331, No. 6151 [Jan. 7, 1988], pp. 31-34; see also Frank J. Tipler, "The Structure of the Classical Cosmological Singularity", in Origin and Early History of the Universe: Proceedings of the 26th Liège International Astrophyscial Colloquium, July 1-4, 1986 [Cointe-Ougree, Belgium: Universite de Liege, Institut d'Astrophysique, 1987], pp. 339-359; "Discussion", pp. 360-361.)

The chants have really brought my spirit a newfound energy. I have so much more of a desire to praise and to bring the love of the Lord into the lives of those around me. God bless us all this season of the birth of our savior!

Title says it all. I have heard there are different interpretations within these different versions of the Bible. I am just wondering what the community thinks on this.

Any recommendations on where to purchase would be greatly appreciated.



DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects. We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than a war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.

Last year, when many still had not yet understood the gravity of the looming threat, I was among the first to denounce this coup, and I was promptly singled out as a conspiracy theorist. Today more and more people are opening their eyes and beginning to understand that the emergency pandemic and the“ecological emergency” are part of a criminal plan hatched by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, and a galaxy of organizations and foundations that are ideologically characterized as clearly anti-human and – this needs to be said clearly – anti-Christian.

One of the elements that unequivocally confirms the criminal nature of the Great Reset is the perfect synchrony with which all the different Nations are acting, demonstrating the existence of a single script under a single direction.And it is disconcerting to see how the lack of treatment, the deliberately wrong treatments that have been given in order to cause more deaths, the decision to impose lockdowns and masks, the conspiratorial silence about the adverse effects of the so-called “vaccines” that are in fact gene serums, and the continuous repetition of culpable errors have all been possible thanks to the complicity of those who govern and the institutions. Political and religious leaders, representatives of the people, scientists and doctors, journalists and those who work in the media have literally betrayed their people, their laws,their Constitutions, and the most basic ethical principles.

The electoral fraud of the 2020 presidential election against President Trump has shown itself to be organic to this global operation, because in order to impose illegitimate restrictions in violation of the principles of law it was necessary to be able to make use of an American President who would support the psycho-pandemic and support its narrative. The Democratic Party, part of the deep state, is carrying out its task as an accomplice of the system, just as the deep church finds in Bergoglio its own propagandist. The recent rulings of the Supreme Court and the autonomous action of some American states – where the vaccination obligation has been declared unconstitutional – give us hope that this criminal plan can collapse and that those responsible will be identified and tried: both in America as well as in the whole world.

How was it possible to arrive at such a betrayal? How have we come to be considered enemies by those who govern us, not in support of the common good, but rather to feed a hellish machine of death and slavery?

The answer is now clear: throughout the world, in the name of a perverted concept of freedom, we have progressively erased God from society and laws. We have denied that there is an eternal and transcendent principle, valid for all men of all times, to which the laws of States must conform. We have replaced this absolute principle with the arbitrariness of individuals, with the principle that everyone is his own legislator. In the name of this insane freedom – which is license and libertinage – we have allowed the Law of God and the law of nature to be violated, legitimizing the killing of children in the womb, even up to the very moment of birth; the killing of the sick and the elderly in hospital wards; the destruction of the natural family and of Marriage; we have recognized rights to vice and sin, putting the deviations of individuals before the good of society. In short, we have subverted the entire moral order that constitutes the indispensable basis of the laws and social life of a people.Already in the fourth century B.C., Plato wrote these things in his last work the Laws and identified the cause of the Athenian political crisis precisely in the breaking of the divine order – the cosmos– between these eternal principles and human laws.

These natural moral principles of the Greco-Roman world found their fulfillment in Christianity, which built Western civilization by giving them a supernatural impetus. Christianity is the strongest defense against injustice, the strongest garrison against the oppression of the powerful over the weak, the violent over the peaceful, and the wicked over the good, because Christian morality makes each of us accountable to God and our neighbor for our actions, both as citizens and as rulers. The Son of God, whose Birth we will celebrate in a few days, became Incarnate in time and in history in order to heal an ancient wound, and to restore by Grace the order broken by disobedience. His social Kingship was the generating principle of the ordo Christianus that for two centuries now has been fiercely fought against by Freemasonry: because the Revolution it promotes is chaos; it is disorder; it is infernal rebellion against the divine order so as to impose Satan’s tyranny.

Now, as we see what is happening around us, we understand how mendacious were the promises of progress and freedom made by those who destroyed Christian society, and how deceptive was the prospect of a new Tower of Babel, built not only without regard for God but even in direct opposition to Him. The infernal challenge of the Enemy is repeated over the centuries unchanged, but it is doomed to inexorable failure. Behind this millennial conspiracy, the adversary is always the same, and the only thing that changes are the particular individuals who cooperate with him.

Dear American brothers and sisters! Dear Patriots! this is a crucial moment for the future of the United States of America and of the whole of humanity. But the pandemic emergency, the farce of global warming and the green economy,and the economic crisis deliberately induced by the Great Reset with the complicity of the deep state, are all only the consequence of a much more serious problem, and it is essential to understand it in depth if we want to defeat it. This problem is essentially moral; indeed, it is religious. We must put God back in the first place not only in our personal lives, but also in the life of our society. We must restore to Our Lord Jesus Christ the Crown that the Revolution has torn from Him, and in order for this to happen a true and profound conversion of individuals and of society is necessary. For it is absolutely impossible to hope for the end of this global tyranny if we continue to remove from the Kingdom of Christ the nations that belong to Him and must belong to Him. For this reason, the movement to overturn Roe v. Wade also acquires a very important meaning, since respect for the sacredness of unborn life must be sanctioned by positive law if it is to be a mirror of the Eternal Law.

You are animated by a yearning for justice, and this is a legitimate and good desire. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,” says the Lord (Mt 5:6). But this Justice must be based on the awareness that this is a spiritual battle in which it is necessary to take sides without equivocation and without compromise, holding transcendent and eternal references that even the pagan philosophers glimpsed, and that have found fulfillment in the Revelation of the Son of God, the Divine Master.

My appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance – which I renew today – aims precisely to constitute a movement of moral and spiritual rebirth which will inspire the civil, social and political action of those who do not want to be enslaved as slaves to the New World Order. A movement that at the national and local level will be able to find a way to oppose the Great Reset and that coordinates the denunciation of the coup that is currently in progress. Because in the awareness of who our adversary is and what his aims and purposes are,we can disrupt the criminal action he intends to pursue and force him to retreat. In this, the opposition to the pandemic farce and the vaccination obligation must be determined and courageous on the part of each of you.

Yours must therefore be a work of truth, bringing to light the lies and deceptions of the New World Order and their anti-human and antichristic matrix. And in this it is mainly the laity and all people of good will – each in the professional and civil role he holds – who must coordinate and organize together to make a firm but peaceful resistance, so as not to legitimize its violent repression by those who today hold power.

Be proud of your identity as American patriots and of the Faith that must animate your life. Do not allow anyone to make you feel inferior just because you love your homeland, because you are honest at work, because you want to protect your family and raise your children with healthy values, because you respect the elderly, because you protect life from conception to its natural end.Do not be intimidated or seduced by those who propagate a dystopian world in which a faceless power imposes on you contempt for the Law of God, presents sin and vice as licit and desirable, despises righteousness and Morality,destroys the natural family and promotes the worst perversions, plans the death of defenseless and weak creatures, and exploits humanity for its own profit or to preserve power.

Be worthy heirs of the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and do not follow those of your Pastors who have betrayed the mandate they have received from Our Lord, who impose iniquitous orders on you or who remain silent before the evidence of an unheard of crime against God and humanity.

May this Holy Christmas illuminate your minds and inflame your hearts before the Infant King who lays in the manger. And just as the choirs of the Angels and the homage of the Magi united with the simple adoration of the Shepherds, so also today your commitment to the moral rebirth of the United States of America –one Nation under God– will have the blessing of Our Lord and will gather those who govern you around you. Amen.

May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America


Glorious and Eternal Father in Heaven, we give praise to You in all ways, we give thanks to You without end. At the dawn of this new day, we ask that You fill us with the wisdom of Your Word and the joy of Your most Holy Spirit. Light the path of our ways. Father, we feel anguish at the sorrows and sufferings of this world but we find comfort knowing that You also suffered for us, with the Greatest Love of all. We are in Him as He is in You and You in us. In this we have all, without end. Amen.

Did you know when you are lacking in peace in a particular area, God is at work there.

"For to be carnal minded is death, to be spiritually minded is life and peace". Romans 8:6

It takes prayer to find why there is a lack of peace, it can even be a battle, but there is always a perfect answer to trusting God, as salvation is on our head a helmet, we are brought to the place of strength.


The Angelus is a short practice of devotion in honour of the Incarnation repeated three times each day, morning, noon, and evening, at the sound of the bell. It consists essentially in the triple repetition of the Hail Mary, to which in later times have been added three introductory versicles and a concluding versicle and prayer. The prayer is that which belongs to the antiphon of Our Lady, "Alma Redemptoris," and its recitation is not of strict obligation in order to gain the indulgence. From the first word of the three versicles, i.e. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariæ (The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary), the devotion derives its name.

The indulgence of 100 days for each recitation, with a plenary once a month, was granted by Benedict XIII, 14 September, 1724, but the conditions prescribed have been somewhat modified by Leo XIII, 3 April, 1884.

Originally it was necessary that the Angelus should be said kneeling (except on Sundays and on Saturday evenings, when the rubrics prescribe a standing posture), and also that it should be said at the sound of the bell; but more recent legislation allows these conditions to be dispensed with for any sufficient reason, provided the prayer be said approximately at the proper hours, i.e. in the early morning, or about the hour of noon, or towards evening.

In this case, however, the whole Angelus as commonly printed has to be recited, but those who do not know the prayers by heart or who are unable to read them, may say five Hail Marys in their place.

During paschal time the antiphon of Our Lady, "Regina cæli lætare," with versicle and prayer, is to be substituted for the Angelus.



Sovereign Lord! We praise you for being righteous and merciful in all your ways. Protect your people with your strength, and guide us in Your path. We pray for strength and healing for people on the .win forums, and let Christianity .win be a light to them, and a place to seek and find you. Strengthen the mods and regular posters in your Word, and cause all of us to seek truth and follow where it leads, as your Son,Jesus described Himself as the Way, the Truth and the Life. Make your presence known to Your children, where ever they may be. We pray especially for our brothers and sisters in countries where it is against the law to be doers of the Word, give them boldness and strength in their time of trial.


Looking to add to my collection but obviously don’t want to accidentally buy some apologist clown world type bs. So just checking if y’all got any recommendations? Thanks and Deus vult!


I just learned that this board exists, and this is my first time posting. Please pray for my friend, Marcia, who was sexually assaulted over the weekend. I’m not asking for legal recourse recommendations, only prayer for healing for her body, mind, and spirit. Thank you all in advance

Six Lies Satan Tells (spiritualdirection.com) Focused Discussion
posted ago by Turkey_Lurkey ago by Turkey_Lurkey

"Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me; and the Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple…behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts. But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? For HE IS LIKE A REFINER’S FIRE, and like fuller’s soap: and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall PURIFY THE SONS OF LEVI, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness” (Mal. 3:1-3).

I just feel the urgency and necessity to post something on this principle, that "seeing is deceiving, hearing is believing." We live in a fast-paced, click-baiting, dopamine-driven world, where everything comes in bite-sized pieces like tweets and videoclips. Many of us are impatient, we only have a short attention span, we're drawn to eye candies, the flashing images on that screen of our devices most of the time. I myself is very guilty of this, that's why I'm bringing it up.

Real faith comes by hearing, the oldest form of communication. Sights and wonders may amaze you at the moment, but soon you will forget. If those sights and wonders happen very often, then they cease to be sights and wonders, because chances are, you just take them for granted, the thrill is gone. Only the Word of God can truly move your heart and change your view. It's like a tiny, insignificant seed planted deep inside of you where it can sprout, bloom and bear fruit. It's living and active, sharper than any two edged sword that penetrates soul and spirit, joints and marrow.

A good example is the Exodus story. That generation of Israelites had experienced the ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, manna from heaven, God's presence at Mount Sinai, etc. And yet they still behaved like grumpy kids and complained about everything to Moses. At the end, none of them got to enter the Promised Land, Moses included. Same thing happened during Jesus's ministry. No amount of miracles Jesus performed can satisfy the crowd, but what did take root in their heart and established His church was His gospel, the Word of eternal life. The Shema opens with this principle: "O hear, Israel, the Lord is God, the Lord is one." In all seven letters to the seven churches, including Laodicean which He had zero good thing to say, Jesus ended with the same line: "He who has an ear, let him hear,!"

If you’re a long time listener of any radio or podcast, you’d have the experience of a strong bond with the host even if you’ve never met him face to face. That voice through the airwaves builds a spiritual connection between you and the host, and it feels way more intimate and personal than watching any talking head on a screen, especially when the host is giving a monologue. Although that host is talking to a large demographic of target audience, when you’re listening, he’s having a conversation with you, he’s answering YOUR questions, tackling YOUR problems, sending YOU message and offering YOU guidance. That message takes time to receive, conceive and believe. What you see on a screen or in real life may have some shock value for the moment, but the most effective and powerful format of media is always through audible voice. Also, it eliminates your potential prejudice of judging a book by its cover. It's like the Voice, the singing competition, you judge by the voice and ONLY the voice.

Last, I gotta point out that although faith comes by hearing, that faith could be a faith in anything. It could be in the word of God - or Satan. That's why we've got so many highly educated people deceived by the gaslighting from the lamestream media complex, and why we're warned that there will be false prophets who are wolves in sheep's clothing, looking like a Lamb but speaking like a Dragon. If you listen to somebody for a long time, you may notice some problems:

  • That speaker often recycles the same talking point, buzzwords or story time after time;

  • He talks more about himself rather than the topic at hand;

  • He's subtly or blatantly selling you some product or some service;

  • He's being inconsistent, what he says today is totally negated by what he says tomorrow;

  • He's very good with his speech which really pumps you up, but it has almost no educational or informational value. It's all empty platitudes. At the end, you've learned nothing. Everything he said, you're already familiar with.

This applies to any speaker, any podcast or radio, not limited to preachers. We need discernment and wisdom to figure out whether what we hear is the word of God or word of man.

Traditio.com is an "independent traditional Catholic" site, they seemed favorable to sedevacantism but I'm not sure what their position is on things, in contrast to many other sedevacantists they spoke positively about "John XXIII" for a while, but last I read were even speaking critically of Pius XII, and I think reject his Easter Week "reforms" in their calendar as some sedevacantists do, as it seemed to be leading the way up to Vatican 2's changes in the views of multiple sedevacantists (see https://infogalactic.com/info/Liturgical_reforms_of_Pope_Pius_XII)

The "Liturgical Calendar by Month" below is based on the most traditional form of the Roman Rite, before the Conciliar-Bugnini changes of 1950, 1956, 1960, and 1962. It is the one that corresponds to the fully traditional version of the Missale Romanum and the Breviarium Romanum in four volumes.


I assume most sedevacantists would agree with this calendar, I'm not sure if there's much to watch out for. As an example, some may follow the Pius XII Easter Week reforms; basically, most sedevacantists seem to accept Pius XII was the last pope so his changes legally stand, but if a completely "traditional Catholic" pope was elected today, most sedevacantists would expect him to reject those "reforms", so most sedevacantists have taken the liberty to reject those forms already. I think the calendar as presented is probably a good template to work off of for a traditional Catholic calendar, unless someone else is aware of a controversy I am ignorant of. The "extraordinary form" that the Vatican 2 church follows overlaps with this, I think they have some changes but I'm not sure how many.

Here's a wiki link for comparison:


this one reflects a lot of the Vatican 2 changes, but sometimes notes what the old standards were and some of them can be cross-checked. For example, the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas is moved to like January 28th, where it was traditionally March 7th (the date of his death).

Some feasts were deleted from the Vatican 2 calendars, for example:


was said to be a duplication, as was:


But perhaps the ancient Church has a purpose in repeating feasts?

The same kind of logic was asserted in trying to reduce some of the repetitions of the traditional Breviary; but again, the traditional Psalm cycle was repeated and the prayers with it, perhaps there was a point to the repetition?

Holy Spirit, please lead my hand. Exodus 18


Show us today the importance of fellowship and trust amongst each other. As with Moses and his conversation with Jethro. We will surely wear away if we do not lean upon each other, we brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. You never made us to be alone. Help us see the benefit, and the strength, and the rest found in having fellowservants. It is not wrong to divide up the labor. In fact we ought as a family as Your Holy Ghost is showing me. Help us, Father. To divvy up the labor that none of us wear away. Preserve us by each other in Your Holy Spirit, please.

In Jesus name amen.

Join us for 1 minute of prayer @ 5 pdt.

you know where people can control their dreams, I've been doing it but wonder if it's bad like astral projection is. If not can I use lucid dreams to control real life outcomes like dream about the chiefs winning the super bowl and make it happen in real life.

Merry Christmas from The Faith Center (www.youtube.com) Evangelical
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