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Awakening Kundalini Binaural Beats by Kelly Howell.

Brain Sync

Awakening Kundalini


  • Increase health and vitality
  • Recharge and refresh your brain
  • Obtain greater clarity and insight
  • Expand creativity and intuition

For centuries secret techniques for awakening Kundalini have been taught in ashrams and Tantric mystery schools. Now you can practice these powerful meditation techniques in the privacy and comfort of your own home. You simply lie back, relax and follow the guidance. With only 30 minutes a day of practice, you'll feel the creative life force energy that is called Kundalini begin to flow and regenerate the very core of your self.

In Eastern traditions, Kundalini is the name for the extraordinary powerhouse of cosmic energy that resides within you. According to many respected researchers, it is the source from which all creativity, genius, and psychic gifts spring. Other known benefits of Kundalini meditation are increased sexual energy, heightened creativity and greater vitality. When Kundalini awakens, your entire life will awaken with insights, energy and creativity. As Kundalini travels upward through the chakra system it removes inner and outer obstacles to living your highest potential.

Customer Reviews

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Another amazing meditation

This is my personal favorite meditation and is essential for anyone looking to accelerate their meditation and spiritual practice. The breath of fire was difficult at the start but as I continued to do it, it became much easier and can now do it easily for the whole duration. A most wonderful meditation, thanks again Kelly!!!!!


I did this one this morning. It felt as if I fell asleep then next thing I know I felt like something shifted me to the right and thrown into the air. I was going to open my eyes but remember Kelly saying something about weird experiences, so I went with it. It lasted for 30 seconds and then this calmness came over, then I started to focus on the spot between my eyes and felt this energy going through. It seems like it's the 3rd eye. But I don't know much about this stuff. Can't wait to do it again...


This meditation program is truly amazing! I have tried so many others, only to be bored or somewhat indifferent, but this one is fabulous! I have reached levels during these meditations that I have only read about before. After doing this meditation I am both energized and relaxed, as opposed to the lethargy I experience with other programs. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend this ~ღஜღ~

Simply Fantastic!

I've been practising this meditation for a month now and I feel a lot more aligned with myself. I'm more focused and definitely happier. I guess that this is just the beginning, but it's already helping me in all areas of my life. I recommend it. Thank you.

This is the perfect way to start the day

I have been using the kundalini tape now for about a month and a half. I feel so much more love towards those around me and am expressing my gratitude for things much more. My kids say that I have become happier and nicer. I feel good about myself inside and out and feel closer and more connected to everything around me. I have more energy and I really don't want the tape to stop when it's over! This is the perfect way to start the day and I will continue forever. I am very grateful for the changes in my life that have come from this tape and also healing meditation. Thank you Kelly from the bottom of my heart!

Going deeper into a trance-like state of meditation, you enter the mysterious Theta state where brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. Theta is one of the more elusive and extraordinary realms you can explore. It is also known as the twilight state which you normally only experience fleetingly upon waking, or drifting off to sleep.
Dreamlike Imagery, Inspiration & Insight

In Theta, you are in a waking dream, receptivity is heightened and you are able to access knowledge and information that normally lies beyond your conscious awareness. As flashes of vivid imagery dance before your mind's eye, you may feel a "floating" sensation as your mind expands beyond the boundaries of your body. In this deeply relaxed state don't be surprised to receive sudden insights, inspiration or a sense of knowing.

Theta rests directly on the threshold of your subconscious. Advanced meditators are able to enter the Theta state and maintain it without falling to sleep. Theta meditation lowers blood pressure, releases endorphins, increases creativity and awakens extrasensory perception. Theta also plays an important part in behavior modification programs and has been used in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. Because theta brainwave activity induces an "endorphin high" it can reduce the desire for mind altering substances. Also, because theta is associated with heightened receptivity, it is the ideal state to reprogram your mind with positive thoughts that assist in changing habits and behaviors.
Super Learning, Long-Term Memory and Self-Hypnosis

Theta is an ideal state for super learning, storing information in long term memory, re-programming your mind, dream recall, and self-hypnosis. The theta frequency is recognized as the gateway to learning and memory. What is learned in theta get's stored in long term memory. Children under the age of 5 learn more in their first few years of life, because they are primarily in the theta state.