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@vinta @m-seldin @hesstobi @cwhits
129 lines (106 sloc) 3.99 KB
# Description:
# Allows Hubot to (re)load scripts without restart
# Commands:
# hubot reload - Reloads scripts without restart. Loads new scripts too. (a fork version that works perfectly)
# Author:
# spajus
# vinta
# m-seldin
Fs = require 'fs'
Path = require 'path'
oldCommands = null
oldListeners = null
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /reload/i, id:'reload-scripts.reload', (msg) ->
oldCommands = robot.commands
oldListeners = robot.listeners
robot.commands = []
robot.listeners = []
reloadAllScripts msg, success, (err) ->
msg.send err
catch error
console.log "Hubot reloader:", error
msg.send "Could not reload all scripts: #{error}"
success = (msg) ->
# Cleanup old listeners and help
for listener in oldListeners
listener = {}
oldListeners = null
oldCommands = null
msg.send "Reloaded all scripts"
walkSync = (dir, filelist) ->
#walk through given directory and collect files
files = Fs.readdirSync(dir)
filelist = filelist || []
for file in files
fullPath = Path.join(dir,file)
robot.logger.debug "Scanning file : #{fullPath}"
if (Fs.statSync(fullPath).isDirectory())
filelist = walkSync(fullPath, filelist)
#add full path file to returning collection
return filelist
# ref:
deleteScriptCache = (scriptsBaseDir) ->
if Fs.existsSync(scriptsBaseDir)
fileList = walkSync scriptsBaseDir
for file in fileList.sort()
robot.logger.debug "file: #{file}"
if require.cache[require.resolve(file)]
cacheobj = require.resolve(file)
console.log "Invalidate require cache for #{cacheobj}"
delete require.cache[cacheobj]
catch error
console.log "Unable to invalidate #{cacheobj}: #{error.stack}"
robot.logger.debug "Finished deleting script cache!"
reloadAllScripts = (msg, success, error) ->
robot = msg.robot
robot.logger.debug "Deleting script cache..."
scriptsPath = Path.resolve ".", "scripts"
deleteScriptCache scriptsPath
robot.load scriptsPath
scriptsPath = Path.resolve ".", "src", "scripts"
deleteScriptCache scriptsPath
robot.load scriptsPath
robot.logger.debug "Loading hubot scripts..."
hubotScripts = Path.resolve ".", "hubot-scripts.json"
Fs.exists hubotScripts, (exists) ->
if exists
Fs.readFile hubotScripts, (err, data) ->
if data.length > 0
scripts = JSON.parse data
scriptsPath = Path.resolve "node_modules", "hubot-scripts", "src", "scripts"
robot.loadHubotScripts scriptsPath, scripts
catch err
error "Error parsing JSON data from hubot-scripts.json: #{err}"
robot.logger.debug "Loading hubot external scripts..."
robot.logger.debug "Deleting cache for apppulsemobile"
deleteScriptCache Path.resolve ".","node_modules","hubot-apppulsemobile","src"
externalScripts = Path.resolve ".", "external-scripts.json"
Fs.exists externalScripts, (exists) ->
if exists
Fs.readFile externalScripts, (err, data) ->
if data.length > 0
robot.logger.debug "DATA : #{data}"
scripts = JSON.parse data
if scripts instanceof Array
for pkg in scripts
scriptPath = Path.resolve ".","node_modules",pkg,"src"
robot.logger.debug "Deleting cache for #{pkg}"
robot.logger.debug "Path : #{scripts}"
deleteScriptCache scriptPath
catch err
error "Error parsing JSON data from external-scripts.json: #{err}"
robot.loadExternalScripts scripts
robot.logger.debug "step 5"