Zerg Rush

Google Easter Egg


Zerg Rush will attack and destroy your Google search results. Try hard to fight!
About 110 results (0.32 seconds)
Are you one of the many Google fans? Meet a real Google FAN here, who might even be a little crazy when you click the "I'm Feeling Crazy" button.
Zerg Rush - A playable game originally created by Google with small 'o' characters that destroy search results if they are not clicked with the mouse pointer.
Bing™ Wallpaper Gallery - Provides Bing daily wallpaper images gallery for several countries.
Have you ever imagined Google becomes a spring? Meet the elastic Google with more 'O's - Goooooooooooooooooogle!
A rotated version of Bing Search Engine. Bing Backwards, Bing Reverse.
Based on the classic 1980s arcade game, Google Pac-Man is one of the best Google Doodle games. While playing this game, you must control the Pac-Man ...
Check your IP address and your current position on map, because I know that:)
əๅɓoo⅁ - Google turns upside down with all its texts and images.
Atari Breakout is a hidden Google game which turns Google Images into a playable classic arcade video game with a Google twist. Start destroying rows of ...