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Within, the Wizard of Yendor has no power, the Oracle speaks with utmost clarity, and the grid bugs do not bite.
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Updated Windows binaries released. Fixes an issue where NetHackW.exe delays updating the cursor position when using farlook.

Current Version

Click here for information on version 3.6.6

This is a bugfix release and includes a serious security fix.

Developers: branch NetHack-3.7 is available for the adventurous. Expect bugs and instability.


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Information for Developers

NetHack References on the Web

(Links marked with a dagger† are now served from

AI versus NetHack!  Tech Crunch gives a quick summary of The NetHack Challenge.

ASCII art + permadeath: The history of roguelike games

Roguelike Celebration: Accessibility - Alexei Pepers

NetHack in 12 Amazing Terminal Based Games for Linux Enthusiasts

NetHack mentioned in a history of ASCII Art

Computerized Dungeons and Randomly Generated Worlds: From Rogue to Minecraft Published in Proceedings of the IEEE ( Volume: 105, Issue: 5, May 2017 )

NetHack  Mr. Wendel on Games

NetHack: THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME?† on Linux Voice

NetHack in Time's list of All-TIME 100 Video Games

NetHack† in IGN's "Fifteen Really, Really, Really Hard Games"

NetHack in Gamasutra's "Game Design Essentials: 20 RPGs"

NetHack shows up in The DM Of The Rings

NetHack meets EverQuest II†. (At least on April Fool's Day.)

NetHack† (a song parody), by Rob Balder

The Beeb discovers NetHack - the Computer Game

Top 11 Signs You've Got an Old Computer†

Play NetHack†, a theme song for NetHack.

Our pet dog is one of the Top Ten Videogame Sidekicks†. Congratulations!

Dudley's dungeon, a web comic

BBspot† on NetHack: New ATI Card Pushes Limits in ASCII Gaming†

The USENET Oracle contemplates encountering a woodchuck
The USENET Oracle contemplates the amulet
The USENET Oracle contemplates stairs
The USENET Oracle contemplates sacrifice
The USENET Oracle contemplates coping with loss
The USENET Oracle contemplates NetHack in Denver
The USENET Oracle contemplates the greatness of NetHack

NetHack in the comics at User Friendly:

NetHack makes techtv's† list of Best Internet Games†

Backhanded compliment of the month award: ignpsx's† review of Darkstone†:
Ten bucks buys you an awful lot of dungeon-hacking -- it sure ain't NetHack but it ain't bad.'s "The History of Computer Games" continues with Worlds in Boxes† - and NetHack gets another mention.† Unsung Heroes - NetHack† NetHack is simply an anomaly...†
See what happens when NetHack meets T-rex - isn't USENET great?
Salon Technology: "The Best Game Ever"
mentioned† in's developer week: "The History of Computer Games - Part I"†

NetHack in Print

IEEE Spectrum, February 2016, "Games: NetHack and the Joy of Text".

IEEE Computer, February 2011, "Certainty through Uncertainty?". We even got a screenshot.

30th Annual IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop, April 2006, "Understanding Open Source Software through Software Archaeology: The Case of NetHack". The abstract is available online.

"Fatal Distractions", 1994, David Gerrold, The Waite Group.

NetHack Quotes

Nethack is one of my all-time favorite games, one I've been playing since 1200 baud was smokin' fast.
-- Actor Wil Wheaton,
In short, NetHack 3.1.3 is the most elaborate role-playing environment you are ever likely to explore. This is a place to return again and again, each time for a different experience. You're really going to have to play it for a year or two and see for yourself.
-- "Fatal Distractions" by David Gerrold
Thank you for the latest release of gradewrecker. My GPA just went in the corner and shot itself.
-- USENET posting, author unknown

NetHack News

25 Jan 2021 Updated NetHackW.exe released to fix an issue causing delays updating the cursor position when using farlook.
08 Mar 2020 Nethack 3.6.6 released


27 Jan 2020 Nethack 3.6.5 released
21 Dec 2019 Updated Windows binaries released due to crash on launch if tiles_fit_to_screen is used.
18 Dec 2019 Nethack 3.6.4 released
05 Dec 2019 3.7 development source is now available.
05 Dec 2019 Nethack 3.6.3 released
20 Nov 2019 A BETA binary for NetHack 3.6.3 is available on the Microsoft Store
17 Nov 2019 Nethack BETA 3.6.3 BETA made available
07 May 2019 Nethack 3.6.2 released
29 Oct 2019 Pre-release binary for NetHack 3.6.3 is available on the Microsoft Store
22 Dec 2018 NetHack 3.6.1 MacOS X Official Binary released.
27 Apr 2018 Nethack 3.6.1 released
27 Apr 2018 Future Deprecation Warnings
26 Apr 2018 C360-25 record file corruption repair program available.
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NetHack is Copyright 1985-2020 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum and M. Stephenson. See our license for details.
This site is Copyright 1999-2021 by Kenneth Lorber, Kensington, Maryland.