I purchased a ReadyNAS 4200 to be used as my iSCSI storage for two ESXi 5 hosts. Out of the box I always felt there was more performance to be had. To check the performance of my setup I used IoMeter (http://www.iometer.org/) with two different test suites. The first was the ReadyNAS test (http://www.readynas.com/download/iometer/iometer.icf). My results were
Read = 74 MBs Write = 65 MBs
The second test was the unofficial VMware Open Performance Test (http://www.mez.co.uk/OpenPerformanceTest.icf). This test puts more load on the system then the ReadyNAS test. My results were
Read 100% = 112 MBs RealLife = 86 MBs MaxThroughput = 117 MBs Random = 85 MBS
The theoretical maximum for a 1 gig network connection is 125 MBs. So the Open Performance Test showed that I was close to that limit. The problem was I had two 1 gig nics in the ReadyNAS and the ESXi hosts. So my theoretical maximum was 250 MBs. I wanted to go faster.
In this article I will describe how I quadrupled my iSCSI performance with 4 nic’s and proper VMware MPIO configuration. You could use the same steps with 2 nic’s and double your performance.
I suggest you run IoMeter with both test suites and record your results as a baseline before you make any changes to your network. It would be best to suspend or power down all your VM's except the one running IoMeter. When running IoMeter the test will be against the C: drive. But since your VM's datastore is on the iSCSI target we really will be testing the performance of your network and the iSCSI storage device.
Here is tutorial on running IoMeter tests. I would recommend you test drive C: http://technodrone.blogspot.com/2010/06/benchmarking-your-disk-io.html
Now backup all your data!
I spent several weeks researching VMWare iSCSI performance. The results of the research concluded that NIC teaming, LACP IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation and the IP hash algorithm will not work with my switch an Adtran 1534. What will work is MPIO (Multipath I/O) round robin on the ESXi 5 hosts. With MPIO you simply create multiple paths between the ESXi host and the ReadyNAS on different VLANs..
I purchased a 2 port 1 gig nic card from ReadyNAS so I would have 4 nics for my iSCSI san and a 4 port 1gig nic card for my ESXi hosts. This will allow me to have 4 paths with a theoretical maximum throughput of 500 MBs.
To configure the 4 paths I setup 4 VLANS, vlan 20,110,120 and 130. One nic on the ReadyNAS and ESXi host will be in each VLAN. Using separate networks is the recommended configuration for MPIO.
I would suggest you document your network setup as all these VLAN's and IP addresses get confusing.
nic IP Physical Switch Port VLAN vmnic2 15 20 vmnic3 16 110 vmnic4 7 120 vmnic5 8 130
nic IP Physical Switch Ports VLAN 1 10 20 2 11 110 3 12 120 4 13 130
ReadyNAS NIC setup
If you already have an iSCSI LUN on your ReadyNAS back up all the data. I have found changing IP addresses of a ReadyNAS with a iSCSI LUN will cause it to be inaccessible from VMware. When you change back the IP’s the LUN becomes available again.
Set up each network interface.
Make sure teaming is disabled on all 4 interfaces.
Uncheck VLAN if you are using default VLAN on your ports and Enable jumbo frames on all 4 interfaces. If you are using VLAN tagging you will need to check VLANs and put in the VLAN id.
Finish configuring the 3 remaining nics.
ReadyNAS iSCSI setup
Open your ReadyNAS frontview. Select Volume | Volume Settings | Volume C | iSCSI Enable iSCSI support and click Apply.
Select Create iSCSI Target
Enter the target name and capacity. I believe 2000 GB is the max for the ReadyNAS. Select Create.
OK through the confirmation windows. We will set access control once we get the iSCSI initiator configured on the ESXi host.
Switch Setup
Now you need to configure your switch ports for the proper VLANs and enable Jumbo Frames. I have an Adtran 1534.
Login to the switch and create a new VLAN Data | VLANS | New Vlan
Configure the other 3 VLANS the same way.
Configure all 8 ports for the default VLANs using your documentation for physical switch port and VLAN Ports | select port Set the default VLAN
Repeat for the remaining 7 ports.
Configure Jumbo Frames System | Physical Interfaces Set the MTU to the max 9216
ESXi 5 setup
Verify your NIC's in VSphere Select the host | Configuration | Network Adapters
Create a vSwitch for the NIC's. We will be associating each vmnic with a vmKernel port. For naming conventions it is best to take the port number of the vmnic and use it for the vmKernel port name.
Nic vKernel port Vmnic2 iSCSI2 Vmnic3 iSCSI3 Vmnic4 iSCSI4 Vmnic5 iSCSI5
Select your EXSi host | Configuration | Networking | Choose Add Networking
Select all 4 of the nics.
Name the network label the same # as the vmnic. So this is iSCSI2 which will be assigned the vmnic2.
Assign your IP address for the nic.
Now go into the Properties of the vSwitch
Add a new vmKernel port group we will be adding 3 more for a total of 4 one for each nic.
Name the network label the same # as the vmnic. So this is iSCSI3 which will be assigned the vmnic3. .
Assign your IP address for the nic.
Continue to add the 2 remaing vmKernel ports. Your switch should end up with 4 iSCSI vmKernel ports.
Now we will set the Jumbo frames on the vSwitch. Chose the vSwitch and Edit.
Change the MTU to 9000 and click ok
Now we will set the Jumbo Frames and assign 1 nic on each of
the vmKernel ports. Select the first
vmKernel port and click Edit.
On the General tab set the MTU to 9000
then click on NIC teaming. On the NIC teaming tab check Override switch failover
order. We must have only 1 vmnic
active. Since this is iSCSI5 we want to
have vmnic5 active ad all the rest set as Unused Adapters. Select
vmnic2 and click move down 5 times. Do
this for vmnic3 and vmnic4 .
The end result should look like this. One active adapter vmnic5. Choose OK.
Edit the remaining 4 vmKernal ports setting the MTU to 9000 and setting the nics to Unused.
Network Testing
Now that the ESXi4 networking and ReadyNAS networking are configured we should do some ping tests to verify all the MPIO paths.
SSH into the ESXi host. And attempt to ping all 4 IP’s of the Readynas using vmkping.
# vmkping # vmkping # vmkping # vmkping
If any of the pings fail you will need to troubleshoot the cabling and VLAN configuration. The best way to verify you have your cables where you want them is to go into your switch and disable a single port. Then in vSphere Networking or ReadyNAS frontview you should see that nic disconnected. If you disable port 16 and vmic2 gets disconnected you know you have connected the wrong cable because port 16 should be connected to vmnic3. This where good network documentation comes into play.
Once you get all your paths pinging. We will want to test Jumbo Frames. # vmkping -s 8972 –d # vmkping -s 8972 –d # vmkping -s 8972 –d # vmkping -s 8972 –d
If any fail you will need to check MTU is 9000 on the vSwitch and vmKernal ports. Check your switch for a MTU of at least 9000. And lastly that Jumbo Frames are enabled on all 4 of the ReadyNAS nics. ReadyNAS requires a reboot once Jumbo Frames are enabled.
ESXi 5 iSCSI initiator
By default ESXi 5 does not have the iSCSI Software Adapter loaded. Select the ESXi host | Configuration | Storage Adapters | Add
Now select the iSCSI storage adapter and select properties. Copy the name into your clipboard. So we can paste it into the access control list on the ReadyNAS LUN.
Select your Target and the configure “gear” for the LUN.
On the iSCSI Initiator select network configuration. And add all 4 of the vmkernel groups iSCSI2, iSCSI3, iSCSI4, iSCSI5.
Select the Static Discovery tab and all 4 paths should be shown.
Go to Configuration | Storage And you should see your LUN.
Right click on the LUN and choose properties.
Select Mange Paths
By default ESXi is set to Most Recently Used (VMware). So we have 4 nic’s but only 1 will be used. We need to change the path selection to Round Robin.
Select round robin from the drop down press change. Now you will see all 4 adapters are set to active i/o. Press Close.
At this point we MPIO setup and all 4 paths will be used. However I found my performance was identical to having a single NIC. With one nic I was getting about 100 MBs and with 4 nics I was getting 100 MBs. Looking at the VMware performance graph for networks I saw something odd. With a single nic I saw about 1000 KBps so the nic was maxed out. With 4 nics I saw each one at 250 KBps so round robin spread the load but I was not utilizing the nics fully. I searched long and hard for a solution until I found this thread http://communities.vmware.com/message/1281730
By default round robin sends 1000 IOPS before switching to the next nic. As we can see on the ReadyNAS this is not optimal. The recommendation is to change round robin to 1 IOPS before switching to the next nic. When I made this setting I went from 100 MBs to 400 MBs and all 4 nics fully saturated.
SSH to the ESXi 5 host and run this
i in `ls /vmfs/devices/disks/ | grep naa.600` ;
Now load up a test VM and rerun the ReadNAS test and the Open Peformance Test. Here are my results.
ReadNAS test
1 NIC 4 NIC Read = 74 MBs 161 MBs Write = 65 MBs 97 MBs
unofficial VMware Open Performance Test
1 NIC 4 NIC Read 100% = 112 MBs 404 MBs RealLife = 86 MBs 185 MBs MaxThroughput = 117 MBs 393 MBs Random = 85 MBs 235 MBs
The ReadyNAS test does not stress test the network as well as the Open Performance Test. I found using more workers would make a difference but I did not want to publish results with that change.
So I now have my ReadyNAS VMware environment running at full speed. Hope this document can save you some time and headache getting max performance out of your setup.