

The Gunma Prefectural Government has set up guidelines for reopening social and economic activities.  Prefectural residents are requested to follow them.

  • Date of application:  Saturday, May 16, 2020
  • Scope of application:  All 35 villages/towns/cities of Gunma Prefecture

Points of guidelines

Warning levels will be established for bi-weekly review.  In case these levels are to be raised, they will be evaluated sooner.  Prefectural residents are requested to behave according to the warning level then in effect.

  1. Objective numeric values
  2. Overall circumstances
  1. Indices such as the number of confirmed cases/available hospital beds, etc. will be used.
  2. Number of confirmed cases in neighboring prefectures/PCR tests conducted, etc. will be used to make decisions.

Lowering warning levels

Effective Saturday, May 16, warning level is reduced to 3.


【warning level 3】 Prefectural residents’ standard of behavior

  • Stay-at-home request is now lifted, but refrain from going out unless it is essential for life.
  • Stay-at-home request still stands when going to such high-risk places referred to as the 3C’s (confined spaces with poor ventilation, crowded places with many people nearby, and close-contact settings such as close-range conversations.  Elderly and people with chronic diseases are considered vulnerable to infection and therefore requested to stay home. 
  • Traveling across prefectures is discouraged. 
  • Your cooperation to the ongoing stay-at-home request is greatly appreciated by means of taking basic preventive measures when going out, following the guidelines on “new social behavior”, etc.

 【Examples】new social behavior

To brace for the 2nd and 3rd wave of COVID-19 cases, prefectural residents are requested both to
continue on practicing the basic preventive measures, including wearing a face mask and washing hands thoroughly, and to get accustomed to the “new social behavior”. 

<Examples of the “New social behavior”>

  • Maintain a distance of two meters between other people, avoid the 3C’s, frequent handwash,regular disinfection, and good ventilation.
  • Order takeout or delivery.
  • Work from home; hold onlin meetings.

Request for businesses

Basic preventive measures to reopen businesses
Businesses are requested to ensure that the following preventive measures are in place.

  1. Not to allow anyone with high temperature on the premises.
  2. Make sure that no “3C’s venue” exists on the premises.
  3. Prevent infection from droplets or direct contact.

<Partial lifting of shutdown requests>

  • Shutdown requests have partially been lifted. 
  • Under Warning Level 3, shutdown request still stands for facilities that had COVID-19 confirmed cases in cluster to date (night clubs, Karaoke rooms, gyms, etc.). 
  • Shutdown requests for other facilities have been lifted. 
  • Requests for dining/drinking establishments and Izakaya Japanese-style pubs to cut business hours short have been lifted.

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〒371-8570 前橋市大手町1-1-1
電話 027-226-3394
FAX 027-243-3110
E-mail gunkurashi@pref.gunma.lg.jp