②いまのところルッキズム関連で日本語で読める主要参考文献は『美の陰謀』(ナオミ・ウォルフ)、『美貌格差』(ハマーメシュ)、『エロティック・キャピタル』(キャサリン・ハキム)あたり。ルッキズムの定義はAyto, John, 1999, Twentieth Century Words, Oxford University Press. が定石っぽい。
I'm not sure but has the role of the Emcee been played by 'L' (Lesbian) actors...? If so, I would like to know which production.
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The Sunday Times
The script of Cabaret doesn’t put a label on the Emcee, but the character is often played by LGBT actors, so Redmayne’s casting has come in for criticism.