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No.864861782 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just a reminder: NOT all Jews are Zionists (aka "Jewish" supremacists) and NOT ALL Zionists are Jews.
There are fundamentalist "Christian Zionists" as well, but only Jewish Zionists profit from ZIONISM & the false shield of "antisemitism"

This misrepresentation is one that Zionists frequently use to usurp any legitimate criticism of the terrorist state of Israel when their numerous war crimes & atrocities, or state & U.S. SANCTIONED APARTHEID, is brought up.
Ironically, the shield they hide behind (ACTUAL Judaism) opposes Zionism & even the terrorist state of Israel.

Remember: A true/actual “Jew” CAN NOT by scripture, deed/action & belief, support ZIONISM, or the terrorist state of Israel, according to their holy law. Zionists hate being reminded of this FACT.

Since before the early 1900s the foreign POWERS recognized that JEWISH Zionists FULLY CONTROL THE U.S. which is why the totalitarian state of Israel even exists.

In order to entice the U.S. to aid them in their campaign against the Ottoman empire (so as to take the land & its RICH resources) the ruling powers in the U.K. offered U.S. Zionists the area now known as "Israel" (which was actually named PALESTINE on maps). For some "unknown" reason this & this alone was enough to bring the U.S. to Britain & France's aid.

Your great grand father probably died for Israel and if you, or your relatives, or friends have fought in the wars in Afghanistan, Iran, or anywhere in the Middle East, you/they have fought and possibly died for Israel & the Zionists as well.

So next time the Zionists call you to be Israel's bitch (like Trump, Biden and the majority of U.S. presidents have been through the history of this country) ask yourselves this:

"What exactly has Israel, or the controlling world Zionists, ever done for me, my nation, or the BENEFIT of the world, aside from sacrificing non Zionists for it's own agendas?"

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