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民建聯25歲新星陳凱榮戰選委 屋邨仔出身:我明青年痛苦 斥有人對國家誤解 https://lih.kg/2760239 - 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
November 3
Forwarded from 香港HK-破牆新聞與時評精選 (😿)
November 3
November 3
Hong Kong Watch

今天,香港監察宣佈支持一項加拿大眾議院請願活動,這項請願活動由國會議員 Garnett Genuis 負責協調,敦促政府審視因參與示威活動被定罪的香港人在申請庇護時遇到的障礙。



Petition to the House of Commons (Hong Kong Criminal Conviction)


🇨🇦Hong Kong Watch urges Canadians to sign a petition calling on the Government to make it easier for Hong Kongers with protest related “convictions” to claim asylum

Today, Hong Kong Watch is announcing its support for a House of Commons petition in Canada coordinated by Garnett Genuis MP which urges the Government to review the barriers which prevent Hong Kongers with previous protest related convictions from applying for asylum.

Under Canada’s current asylum scheme, many Hong Kong pro-democracy protestors face significant barriers in applying for safe haven. There currently is no space on asylum application forms for Hong Kongers to record protest related convictions and in some cases, Hong Kongers are required to obtain a background check from the Hong Kong Police, which puts vulnerable Hong Kongers in harms way.

The petition calls upon the Government to make a formal statement to the House of Commons ensuring that Hong Kongers who have previous protest related convictions will not be barred from applying for asylum, provide a section in the immigration form that allows Hong Kongers with protest related convictions to offer an explanation, and to review the requirement for Hong Kongers to request a background check from the Hong Kong Police as part of their application for Canada’s work visa scheme.

✍️You can sign the petition here:
Petition to the House of Commons (Hong Kong Criminal Conviction)
[🔗Link : https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58ecfa82e3df284d3a13dd41/t/61810f61941cdd60a55fcaef/1635848034208/Hong+Kong+Criminal+Conviction+Petition.pdf]

Please share it with your friends, family, colleagues, and community to ensure that Canada continues to stand with the people of Hong Kong by offering them safe harbor.

📜Hong Kong Watch Statement

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November 3
Forwarded from 思思TVB的二三事
November 3
🕵🏻‍♂️TVB 假新聞經典回顧 – 趙家賢被咬甩左耳 【🗂檔案編號:2019年11月3日】 【📃事件:趙家賢被咬甩左耳】 【⚔️維穩技:斬頭切尾✂️、微妙嘅剪接技巧😵‍💫、偽中立字眼🎭】 ▌今日係趙家賢被暴徒咬甩耳仔兩周年,等我哋為大家重溫一下當日無綫新聞嘅報導手法。以下呢篇《獨媒》文章,係由資深新聞工作者、前TVB時事節目監製區家麟喺當日睇完無綫新聞報導之後寫出嚟,裡面詳述咗「趙家賢遇襲案」發生後,TVB點樣唔講前因、運用剪接技巧同偽中立字眼淡化咬耳暴徒嘅惡行,再誤導觀眾覺得示威者係亂咁打人。 ▌《趙家賢被咬甩耳,TVB…
November 3
November 3
November 3
November 3
November 3
November 3
November 3
Forwarded from 香港人的蘋果
November 3