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[63] Re: Anki同?太厲害了

投稿者: 管理人 投稿日:2021年11月 1日(月)11時50分17秒 113-60-115-151.instances.scw.cloud  通報   返信・引用 > No.62[元記事へ]

> Anki connect的功能太好用了...
> 用過之後有兩個問題想請教站長...
> 1. NHK的重音字典的音?有辦法用Anki connect同?到Anki嗎?
> 2. 有辦法改note type嗎? 現在是Soradict_1.0這個note type. 但我有自己用很久的note type了...
> 如果在browser改Soradict_1.0成我自己的note type, 照目前anki的設計是整個database都要sync一次...會花很多時間.
> どの言語で返事しても構いません。
> 宜しくお願いします。
> 謝謝


1. While it's possible to automatically attach the word pronunciation from NHK audio dictionary when adding note to Anki, it's a very expensive action as AnkiConnect will try to download the audio file immediately in a sync manner. Also, there are no robust ways to detect whether a anki note already includes audio in the current AnkiConnect API. I am stilling exploring other options to add the audio feature to anki sync.

2. It's impossible at this time.  While technological possible, it needs a lot of extra program logic / UI codes and will only provides little benefits to users.

[62] Anki同?太厲害了

投稿者: Aka 投稿日:2021年10月30日(土)17時12分30秒 ai126160049171.39.access-internet.ne.jp  通報   返信・引用

Anki connect的功能太好用了...
1. NHK的重音字典的音?有辦法用Anki connect同?到Anki嗎?
2. 有辦法改note type嗎? 現在是Soradict_1.0這個note type. 但我有自己用很久的note type了...
如果在browser改Soradict_1.0成我自己的note type, 照目前anki的設計是整個database都要sync一次...會花很多時間.


[61] ありがとうございます

投稿者: たま 投稿日:2021年10月19日(火)03時26分36秒 softbank060148201247.bbtec.net  通報   返信・引用


[60] Re: X

投稿者: Ptitan 投稿日:2021年 8月24日(火)02時45分38秒 91-163-142-138.subs.proxad.net  通報   返信・引用 > No.59[元記事へ]

Dear Author,

Thanks a lot, I didn't know this website that seems very usefull !
I also found some stuff by my own : here we can download a lot of EPWING format dictionaries, that we can easily convert to sql database : https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/blog/yomichan-and-epwing-dictionaries.html

Thanks again for your work !


> > Dear Author,
> >
> > First of all, thank you for all of your work. Your website is a pearl !
> > However, I wanted to download the EPWING format dictionaries data file, but when I follow the link you attached (https://vczh-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/npkcvbbhrzmky_a1_free365_org/EsbxFaIEjQtMurojB-ZIjO0B0FVIB0HBlTaYShR9Jvn1BA?e=QGgB7v), I have a error like "Something's not right". Is it possible ask you to put the link again, where I could download the files ?
> >
> > Thank you so much again for your work !
> Hi. It seems the file that I uploaded to OneDrive has been removed by Microsoft. However, I have found that some kindly guy in the Internet has already shared the similar "epwing dictionaries archive file" and is still available right now. Just grab the file from there website:
> https://learnjapanese.moe/resources/#epwing
> Just download the "shoui EPWINGs Pack (Full Edition) - for those that want it all - 9GB" file in above webpage. The file is hosted in Google Drive and includes ALL dictionaries that sakura-paris.org/dict/ is using, plus a lot of others.

[59] Re: X

投稿者: 管理人 投稿日:2021年 8月19日(木)18時30分6秒  通報   返信・引用 > No.58[元記事へ]

> Dear Author,
> First of all, thank you for all of your work. Your website is a pearl !
> However, I wanted to download the EPWING format dictionaries data file, but when I follow the link you attached (https://vczh-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/npkcvbbhrzmky_a1_free365_org/EsbxFaIEjQtMurojB-ZIjO0B0FVIB0HBlTaYShR9Jvn1BA?e=QGgB7v), I have a error like "Something's not right". Is it possible ask you to put the link again, where I could download the files ?
> Thank you so much again for your work !

Hi. It seems the file that I uploaded to OneDrive has been removed by Microsoft. However, I have found that some kindly guy in the Internet has already shared the similar "epwing dictionaries archive file" and is still available right now. Just grab the file from there website:


Just download the "shoui EPWINGs Pack (Full Edition) - for those that want it all - 9GB" file in above webpage. The file is hosted in Google Drive and includes ALL dictionaries that sakura-paris.org/dict/ is using, plus a lot of others.

[58] X

投稿者: Ptitan 投稿日:2021年 8月17日(火)21時39分24秒 91-163-142-138.subs.proxad.net  通報   返信・引用

Dear Author,

First of all, thank you for all of your work. Your website is a pearl !
However, I wanted to download the EPWING format dictionaries data file, but when I follow the link you attached (https://vczh-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/npkcvbbhrzmky_a1_free365_org/EsbxFaIEjQtMurojB-ZIjO0B0FVIB0HBlTaYShR9Jvn1BA?e=QGgB7v), I have a error like "Something's not right". Is it possible ask you to put the link again, where I could download the files ?

Thank you so much again for your work !

[57] 真的??子

投稿者: Zack 投稿日:2021年 7月22日(木)13時31分33秒 error.arpa  通報   返信・引用


[56] 辞書データについて

投稿者: うどん 投稿日:2021年 7月 5日(月)17時33分36秒 M014012069225.v4.enabler.ne.jp  通報   返信・引用


[55] (無題)

投稿者: User 投稿日:2021年 5月21日(金)21時12分9秒  通報   返信・引用

"日本語大シソーラス" is useless without full-text search.

[54] (無題)

投稿者: User 投稿日:2021年 5月21日(金)14時45分12秒  通報   返信・引用

I want to search all dictionaries at once, and I want that to be the default setting.


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