And we're excited about the opportunity to grow our business with the unique and diverse employees and global leaders of Twitter Japan. Stay tuned for what we're up to!
I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed as the new MD of Twitter Japan. I will strive to grow Twitter’s business in Japan, the world's second-largest market. I am also committed to making Twitter a great platform for all by ensuring that it is safe to use.
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Sarah Personette
I am excited to welcome @reikona as our new MD in Japan, one of our most important and thriving markets. Reiko's impressive experience & knowledge will be a great inspiration for our team & customers. Welcome Reiko & thank you @yusasamoto for your JAPAC leadership!
ようやくNo Time To Die 鑑賞。Bondの人間味が随所に見られた。Daniel Craig版最終作なんて、残念。
Finally I got time to watch “No Time to Die”, Daniel Craig’s last James Bond. I felt Bond is very human on this film.
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James Bond
“When her secret finds its way out it’ll be the death of you.” #NoTimeToDie