Life is a Dream - available on demand from 7pm tonight!
If you missed Life is a Dream in the theatre (or just keen for a cheeky re-watch) tickets are now available for our digital stream - running from 7pm tonight until 7pm Saturday 4 December.
エディンバラのRoyal Lyceum Theatreで上演されて非常に高い評価を得た、17世紀スペインの劇作家ペドロ・カルデロン・デ・ラ・バルカの 「Life is a Dream」が英国時間の12月2日午後7時~同4日午後7時にオンデマンド配信。
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The Lyceum
Life is a Dream - available on demand from 7pm tonight!
If you missed Life is a Dream in the theatre (or just keen for a cheeky re-watch) tickets are now available for our digital stream - running from 7pm tonight until 7pm Saturday 4 December.