import { get } from "../../node_modules/svelte/store"; import { bestBuyDisplays, bestBuyQueues, settings } from "../shared/initializations"; import type { BestBuyClientQueueData, BestBuySKUQueuesData, ProductQueueData } from "../shared/types"; import type { BroadcastedRequest } from "../shared/types"; import { bestBuyDecodeQueue, extensionLog, minutesSeconds } from "../shared/utilities"; import { addSyncRequest, createTabReady, soundNotification } from "./module_main"; interface AddToCartBody { items: { skuId: string }[]; }; // Body sent with addToCart POST request const loggingSelf = "background_bestbuy"; const bestBuyCartURL = ""; const bestBuyTabURL = ""; // For auto-opening tabs // Setup add-to-cart request interception handlers thorugh webRequest API export function setupBestBuyRequestHandlers() { extensionLog(loggingSelf, "Setting-up webRequest interception for addToCart requests") // background-bestbuy: Register webRequest listeners for intercepting Best Buy add-to-cart requests const requestBodyCache: { [requestId: string]: AddToCartBody } = {}; chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(function(details) { // Ignore for GET requests which should never happen if(details.requestBody !== undefined) { // Complicated process to decode request body to string... const decodedBody = decodeURIComponent(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, // @ts-ignore new Uint8Array(details.requestBody.raw[0].bytes))); const parsedBody = JSON.parse(decodedBody) as AddToCartBody; requestBodyCache[details.requestId] = parsedBody; // Prepare list of SKU(s) for output from parsed body const skus = => item.skuId); const serializedSKUs = JSON.stringify(skus); extensionLog(loggingSelf, `[webRequest.onBeforeRequest] Finished caching POST body for request ${details.requestId} with SKU(s) ${serializedSKUs}`, "debug"); } }, { urls: ["*://*"]}, ["requestBody", "blocking"]); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener(function(details) { // Parse payload from cached request body const cachedBody = requestBodyCache[details.requestId]; // In case if somehow not cached if(cachedBody === undefined) { // Cached body doesn't exist, shouldn't happen extensionLog(loggingSelf, `[webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders] Couldn't find cached POST body for request ${details.requestId}`, "error"); return; } }, { urls: ["*://*"]}, ["requestHeaders", "blocking"]); chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(function(details) { // Track whether headers found before adding let a2cTransactionReferenceId = ""; let a2cTransactionCode = ""; for(const header of (details.responseHeaders || [])) { if( === "a2ctransactionreferenceid") { a2cTransactionReferenceId = header.value as string; } else if( === "a2ctransactioncode") { a2cTransactionCode = header.value as string; } } // If both headers exist and setting enabled, add queue using sku from cached body if((details.statusCode !== 200 || get(["bestbuy"]["requeueSuccess"] === true) && a2cTransactionReferenceId !== "" && a2cTransactionCode !== "") { // Retrieve SKU from cached request body, assume SKU is desired const cachedBody = requestBodyCache[details.requestId]; // In case if somehow not cached if(cachedBody === undefined) { // Cached body doesn't exist, shouldn't happen extensionLog(loggingSelf, `[webRequest.onHeadersReceived] Couldn't find cached POST body for request ${details.requestId}`, "error"); return; } const sku = cachedBody.items[0]?.skuId; // Assume always defined // Decode remaining queue time from a2ctransactioncode const startTime = new Date().getTime(); // In milliseconds from epoch const queueTime = bestBuyDecodeQueue(a2cTransactionCode); const [minutes, seconds] = minutesSeconds(queueTime); // Only for debugging purposes const queueData: ProductQueueData = { startTime, a2cTransactionReferenceId, a2cTransactionCode, queueTime }; extensionLog(loggingSelf, `[webRequest.onHeadersReceived] Queue response headers detected for request ${details.requestId} with time ${minutes}m ${seconds}s`); // Construct and broadcast queue data through Writable let message: string = ""; // To be filled within statements const productName = bestBuyDisplays[sku]; let existingQueues = get([sku] || {}; // Either append to existing or replace queue depending on setting if(get(["bestbuy"]["replaceQueue"] === true && Object.keys(existingQueues).length > 0) { // Perform replacement and check whether new queue improved // existingQueues updated within updateReplaceQueues when ran // Note that existingQueues has to be re-set because no pass by value between files let shorter: boolean; let diffMinutes: number; let diffSeconds: number; ([existingQueues, shorter, diffMinutes, diffSeconds] = updateReplaceQueues(existingQueues, queueData, startTime)); if(shorter === true) { // Current queue has improvement, show notification message = `[${productName}] Queue replacement enabled, replacing with ${diffMinutes}m ${diffSeconds}s improvement`; } else { // No improvement, clear stragglers and show notification message = `[${productName}] Queue replacement enabled, not replacing because ${diffMinutes}m ${diffSeconds}s worse`; } } else { message = `[${productName}] Intercepted new queue with timer ${minutes}m ${seconds}s`; // Otherwise, perform regular "appending" to queues existingQueues[a2cTransactionReferenceId] = queueData; } bestBuyQueues.set(sku, existingQueues); // Construct for sending notification with sound // Can't await soundNotification because async not allowed? const title = "Best Buy - Queue Intercepted"; soundNotification("queue", title, message, ["bestbuy", "notificationQueue"]); } // Delete cached body with request ID to prevent memory leaks delete requestBodyCache[details.requestId]; }, { urls: ["*://*"]}, ["responseHeaders", "blocking"]); } // Setup period interval for automatically adding and trimming queues export function setupBestBuyInterval() { const blacklisted: Set = new Set(); // Failed queues to ignore for automatic adding setInterval(async function() { // Iterate over SKU data and individual queues within checking for readiness const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); // In milliseconds from epoch for(const [sku, skuQueueData] of Object.entries(get( { for(const [a2cTransactionReferenceId, queueData] of Object.entries(skuQueueData)) { // Check whether queue popped, if so broadcast both add-to-cart and deletion const remainingTime = queueData.startTime + queueData.queueTime - currentTime; if(remainingTime <= 0) { // Only add and notify if not expired, otherwise silently delete if(remainingTime > -5 * 60 * 1000) { // Check whether setting to auto-add is enabled before proceeding if(get(["bestbuy"]["autoAddQueue"] === true && blacklisted.has(queueData.a2cTransactionReferenceId) === false) { extensionLog("background-bestbuy", `Queue popped for SKU ${sku}, broadcasting add-to-cart request`); // Add blacklist so queue isn't re-executed, other handler deals with retrying blacklisted.add(queueData.a2cTransactionReferenceId); // Process add-to-cart sequentially with other requests await processAddToCart(sku, queueData.a2cTransactionReferenceId, queueData.a2cTransactionCode); } else { extensionLog("background-bestbuy", `Queue popped for SKU ${sku}, waiting for manual because of setting`); } } else { extensionLog("background-bestbuy", `Queue popped but expired for ${sku}, silently deleting`); // Remove from set of blacklisted if found blacklisted.delete(queueData.a2cTransactionReferenceId); // Perform deletion using custom logic delete skuQueueData[a2cTransactionReferenceId]; bestBuyQueues.set(sku, skuQueueData); } } } } }, 100); } // Update and replace queues for given existing queues, keeping the shortest function updateReplaceQueues( existingQueues: BestBuySKUQueuesData, newQueueData: ProductQueueData, currentTime: number ): [BestBuySKUQueuesData, boolean, number, number] { // Deconstruct current queues into remaining time const existingQueuesMapped = Object.entries(existingQueues) .map(([queueKey, queueData]) => { const remainingTime = queueData.startTime + queueData.queueTime - currentTime; return [remainingTime, queueKey, queueData] as [number, string, ProductQueueData]; }); // [remaining, queueKey, queueData] // Sort before adding new queue, inefficient I know existingQueuesMapped.sort((queue1, queue2) => { return queue1[0] - queue2[0] }); const previousBestRemaining = existingQueuesMapped[0][0]; // Check whether previous queue time(s) are shorter const newQueueKey = newQueueData.a2cTransactionReferenceId; const newRemaining = newQueueData.startTime + newQueueData.queueTime - currentTime; existingQueuesMapped.push([newRemaining, newQueueKey, newQueueData]); // Sort and check whether ID of first index switches to new existingQueuesMapped.sort((queue1, queue2) => { return queue1[0] - queue2[0] }); const [diffMinutes, diffSeconds, diffNegative] = minutesSeconds(previousBestRemaining - newRemaining, true); const shorter = existingQueuesMapped[0][1] === newQueueData.a2cTransactionReferenceId; // Trim everything but the shortest queue existingQueues = {}; const shortestQueue = existingQueuesMapped[0]; existingQueues[shortestQueue[1]] = shortestQueue[2]; return [existingQueues, shorter, diffMinutes, diffSeconds]; } // Merge product queues retrieved from page with currently tracked queues // Either append or merge to keep shortest depending on setting export async function mergeProductQueues(mergeQueueData: BestBuyClientQueueData) { // Iterate over browser queue for each SKU, merging unseen with currently tracked const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); // In milliseconds from epoch for(const [sku, skuQueueData] of Object.entries(mergeQueueData)) { // Check whether queue with given ID is being tracked let existingQueues = get([sku] || {}; if(existingQueues[skuQueueData[1]] === undefined) { // Decode queue and remaining time from data const [startTime, a2cTransactionReferenceId, a2cTransactionCode] = skuQueueData; const queueTime = bestBuyDecodeQueue(skuQueueData[1]); const remainingTime = startTime + queueTime - currentTime; const [remainingMinutes, remainingSeconds, negative] = minutesSeconds(remainingTime); // Don't bother adding if queue already expired if(remainingTime > -5 * 60 * 1000) { // Construct and store queue data for given SKU, then append or replace existing // existingQueues updated within updateReplaceQueues when ran const queueData = { startTime, a2cTransactionReferenceId, a2cTransactionCode, queueTime }; // Check Best Buy setting to see whether replacement needed if(get(["bestbuy"]["replaceQueue"] === true && Object.keys(existingQueues).length > 0) { // Perform update and replacement with import queue let shorter: boolean; let diffMinutes: number; let diffSeconds: number; ([existingQueues, shorter, diffMinutes, diffSeconds] = updateReplaceQueues(existingQueues, queueData, startTime)); if(shorter === true) { // Imported queue improvement extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Importing queue for SKU ${sku} has ${diffMinutes}m ${diffSeconds}s improvement, replacing`); } else { // Worse imported queue, don't replace and ignore extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Importing queue for SKU ${sku} worse by ${diffMinutes}m ${diffSeconds}s improvement, not replacing`); } } else { // Perform regular appending to existing list if(negative === false) { // Queue hasn't popped yet extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Importing queue for SKU ${sku} with ${remainingMinutes}m ${remainingSeconds}s remaining`); } else { // Queue already popped but hasn't expired yet extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Importing queue for SKU ${sku} already popped for ${remainingMinutes}m ${remainingSeconds}s`); } } bestBuyQueues.set(sku, existingQueues); } } } } // Wrapper for processing add-to-cart by broadcasting to streamline handler // Depending on settings and result status, plays sound and shows notifications export async function processAddToCart( sku: string, a2cTransactionReferenceId?: string, a2cTransactionCode?: string ) { // Construct request for broadcasting to streamlined const syncRequest: BroadcastedRequest = { handler: "content-add_to_cart", args: [sku, a2cTransactionReferenceId, a2cTransactionCode], }; // Keep broadcasting request until response gotten let processAddStatus: number; do { extensionLog(loggingSelf, "Broadcasting soon-queued synchronous add-to-cart request"); let processAddResponse = await addSyncRequest(syncRequest, "bestbuy"); if(processAddResponse.result === "error") { // Error performing request to background, should never happen extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Error performing streamlined add-to-cart request: ${processAddResponse.payload}`); return; // Add other handler eventually } else if(processAddResponse.result === "not-found") { // Failed to communicate with background // Check relevant global setting for action if(get(["global"]["autoOpenTab"] === true) { extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Matching tab not found, creating new tab with url ${bestBuyTabURL}`); // Create matching tab and idle until ready await createTabReady(bestBuyTabURL); extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Tab creation finished, re-broadcasting initial request`); continue; } else { extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Matching tab not found, showing notification and exiting`); // Play sound notification with given information const notificationId = await soundNotification( "error", "Best Buy - Tab Not Found", "Matching tab not found or content script not responding. Open a matching tab or try reloading the page.", ["global", "notificationNotFound"], ); // Attach onclick handler to open matching tab when notification button clicked // Are there issues with memory leaks when listeners are added? browser.notifications.onButtonClicked.addListener(async function(clickedId, buttonIndex) { // 0 index means open cart page if(clickedId === notificationId && buttonIndex === 0) { // Create tab but don't waste waiting to load await createTabReady(bestBuyTabURL, false); } }); return; } } // Only remaining result possibility is ok processAddStatus = processAddResponse.payload.value; break; } while(true); // Keep looping, usually only requires single iteration // Show notification and play sound depending on status and settings // Initialize variables in advance to prevent hard-coding? // TODO streamline callbacks and sending under if/else statements const productName = bestBuyDisplays[sku]; // Handler ran okay, peform default actions if(processAddStatus === 200) { // Successfully carted (might not show in cart though) extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Successfully added ${productName} to cart`); // Play sound notification with given information const notificationId = await soundNotification( "success", "Best Buy - Successful Cart", productName, ["bestbuy", "notificationSuccess"], ["Go to Cart Page"] ) // Attach onclick handler to open cart tab when notification button clicked // Are there issues with memory leaks when listeners are added? browser.notifications.onButtonClicked.addListener(async function(clickedId, buttonIndex) { // 0 index means open cart page if(clickedId === notificationId && buttonIndex === 0) { // Create tab but don't waste waiting to load await createTabReady(bestBuyCartURL, false); } }); } else if(processAddStatus === 400) { // Failed to cart (either invalid queue or not avialable) extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Failed to cart ${productName}, either invaild queue or unavailable`); // Play sound notification with given information await soundNotification( "failure", "Best Buy - Failed to Cart", productName, ["bestbuy", "notificationFailure"] ); } else { // Server error (500 rate limit, 403 rate limit or uncartable) // Can't reload tab from notification button because tab ID not returned, TODO? extensionLog(loggingSelf, `Error carting ${productName} with status ${status}`); // Construct custom message for error let message: string; if(get(["bestbuy"]["autoReload"] === true) { message = `Error carting ${productName} - possible rate limiting, automatically reloading tab and retrying request`; } else { message = `Error carting ${productName} - possible rate limiting, not automatically reloading tab`; } // Play sound notification with given information await soundNotification( "error", `Best Buy - Error ${status}`, message, ["bestbuy", "notificationError"] ); } }