'The Most Dangerous Black Market You've Never Heard Of' |
「MERCURY」は、アマゾンに関するデータジャーナリズム活動を行っているInfoAmazoniaが制作したTom Laffayの作品です。この映画は、ジャーナリストのブラム・イーバスが主導する「Mercury - Chasing the Quicksilver」という幅広い調査の一環として制作されました。
'Mercury is crucial to small-scale gold mining in South America but increasing scrutiny of its health and environmental impact in the Amazon is leading to its prohibition throughout the continent. This investigation delves into the underworld of mercury, following its path from Guyana to neighboring Suriname, exploring the health and environmental consequences, and what the prohibition of mercury would mean for the livelihoods of miners and communities across the Amazon. ‘MERCURY’ is a film by Tom Laffay, produced by InfoAmazonia, a data journalism initiative which reports on the Amazon. It forms part of a wider investigation called ‘Mercury - Chasing the Quicksilver’ led by journalist Bram Ebus.' |
'Imagine how desperate you’d have to be to mine Mercury with your bare hands?' |
'If I ever meet the editor who creates the barely-visible closed captions for Vice, I'm gonna smack 'em with a highlighter. Please, please, I beg you: use a font with a background or outline. Why would you ever put a yellow font over sand? Why!?' |
'Mercury is literally the most amazing looking metal I've ever seen. It's fun to stare at it...like a dangerous beauty.' |
'So where does all of this gold eventually end up? Who buys it?' |
'the man saying he has 16 siblings is the most guyanese thing i have ever heard.' |
'Cool to see my country represented honestly.' |
'"They have to build a fence in the river" Don't give the government ideas.' |
まるで『マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード』のワンシーンのよう。なんて世界に生きてるんだ。
'This is like a scene out of Mad Max: Fury Road. What a world we live in' |
'The alternative process of refining gold involves the use of CYANIDE.' |
'"It's illegal yea, but you aren't doing nothing like extraterrestrial."' |
'Hard to get people to stop doing something that they need to survive. Would be nice to find a reasonable alternative to the mercury.' |
'Mercury is amazing, and necessary for so many industrial applications; I’ve rolled a glob of it in my hands, knowing that the vapor equivalent is as poisonous as cyanide.' |
'VICE leading the short documentary space yet again. Well done, bravo.' |
'There are safer ways to collect gold, but this is the cheapest material.' |
'This isnt that unheard of! With the fascination with gold the last 20 years increasing the mercury technique has been on a few of the reality shows and news stories reporting about it. Specifically in Guyana.' |
'When I was a teen, I accidently dropped a mercury thermometer and it cracked . I spent the week thinking I was going to die from a tiny bit that will not effect you. So I can't imagine being exposed like these people' |
'I was under the impression that it has long been rather valuable. I can remember a documentary from decades ago where a diver is filling up a scuba tank with mercury salvaged from a sunken galleon.' |
'Where did that 500 million in foreign aid? That could help those people right now but instead it’s in the leaders pockets…' |
'I heard that back in the PS2 era, Sony was dragged in this mining issue due to when PS2 was so in demand, these poor miners were forced to work double time to harvest more rare earth. Because one of the rare components of the hardware's microchip was imported from this part of the globe.' |
'I wasn't aware of this mercury crisis. Watching this video reminded me how as a child we would play with the bit of mercury from a old broken mercury type thermometer. People do crazy things in the name of money. They are crazier in the name of gold.' |
'I was wincing when the first dude handling the mercury with his fingers.' |
'A wise man once said "when the rivers are all dried up, and the trees cut down, man will then realize that he will not be able to eat money."' |
20:10 シアン化合物は時間の経過とともに他の無害な炭素/窒素化合物に分解されますが、水銀は基本的に永遠に残ると言われています。
'20:10 pretty sure cyanide compounds decompose into other, harmless carbon/nitrogen compounds over time while mercury is basically eternal.' |
'the guy going on about how mercury is not that bad sounded eerily like an anti vaxxer' |
'It's going to be funny to see what happens when the gold run's out because it's all been dug up' |
'I got mercury poisoning last summer thanks to the massive wildfire we had in Oregon and let me tell you, it was not an experience I want to relive!!' |
海外「案の定日本なのか…」 日本近海に生息する魚が嘘みたいな可愛さだと話題に
海外「日本は世界に勇気を与えた」 米医学会の超大物が日本のコロナ対策を絶賛