- ----
- --->
- https://fandom.com has certainly done some treacherous things.
- However, https://archive.org is a fairly good website. However I have noticed either a temporary bug or a dumb permanent change (which might be an instance of shadowbanning):
- * archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e - upload of mine, uploaded in "2021-12-10 18:54:34"
- * At Sat Dec 11 15:14:~44 2021 UTC (2021-12-11 15:14 UTC): archive.org's search function does not seem to work so well anymore. Proof:
- *** archive.org search (logged in or not): no results
- *** archive.org search (logged in): 1 result, links to https://archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e
- *** archive.org search (not logged in): no results
- *** Internet Archive Search (logged in or not): zero results
- *** Internet Archive Search (logged in or not): 1 result, links to https://archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e
- * Note: archive.org/details/@oddgrenadier may have been shadowbanned due to that fact that it did contain "extremist" content or whatever stupid buzzword Google or whoever might apply to it. oddgrenadier is not a Nazi, he is just an archivist.
- Here are backups, so that the website can't make a silent change and think no one will notice it:
- * (1) search.php?query=Casablanca+1942+720p+Bluray+x264+anoXmous+french
- *** 1 result, links to https://archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e - this shows that search.php is inconsistent (like how Twitter's search function is inconsistent)
- * (2) details/@oddgrenadier?query=caa519ef33d02b4c906e17e1a90fe927dd362a1e
- *** 1 result, links to https://archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e - search.php is inconsistent; my search location = USA, suspected search location of archive.md = Europe, suspected search location of megalodon.jp = Japan
- * (3) search.php?query=caa519ef33d02b4c906e17e1a90fe927dd362a1e
- *** 1 result, links to https://archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e - search.php is inconsistent; why? maybe it is geoblocked in USA and Europe but not Japan
- * (4) details/@oddgrenadier?query=Casablanca+1942+720p+Bluray+x264+anoXmous+french
- *** 1 result, links to https://archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e - search.php is inconsistent; why? maybe it is blocking "piracy"-related content in some regions
- This comes after recent talks on "equity" (read: "equality and shadow-banning accounts which have right-wing related or otherwise 'deemphasized' content"): https://blog.archive.org/2021/11/29/dweb-meetup-nov-2021-centering-respect-trust-and-equity-in-the-dweb/ - titled "DWeb Meetup Nov 2021 — Centering Respect, Trust and Equity in the DWeb - Internet Archive Blogs". In blog.archive.org/2021/11/29/dweb-meetup-nov-2021-centering-respect-trust-and-equity-in-the-dweb/ among other newspeak, transgender woman (person who was previously male) was quoted:
- >In her powerful essay “The Sacred Geometry of Respect, Trust and Equity,” Ehmke suggests a new way forward. She challenges us to go beyond a begrudging nod to leveling the playing field. “To effect meaningful change, those whose authority and privilege are sustained by inequity must yield power and distribute agency to those who are most impacted by systemic disparities.”
- I didn't read a lot of blog.archive.org/2021/11/29/dweb-meetup-nov-2021-centering-respect-trust-and-equity-in-the-dweb/ or watch the videos therein so I can't make an accurate assessment as to whether or not IA is going to become a politically-corrupted organization. At https://blog.archive.org/2021/11/29/a-2-for-1-cyber-celebration/ a commenter said: "I wanted to support the project, but given your promotion of equity, I cannot. Undermining meritocracy in everyday life, and promoting the marxist ideas of the woke movement is not something I’d want to fund. If members of that ideology want funding, they should collect it themselves.".
- Hopefully this is just a temporary bug and I am not blowing this out of proportion. At least I can still listen to this uplifting music:
- search engine fuckery , censorship , censored , SEO , search engine optimization , twitter.com , archive.org , Internet Archive , search engine , fucked , fucked with , screwed with , screwed , conspiracy , SEO conspiracy , search engine censorship , evidence , material evidence , conspiracy theory
- 227 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2021-12-11 18:17 ID:qW2hiS0k
- 228 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2021-12-11 19:01 ID:ExwO6TlV
- http://stikked.luisaranguren.com/ is a dumb website. They remove user's pastes for no real reason.
- >>226
- Update: somewhat of a good ending (for now)
- See:
- vc: quadeer
- ----
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- File: temp.png (58 KB, 1024x768)
- 58 KB
- Internet Archive search engine censorship Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)16:37:47 No.84714792▶>>84715375 >>84716090 >>84717890
- Search engine fuckery at archive.org is happening.
- https://archive.org is a fairly good website. However I have noticed either a temporary bug or a dumb permanent change (which might be an instance of shadowbanning):
- * archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e - upload of mine, uploaded in "2021-12-10 18:54:34"
- * At Sat Dec 11 15:14:~44 2021 UTC (2021-12-11 15:14 UTC): archive.org's search function does not seem to work so well anymore. Proof:
- *** archive.org search (logged in or not): no results
- *** archive.org search (logged in): 1 result, links to https://archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e
- *** archive.org search (not logged in): no results
- *** Internet Archive Search (logged in or not): zero results
- *** Internet Archive Search (logged in or not): 1 result, links to https://archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e
- * Note: archive.org/details/@oddgrenadier may have been shadowbanned due to that fact that it did contain "extremist" content or whatever stupid buzzword Google or whoever might apply to it. oddgrenadier is not a Nazi, he is just an archivist.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)16:39:44 No.84714823▶
- Read the rest of this post at:
- Full thread:
- 4chan will not allow me to post some of the links
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)16:46:52 No.84714931▶>>84714953 >>84715604
- File: temp1.png (17 KB, 1024x768)
- 17 KB
- Images which expose the censorship
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)16:49:02 No.84714953▶>>84715604
- File: temp2.png (31 KB, 1024x768)
- 31 KB
- >>84714931
- These are screenshots of the same webpage, but the search was done by different IP addresses
- These screencaps were take in the same hour, and the item of the search result was uploaded one or two days ago.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:09:53 No.84715209▶>>84717462
- Bump
- Words which might be related: search engine fuckery , censorship , censored , SEO , search engine optimization , twitter.com , archive.org , Internet Archive , search engine , fucked , fucked with , screwed with , screwed , conspiracy , SEO conspiracy , search engine censorship , evidence , material evidence , conspiracy theory
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:13:42 No.84715264▶>>84715493
- File: caring.gif (2 KB, 253x253)
- 2 KB
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:21:11 No.84715375▶>>84715407
- >>84714792 (OP)
- Google can search in internetarchive?
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:23:31 No.84715407▶
- >>84715375
- Google certainly censors search results, but yes Goolge.com returns some results from archive.org.
- This thread is about how archive.org is censoring its content.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:24:59 No.84715428▶>>84715493
- >Casablanca
- Can you try racist things to prove that Archive is being censored?
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:26:02 No.84715441▶>>84715493
- File: 1639243551164.png (50 KB, 218x284)
- 50 KB
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:28:30 No.84715476▶>>84715505 >>84715781
- >search doesn't work with 100% accuracy on one query
- The sensible course of action would be to test similar queries for different files/accountd and record your findings.
- The schizo course of action is making this thread.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:29:52 No.84715493▶
- >>84715264
- >>84715441
- >implying you don't care about it
- I bet you that you use a search engine every day. Now imagine not always finding exactly what you are looking for.
- >>84715428
- The account that uploaded that item contains "racist things". I might do some more research to get you an answer though.
- >>84715441
- Insult me all you want. It does not change the fact that censorship is probably happening. I say "probably" because I have yet to confirm this again days of weeks later.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:31:17 No.84715504▶>>84715525 >>84715559
- That sucks, but what can we do? Cry on Twitter?
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:31:25 No.84715505▶>>84715604
- >>84715476
- True. I am yet to search for some other things. I will post my findings.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:32:51 No.84715525▶
- >>84715504
- Riot on the street.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:35:18 No.84715555▶>>84715684 >>84715714
- You can request URLs be removed for almost no reason.
- Archive.org is a pile of shit, not trustworthy.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:35:43 No.84715559▶
- >>84715504
- Blow up a federal building.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:37:27 No.84715584▶>>84716028
- Archive.today chads stay winning.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:38:46 No.84715604▶>>84715684
- >>84715505
- Thing which disproves my point:
- * https://archive.org/search.php?query=27aa85c2714fe532970a95170c3d4adb63bed924 (while not logged in)
- *** "Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Nazi! or: NaziGirl.webm"
- ** links to archive.org/details/dont_get_mewrongim_notanazi
- >>84714931
- >>84714953
- Why does the search result show up at megalodon.jp but not for me or archive.is?
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:45:20 No.84715684▶>>84715781 >>84716128 >>84716206
- >>84715604 (You)
- Other thing which disproves my point:
- * https://archive.org/search.php?query=caa519ef33d02b4c906e17e1a90fe927dd362a1e in about Sat Dec 11 17:41:02 2021 UTC
- ** links to https://archive.org/details/4d616769636b2f742f7831310d0a7e (see the OP)
- Maybe the Japan server (as seen by megalodon.jp) was updated before the US server.
- >>84715555
- >You can request URLs [for web.archive.org] be removed for almost no reason.
- Is that still the case? I think https://web.archive.org would not save things base on robots.txt in the past, but that is no longer the case.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:47:58 No.84715714▶>>84715781 >>84715822
- >>84715555
- >You can request URLs be removed for almost no reason.
- This. It's a crock of shit.
- "Archive" my ass.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:52:31 No.84715781▶
- >>84715684 (You)
- *Japan server and Europe server
- >>84715476
- This thread still presents interesting facts. However, I believe in staying vigilant. You said "The schizo course of action is making this thread". You know, in censored countries the government can just decide to throttle people's internet data transfer speed. It is hard to detect if your connection is being messed with or not. In said countries there could also be an "outage" of some or all of the Internet connection which is not caused by an honest mistake or a natural disaster or whatever, but instead political fuckery.
- >>84715714
- Interesting, could you elaborate maybe or give a link to proof.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:55:24 No.84715822▶>>84715873
- >>84715714
- it's only an archive until someone tells them to take something down. Many such cases!
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)17:59:01 No.84715873▶>>84716047
- >>84715822
- Also:
- :
- This comes after recent talks on "equity" (read: "equality and shadow-banning accounts which have right-wing related or otherwise 'deemphasized' content"): https://blog.archive.org/2021/11/29/dweb-meetup-nov-2021-centering-respect-trust-and-equity-in-the-dweb/ - titled "DWeb Meetup Nov 2021 — Centering Respect, Trust and Equity in the DWeb - Internet Archive Blogs". In blog.archive.org/2021/11/29/dweb-meetup-nov-2021-centering-respect-trust-and-equity-in-the-dweb/ among other newspeak, transgender woman (person who was previously male) was quoted:
- >In her powerful essay “The Sacred Geometry of Respect, Trust and Equity,” Ehmke suggests a new way forward. She challenges us to go beyond a begrudging nod to leveling the playing field. “To effect meaningful change, those whose authority and privilege are sustained by inequity must yield power and distribute agency to those who are most impacted by systemic disparities.”
- I didn't read a lot of blog.archive.org/2021/11/29/dweb-meetup-nov-2021-centering-respect-trust-and-equity-in-the-dweb/ or watch the videos therein so I can't make an accurate assessment as to whether or not IA is going to become a politically-corrupted organization. At https://blog.archive.org/2021/11/29/a-2-for-1-cyber-celebration/ a commenter said: "I wanted to support the project, but given your promotion of equity, I cannot. Undermining meritocracy in everyday life, and promoting the marxist ideas of the woke movement is not something I’d want to fund. If members of that ideology want funding, they should collect it themselves.".
- Hopefully this is just a temporary bug and I am not blowing this out of proportion. At least I can still listen to this uplifting music:
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)18:08:24 No.84716028▶>>84716108
- File: temp.png (8 KB, 1024x768)
- 8 KB
- >>84715584
- For example:
- :
- "[website name] [...]
- In response to a request we received from '<contact[email]>' the page is not currently available."
- Granted, I think http://[website name] was a pedo website. However, couldn't they just have turned off images from that website for a while? I guess there might have been some advertising for illegal stuff on that website done via text. I don't really know; it is now unarchived.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)18:09:49 No.84716047▶>>84716396
- >>84715873 (You)
- >“To effect meaningful change, those whose authority and privilege are sustained by inequity must yield power and distribute agency to those who are most impacted by systemic disparities.”
- fucking hell.. yeah, their idea of "meaningful change" is to completely erase anything online that doesn't conform to their retarded ideology or hurts their feelings. book burnings, anyone? just in the digital age.
- > featured speaker, Coraline Ada Ehmke,
- what the fuck
- >whether or not IA is going to become a politically-corrupted organization
- obviously is if that fucking retarded tranny is "guest speaker". he's absolutely deranged.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)18:11:51 No.84716090▶>>84716135
- >>84714792 (OP)
- Nothing new. They said a few years ago that they delete whatever they don't like, e.g. "far-right" things.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)18:12:50 No.84716108▶
- https://web.archive.org/[URL] has been giving me this:
- "503 Service Unavailable
- No server is available to handle this request."
- for a few times today. Maybe that helps explain why the search result did not show up for a while.
- >>84716028 (You)
- Correction:
- *https://archive.today/ / https://archive.is still censors somethings ... For example: ...
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)18:14:26 No.84716128▶>>84716206
- >>84715684 (You)
- I type in certain urls and get an error saying it was requested to be removed.
- No idea how
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)18:15:01 No.84716135▶
- >>84716090
- I read at the Archive Team website that the Internet Archive considers "right-wing" or "far-right" or "alt-right" stuff to be spam.
- Maybe I read it at https://archiveteam.hu/lecsu/ or somewhere in archiveteam.hu. Yes. From archiveteam.hu/lecsu/:
- "Videos propagating jihad, terrorism and conspiration theories. These are considered spam by the Internet Archive for some reason, and they don't like us uploading such content. However, if we still consider such a video worth archiving, then – at our own discretion – we may put it into a so-called private archive – that is, we save it but don't upload to the Internet Archive, but try to keep it on the long term, in order to be able to serve it on demand later."
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)18:19:16 No.84716206▶>>84717560
- >>84716128
- Did it actually say something like "it was requested to be removed" or did it say:
- "This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine"?
- Currently we know of 1676 websites which have been excluded from the Wayback Machine:
- >>84715684 (You)
- I think at Twitter and DuckDuckGo some search results show up after a while if user(s) recently searched that query. So it is a delayed result which did not show up when users initially searched for that. It makes me wonder if the result will go back to being "delayed".
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)18:31:22 No.84716396▶
- File: vlcsnap-2020-10-07-22h53m(...).png (660 KB, 853x480)
- 660 KB
- >>84716047
- >retarded tranny
- Someone posted the following, quote:
- 1 thought on “DWeb Meetup Nov 2021 — Centering Respect, Trust and Equity in the DWeb”
- ThirteenthLetter
- December 1, 2021 at 7:22 am
- Holy shit, guys. Ehmke is one of the premier tech censors who has been flitting from project to project for years getting people silenced and thrown out for insufficiently extreme politics, and you’re inviting her to give a talk??
- The calls really are coming from inside the house
- Quote from:
- Also Coraline Ada Ehmke probably named herself after a fictional character named Coraline from the movie "Coraline", pic related.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:26:15 No.84717211▶>>84717352
- esl schizo thread
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:35:35 No.84717352▶>>84717520 >>84717554 >>84717829
- >>84717211
- Yes, I was not entirely correct, the eggs are on my face. However, Internet Archive search engine censorship and fuckery is in fact happening at archive.org. All YouTube videos with "/details/youtube-" in the URL have been unindexed. https://archive.org/details/@altcensored has "543,143" uploads, but only 16 show up as not private / indexed. I hope that https://altCensored.com does not die.
- >esl
- What does "esl" mean?
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:43:15 No.84717462▶>>84717595
- >>84715209
- i rate these tags.... 2/10 where 3/10 is good and 2/10 is really bad but u tried
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:46:39 No.84717520▶
- >>84717352 (You)
- ignore the people calling you "schizo" if you care... i know youre trying to fuck me and people like me over (uwu) but its autists like you who could one day help prevent the absolute worst from happening
- its bad to censor things especially as an "archival" service as most websites should exist in history, 10, 20, 25 years from now and so on...
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:48:42 No.84717554▶>>84717611 >>84717829
- >>84717352 (You)
- English as a Second Language
- they're making fun of you because of grammar and such.
- This thread reminds me of all the shit that went down with wikileaks, allegedly wikileaks had hard incriminating evidence of prominent US politicians as their insurance files
- And they uploaded them to a blockchain of some sort
- Then there was a series of happenings, ddos attacks on the relevant blockchains, hardcore internet censorship campaign, scrub it clean, shut it down, etc.
- Then, Wikileaks hashes didn't match up after that.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:49:09 No.84717560▶
- >>84716206 (You)
- It actually said it has been requested that the content was removed.
- I forget the URL of the website now otherwise I'd post it
- Wasn't anything dodgy
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:51:10 No.84717595▶>>84717614
- >>84717462
- Anonymous-kun I have improved your tags:
- search engine fuckery -> search engine oddity
- censored -> delayed search result
- censorship -> lag
- fucked -> odd
- fucked with -> strange
- screwed with -> hash
- screwed -> hashes
- conspiracy -> search result
- SEO conspiracy -> fail
- search engine censorship -> delayed
- conspiracy theory -> latency
- SEO, search engine optimization, twitter.com
- archive.org, Internet Archive, search engine
- material evidence, evidence
- How do you rate it now? What is wrong with it?
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:52:41 No.84717611▶>>84717829
- >>84717554
- >One of the last posts Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamato wrote before he disappeared made a direct reference to the emerging story of WikiLeaks."The project needs to grow gradually so the software can be strengthened along the way. I make this appeal to WikiLeaks not to try to use Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a small beta community in its infancy. You would not stand to get more than pocket change, and the heat you would bring would likely destroy us at this stage." he wrote in 2010.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:52:49 No.84717614▶>>84717731
- >>84717595 (You)
- >whats wrong with it?
- the layout and structure is bad
- >whats not wrong with it?
- the words used now replaced with random synonyms which make it worse
- people would probably search for the first things you posted more, to find it
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:55:11 No.84717642▶>>84717731
- can someone archive this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NA8UtrDoi8 [Remove]
- listen to the first 5 minutes you'll understand, if you're woke
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)19:59:34 No.84717702▶
- >internets fucked!
- >theres some fuckery going on!
- a boomer posts, after vising the site tagged in your tags
- or shouts, which is alexa picks up to submit to alexa.com
- >someones fucked with the internet!
- and then they search it
- but you could improve upon it by reducing the overlapping tags like
- >sea eng opt + search engine
- >fucked + fucked with (what even is this)
- >same with screwed
- better overlapping tags are your synonyms
- >search engine optimization
- >"SEO" + fucked with conspiracy
- which lets you have longer tags, too
- >internet archive + archive.org and .com or whatever mirrors (dupe these "archive" tags it doesnt matter and will help with overall, making it "archive" + your other tags
- then dupe things like
- >SEO + fucked with
- >archive.org + internet archive, post (link) mirrors
- >internet archive fucked with to censor
- intext
- with links, using your images,
- um
- >twitter.com -> posting twitter statuses and duping your own content on a twitter page as part of social signals anyway
- > > on that platform duping the twitter tags etc for added effect
- separate "conspiracy" but still do it, dupe, whatever... to get that crowd too
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)20:00:11 No.84717710▶>>84717744 >>84717771
- is this the designated schizo thread
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)20:01:40 No.84717731▶>>84717802
- >>84717614
- >the layout and structure is bad
- I don't care so much about that, otherwise I don't really get the rest of your post.
- >>84717642
- You can request that it be archived at
- (You have to sign up / log in though.)
- Do you know how to use youtube-dl? You can download it and upload it to:
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)20:02:21 No.84717744▶>>84717829
- >>84717710
- go watch CNN so they can tell you what you want to hear instead of having to entertain the possibly for a second that there might be something going on
- even if you dont care, even if you dont think there is anything going on
- because it doesnt matter
- stop invalidating the opinion of others because youre a fucking niggerfaggot absolute NPC
- you are the enemy, BTW, you hate freedom
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)20:03:42 No.84717771▶
- >>84717710
- just because we have different opinions forming in our mind doesn't make us crazy
- go listen to the main stream media and get your daily dose of brain washing
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)20:05:42 No.84717802▶
- >>84717731 (You)
- its ok then if its just for you. just dont expect it to be good for SEO - i didnt think you understood that either. for the record, this isnt "SEO", what they are doing. you mislabel SEO so often anon
- the rest of my post is i cant be bothered to explain. it doesnt matter - just something for you to consider, if you want to try SEO for real
- ill leave now but still, good luck
- there are few people like you and so, few chances to make the right thing happen - so good luck again and goodbye
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)20:07:48 No.84717829▶>>84717985
- >>84717352 (You)
- See like i said schizo thread
- You even attracted another one
- >>84717554
- >>84717611
- Hey anon if you are going to post conspiracies about wikileaks could you post about things that actually happened and not your poor recollection of half remembered details.
- >>84717744
- More schizo posts.
- The problem is that you are babbling about nonsense not that the people calling you a schizo are brainwashed tv news drones.
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)20:11:23 No.84717890▶
- >>84714792 (OP)
- >schizo posters always come out of the woodworks to call you schizo when things like this are said
- makes u think no?
- >>
- Anonymous 12/11/21(Sat)20:16:22 No.84717985▶
- >>84717829
- >See like i said schizo thread
- I know this is 4chan but calling people you don't even really know schizos seems a bit insulting.
- >things that actually happened and not your poor recollection of half remembered details
- Here is what is supposed to be facts:
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