// ==UserScript== // @name BestBuy-RefreshNoBot // @include https://www.bestbuy.com/* // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkapuria3/BestBuy-GPU-Bot/main/best-buy-tm.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkapuria3/BestBuy-GPU-Bot/main/best-buy-tm.js // @version 3.7 // @description This aint bot, its RefreshNoBot // @author Karan Kapuria // @grant window.close // Version Changelog // 1.0 - Initial release // 2.0 - 'Please Wait...' items can now be CARTED and CHECKEDOUT // 2.5 - 'Fixed Memory Leak' no more refresh ! We will recycle tabs. // 3.0 - Added Support for 'Nerd Speak' Extension // - MAJOR CHANGE: BOT works for CHROME Now // - Bot will now extract queue time from NS extension // - QUEUE_TIME_CUTOFF will keep requesting better queue times until target value is reached // - NEW_QUEUE_TIME_DELAY is delay in seconds between requesting new queue times. // - Status Bar is now 75% of screen. Little taller so last line is visible when page is loading. // - Status Bar now shows ITEM_KEYWORD // - We will now play a music when item is carted. // - Since BB asks for verifying account sometimes. Alert will help so that you dont miss checkout. // - MAX_RETRIES will now control when your page gets reloaded when you are stuck on please wait screen. In this case it will perform normal reload. // 3.1 Best Buy disabled 5800-5600x tests // - Best Buy has disabled 'Please Wait' testing for 5600-5800x, they also updated their button classes for them. // - Added Extra layer of code which will handle for new button classes. // - Please Wait functionality should still work if layer we added is not activated. // 3.2 Extra Button Class Layers Added // - Button classes layered into 'if else' loops // - When 1st ATC is pressed. 'Adding..' takes about 4-6 seconds. We double check gray color for 'Please Wait'. // - If not Please Wait then 2nd ATC is triggered // 3.3 Button layers are reinforced // - Easy edit button classes and better console logs. // 3.4 GotoCart Button Class Layers and some bug fixes // - Added check for CVV element to avoid error when element is not present // 3.5 Handler for entering last 4 digits for SMS verification //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49509874/how-can-i-develop-my-userscript-in-my-favourite-ide-and-avoid-copy-pasting-it-to // 3.6 Added several Button Class Layers and updated to click new Verify Your Account button // - Updated NEW_QUEUE_TIME_DELAY flag to change how often new queue time is requested // 3.7 Removed Nerdspeak Integration // - Commented out Nerdspeak Integration due to possible account flagging by Best Buy causing queue looping // ==/UserScript== //rgb(197, 203, 213) pleasewait //rgb(255, 224, 0) add to cart //rgb(0, 70, 190) verify your account /* ( ) ) ( )\ ) * ) ( ( /( ( ( /( * ) ( )\ ( (()/(` ) /( ( )\ ( )\()) ( )\ )\())` ) /( )((_))\ /(_))( )(_)) )((_) )\ ((_)\ )((_|(_)\ ( )(_)) ((_)_((_)(_)) (_(_()) ((_)_ _ ((_)_ ((_) ((_)_ ((_)(_(_()) | _ ) __/ __||_ _| | _ ) | | \ \ / / | _ )/ _ \|_ _| | _ \ _|\__ \ | | | _ \ |_| |\ V / | _ \ (_) | | | |___/___|___/ |_| |___/\___/ |_| |___/\___/ |_| */ "use strict"; //________________________________________________________________________ // CONSTANTS // [ Do not add/remove quotation marks when updating] //________________________________________________________________________ //____ REQUIRED FLAGS ____________________________________________________ const ITEM_KEYWORD= "5700"; // NO SPACES IN KEYWORD - ONLY ONE WORD const CREDITCARD_CVV = "***"; // BOT will run without changing this value. const TESTMODE = "Yes"; // TESTMODE = "No" will buy the card const SMS_DIGITS = "****"; // Enter last 4 digits of phone # for SMS verification (optional) //____ PLEASE WAIT FLAGS : ADVANCED OPTIONS _____________________________ //const QUEUE_TIME_CUTOFF = 0 // (in Minutes) Keep retrying until queue time is below. //onst NEW_QUEUE_TIME_DELAY = 5 // (in Seconds) Ask new queue time set seconds const OOS_REFRESH = 10 // (in Seconds) Refresh rate on OOS item. //____ LAZY FLAGS : WILL NOT AFFECT BOT PERFORMACE _____________________ const MAX_RETRIES = "200" // Fossil of EARTH // //________________________________________________________________________ // Create Floating Status Bar //________________________________________________________________________ function createFloatingBadge(mode,status) { const iconUrl = "https://kkapuria3.github.io/images/KK.png"; const $container = document.createElement("div"); const $bg = document.createElement("div"); const $link = document.createElement("a"); const $img = document.createElement("img"); const $text = document.createElement("P"); const $mode = document.createElement("P"); const $status1 = document.createElement("P"); $link.setAttribute("href", "https://github.com/kkapuria3"); $link.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); $link.setAttribute("title", "RefreshNoBot"); $img.setAttribute("src", iconUrl); var MAIN_TITLE = ("Open Source BB-Bot V3.7 ◻️ TESTMODE: " +TESTMODE + " ◻️ ITEM KEYWORD: " + ITEM_KEYWORD); $text.innerText = MAIN_TITLE; $mode.innerText = mode; $status1.innerText = status; $container.style.cssText = "position:fixed;left:0;bottom:0;width:850px;height:75px;background: black;"; $bg.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:-100%;top:0;width:60px;height:55px;background:#1111;box-shadow: 0px 0 10px #060303; border: 1px solid #FFF;"; $link.style.cssText = "position:absolute;display:block;top:11px;left: 0px; z-index:10;width: 50px;height:50px;border-radius: 1px;overflow:hidden;"; $img.style.cssText = "display:block;width:100%"; $text.style.cssText = "position:absolute;display:block;top:3px;left: 50px;background: transperant; color: white;"; $mode.style.cssText = "position:absolute;display:block;top:22px;left: 50px;background: transperant; color: white;"; $status1.style.cssText = "position:absolute;display:block;top:43px;left: 50px;background: transperant; color: white;"; // // $link.appendChild($img); $container.appendChild($bg); $container.appendChild($link); $container.appendChild($text); $container.appendChild($mode); $container.appendChild($status1) return $container; } //________________________________________________________________________ // FUNCTIONS | Writing seperate EventHandlers so we can prevent memory leak for long running bots //________________________________________________________________________ // Ideas developed based on : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13677589/addeventlistener-memory-leak-due-to-frames/13702786#13702786 //________________________________________________________________________ // CART PAGE EventHandler //________________________________________________________________________ function cartpageoperationsEvenHandler (evt) { setTimeout(function() { if (location.href.includes("www.bestbuy.com/cart")) { //Create Custom Badge // const $badge = createFloatingBadge("Cart Page","Verfying 1st item in cart has KEYWORD"); document.body.appendChild($badge); $badge.style.transform = "translate(0, 0)" //Wait 3 Seconds on Cart Page // setTimeout(function() { //We will verify the first time in the cart. If the item name has the Keyword, that means the item was sucessfully added to cart. //In that case the checkout button is clicked. // var CartItemCheck = document.getElementsByClassName("cart-item__title focus-item-0"); //console.log(CartItemCheck[0]) // // if (CartItemCheck[0] != null) { if (CartItemCheck[0].innerHTML.includes(ITEM_KEYWORD)){ // console.log('Item Has been Confirmed !') console.log('Click Checkout') var CheckoutButton = document.getElementsByClassName("btn btn-lg btn-block btn-primary"); CheckoutButton[0].click() CheckoutButton = null ; } } }, 3000 )//Three seconds will elapse and Code will execute. } }, 5000) } //________________________________________________________________________ // VERIFICATION PAGE EventHandler //________________________________________________________________________ function verificationpageEventHandler (evt) { console.log('Verification Step Reached') setTimeout(function() { if (location.href.indexOf("identity/signin/recoveryOptions") > -1) { //Create Custom Badge // const $badge = createFloatingBadge("Verification Page","Entering SMS Digits"); document.body.appendChild($badge); $badge.style.transform = "translate(0, 0)" setTimeout(function() { var ContinueButton; const ContinueButton_L1 = "btn btn-secondary btn-lg btn-block c-button-icon c-button-icon-leading cia-form__controls__submit " const ContinueButton_L2 = "c-button c-button-secondary c-button-lg c-button-block c-button-icon c-button-icon-leading cia-form__controls__submit " if (document.getElementsByClassName(ContinueButton_L1).length == 1) { ContinueButton = document.getElementsByClassName(ContinueButton_L1); console.log('ContinueButton Class ID 1 : ' + ContinueButton_L1) } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(ContinueButton_L2).length == 1) { ContinueButton = document.getElementsByClassName(ContinueButton_L2); console.log('ContinueButton Class ID 2 :' + ContinueButton_L2) } document.getElementById("smsDigits").focus(); document.getElementById("smsDigits").select(); if (!document.execCommand('insertText',false, SMS_DIGITS)) { document.getElementById("smsDigits").value = SMS_DIGITS; } if (ContinueButton.length == 1) { ContinueButton[0].click() ContinueButton = null; } }, 1500) } }, 2500) } //________________________________________________________________________ // SECOND ADD TO CART EventHandler //________________________________________________________________________ function pleasewaitcompletedEventHandler (evt) { // We will come here when please wait turns yellow again and its pressed by the code var soundData = new Audio("https://github.com/kkapuria3/BestBuy-GPU-Bot/blob/dev-v2.5-mem_leak_fix/resources/alert.mp3?raw=true"); soundData.play() // Wait for 10 seconds and press go Go to cart button setTimeout(function(){ // Press secondary button var GotoCartButton; const GotoCartButton_L1 = "c-button c-button-secondary btn btn-secondary btn-sm c-button-sm btn-block c-button-block" const GotoCartButton_L2 = "c-button c-button-secondary c-button-sm c-button-block " if (document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L1).length > 0) { GotoCartButton = document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L1); console.log('GotoCartButton Class ID 1 : ' + GotoCartButton_L1) } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L2).length > 0) { GotoCartButton = document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L2); console.log('GotoCartButton Class ID 2 :' + GotoCartButton_L2) } // Press go to cart if (GotoCartButton != null) { for (var i=0;i 0) { InStockButton = document.getElementsByClassName(InStockButton_L1); console.log('instockEventHandler Button Class 1 : ' + InStockButton_L1) } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(InStockButton_L2).length > 0) { InStockButton = document.getElementsByClassName(InStockButton_L2); console.log('instockEventHandler Button Class 2 :' + InStockButton_L2) } setTimeout(function() { let MainButtonColor = window.getComputedStyle(InStockButton[0]).backgroundColor; //Code to run After timeout elapses console.log('Confirming Button Color : ' + MainButtonColor) if (MainButtonColor === 'rgb(197, 203, 213)') { console.log('Button Color Gray. Is it still Adding ?') setTimeout(function() { var REALLY_PLEASE_WAIT = window.getComputedStyle(InStockButton[0]).backgroundColor; if (REALLY_PLEASE_WAIT === 'rgb(197, 203, 213)') { console.log('Its really Please Wait.') var MODE = "Trying to Cart 🛑 BOT WILL AUTOMATICALLY REFRESH !! " // var RETRY_COUNT = "1" let RETRY_QUEUE_COUNT = 0 let QUEUE_TRY_COUNT = 0 // Run this every 5 seconds setInterval(function() { //Parsing New Time Button /*var xpathBetterTime = "//button[text()='Get New Queue Time']"; var BetterTime = document.evaluate(xpathBetterTime, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; //Parsing Time Remaining on Queue var xpathtime = "//p[text()='Time Remaining:']"; var time = document.evaluate(xpathtime, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue.innerText; var TRIES = ("Request New Queue Time : " + NEW_QUEUE_TIME_DELAY + " Seconds ◻️ Minimum Queue Time Cut-off: " + QUEUE_TIME_CUTOFF + " Mins ◻️ " + time + " ◻️ Retry Count: " + RETRY_COUNT + " ◻️ Queue Try Count: " + QUEUE_TRY_COUNT); const $badge = createFloatingBadge(MODE, TRIES); document.body.appendChild($badge); $badge.style.transform = "translate(0, 0)"*/ // Run this every 20 seconds setTimeout(function() { //Find the Color of Main Button in Firefox var PleaseWait; const PleaseWait_L1 = "btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block btn-leading-ficon add-to-cart-button" const PleaseWait_L2 = "c-button c-button-primary c-button-lg c-button-block c-button-icon c-button-icon-leading add-to-cart-button" if (document.getElementsByClassName(PleaseWait_L1).length == 1) { PleaseWait = document.getElementsByClassName(PleaseWait_L1); console.log('PleaseWait Button Class 1 : ' + PleaseWait_L1) } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(PleaseWait_L2).length == 1) { PleaseWait = document.getElementsByClassName(PleaseWait_L2); console.log('PleaseWait Button Class 2 :' + PleaseWait_L2) } let MainButtonColor = window.getComputedStyle(PleaseWait[0]).backgroundColor; //console.log(MainButtonColor); console.log("Please Wait Button Detected :" + MainButtonColor + " | Lets keep trying .."); if (MainButtonColor === 'rgb(255, 224, 0)' || MainButtonColor === 'rgb(0, 70, 190)') { // Color of Button Changes to yellow then click again let ATC_Color = window.getComputedStyle(InStockButton[0]).backgroundColor; // When button turns yellow, we scream bagged ! console.log("Add to Cart is available:" + ATC_Color + " | Lets Bag This ! "); var ATCYellowButton; const ATCYellowButton_L1 = "btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block btn-leading-ficon add-to-cart-button" const ATCYellowButton_L2 = "c-button c-button-primary c-button-lg c-button-block c-button-icon c-button-icon-leading add-to-cart-button" if (document.getElementsByClassName(ATCYellowButton_L1).length == 1) { ATCYellowButton = document.getElementsByClassName(ATCYellowButton_L1); console.log('PleaseWait Button Class 1 : ' + ATCYellowButton_L1) } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(ATCYellowButton_L2).length == 1) { ATCYellowButton = document.getElementsByClassName(ATCYellowButton_L2); console.log('PleaseWait Button Class 2 :' + ATCYellowButton_L2) } // Now we will use event handlers to check for clicks. We have create a function on top defining instockEventhandler. // It is said this this method reduces memory leaks ATCYellowButton[0].onclick = pleasewaitcompletedEventHandler; ATCYellowButton[0].addEventListener("click", pleasewaitcompletedEventHandler, false); // When a click event is detected for parsed element, please execute the function from uptop ATCYellowButton[0].click(pleasewaitcompletedEventHandler); var soundData = new Audio("https://github.com/kkapuria3/BestBuy-GPU-Bot/blob/dev-v2.5-mem_leak_fix/resources/alert.mp3?raw=true"); soundData.play() } else { // Is queue bypass available ? // If available lets check add to cart button instanly // Press secondary button console.log("Checking bypass") var GotoCartButton; const GotoCartButton_L1 = "c-button c-button-secondary btn btn-secondary btn-sm c-button-sm btn-block c-button-block" const GotoCartButton_L2 = "c-button c-button-secondary c-button-sm c-button-block " if (document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L1).length > 0) { GotoCartButton = document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L1); console.log('GotoCartButton Class ID 1 : ' + GotoCartButton_L1) } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L2).length > 0) { GotoCartButton = document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L2); console.log('GotoCartButton Class ID 2 :' + GotoCartButton_L2) } if (GotoCartButton != null) { for (var i=0;i QUEUE_TIME_CUTOFF) && (RETRY_QUEUE_COUNT < RETRY_COUNT)) { RETRY_QUEUE_COUNT += NEW_QUEUE_TIME_DELAY; let BetterTimeColor = window.getComputedStyle(BetterTime).backgroundColor BetterTime.click() QUEUE_TRY_COUNT++; console.log(BetterTimeColor) if (BetterTimeColor === 'rgb(197, 203, 213)') { //console.log('refresh') //window.open(window.location.href, '_blank'); //window.close(); location.reload(); } }*/ } // }, 5 * 1000); RETRY_COUNT++; if (RETRY_COUNT > MAX_RETRIES) { location.reload(); } }, 1000) } else { var soundData = new Audio("https://github.com/kkapuria3/BestBuy-GPU-Bot/blob/dev-v2.5-mem_leak_fix/resources/alert.mp3?raw=true"); soundData.play() setTimeout(function() { // Press secondary button console.log('Level 2 | Blue Cart Button Appears') var GotoCartButton; const GotoCartButton_L1 = "c-button c-button-secondary btn btn-secondary btn-sm c-button-sm btn-block c-button-block" const GotoCartButton_L2 = "c-button c-button-secondary c-button-sm c-button-block " if (document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L1).length > 0) { GotoCartButton = document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L1); console.log('GotoCartButton Class ID 1 : ' + GotoCartButton_L1) } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L2).length > 0) { GotoCartButton = document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L2); console.log('GotoCartButton Class ID 2 :' + GotoCartButton_L2) } if (GotoCartButton != null) { for (var i=0;i 0) { GotoCartButton = document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L1); console.log('GotoCartButton Class ID 1 : ' + GotoCartButton_L1) } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L2).length > 0) { GotoCartButton = document.getElementsByClassName(GotoCartButton_L2); console.log('GotoCartButton Class ID 2 :' + GotoCartButton_L2) } if (GotoCartButton != null) { for (var i=0;i 0 ) { // // console.log('Out of Stock Button is Found: Just Refreshing !') // Lets just reload when its OOSing setTimeout(function(){ const $badge = createFloatingBadge("No Stock Found", "Lets Refresh !"); document.body.appendChild($badge); setTimeout(() => {$badge.style.transform = "translate(0, 0)";}, 0); window.open(window.location.href, '_blank'); window.close(); //location.reload(); // This command here blows up your memory // // }, OOS_REFRESH*1000); } // If Out of Stock Button is Not Found. // We will begin working of our bot // else { console.log('Out of Stock Button Not Found: Lets Check for ATC Button') // Add to Cart Button Classes Layers var InStockButton; const InStockButton_L1 = "btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block btn-leading-ficon add-to-cart-button" const InStockButton_L2 = "c-button c-button-primary c-button-lg c-button-block c-button-icon c-button-icon-leading add-to-cart-button" if (document.getElementsByClassName(InStockButton_L1).length == 1) { InStockButton = document.getElementsByClassName(InStockButton_L1); console.log('InStockButton Class ID 1 : ' + InStockButton_L1) } else if (document.getElementsByClassName(InStockButton_L2).length == 1) { InStockButton = document.getElementsByClassName(InStockButton_L2); console.log('InStockButton Class ID 2 :' + InStockButton_L2) } // // Checking if ATC button is found if (InStockButton.length > 0) { console.log('Add to Cart Found') // Lets Save the Color for ATC Button for dealing with Please Wait Bullshit let ATC_Color = window.getComputedStyle(InStockButton[0]).backgroundColor; // Pring RBG for ATC //console.log(ATC_Color) // When pages loads first time. It will check the color of button. If button is already in please wait, we wont click ATC again. Becuase it opens a warning on page. if (ATC_Color === 'rgb(197, 203, 213)') { // console.log('ATC is grey ! You have already pressed please wait for this item. Lets wait until we can bag this.') instockEventHandler() ; } else { // Adding timeout to prevent stalling when In Stock item is first loaded setTimeout(function() { // Now we will use event handlers to check for clicks. We have create a function on top defining instockEventhandler. // It is said this this method reduces memory leaks console.log('ATC button is yellow ! Pressing it ! ') InStockButton[0].onclick = instockEventHandler; InStockButton[0].addEventListener ("click", instockEventHandler, false); // When a click event is detected for parsed element, please execute the function from uptop InStockButton[0].click (instockEventHandler); }, 2000) } } } } // CART PAGE OPERATIONS else if (location.href.includes("www.bestbuy.com/checkout/r/fast-track")) { //Create Custom Badge // const $badge = createFloatingBadge("Final CheckPoint","Verifying and Submitting"); document.body.appendChild($badge); $badge.style.transform = "translate(0, 0)" // // setTimeout(function() { //We will verify that the item in final checkout screen matches the Keyword so we don't have any issues when running multiple scripts for multiple keyword. //In that case the Place Order button is clicked. // var CartItemCheck = document.getElementsByClassName("item-list__spacer text-left item-list__title"); //console.log(CartItemCheck[0]) // // if (CartItemCheck[0].innerHTML.includes(ITEM_KEYWORD)){ // console.log('Item Has been Confirmed !') console.log('Click Place Order') // //document.getElementById("blah").src = "http://......" // CVV Number of Saved Card // Bug fix: by craz3drunner (discord member) // CVV Field ID Layers var CVV_ID; const CVV_ID_L1 = "cvv" const CVV_ID_L2 = "credit-card-cvv" if (document.getElementById(CVV_ID_L1) != null) { CVV_ID = CVV_ID_L1; console.log('CVV ID 1 : ' + CVV_ID_L1) } else if (document.getElementById(CVV_ID_L2) != null) { CVV_ID = CVV_ID_L2; console.log('CVV ID 2 :' + CVV_ID_L2) } if(document.getElementById(CVV_ID) != null) { document.getElementById(CVV_ID).focus(); document.getElementById(CVV_ID).select(); if (!document.execCommand('insertText',false, CREDITCARD_CVV)) { document.getElementById(CVV_ID).value = CREDITCARD_CVV; } } if(document.getElementById("text-updates") != null) { // var TextUpdates = document.getElementById("text-updates").click() //console.log(TextUpdates[0].checked) } if (TESTMODE === "No"){ //Is test mode is OFF go press place order button // console.log("we are here") var PLACE_ORDER = document.getElementsByClassName("btn btn-lg btn-block btn-primary button__fast-track")[0].click() // } // // } }, 3000); //Three seconds will elapse and Code will execute. }