(English version can be found below.)
さらに、氏は他の大学教員に対してのデマを流すツイートを行い *(1)、海外の研究者に対し、執拗にtwitter上で絡んだりし、ハラスメントまがいの行為を行なってきました。*(2)
氏は早稲田大学社会科学部で「メディア論1」「メディア論2」*(3) の講義を担当し、3、4年生向けのゼミでも教えています。学生を教える立場にある人物がこのような深刻な差別や歴史否定を行なっていいのでしょうか?
私たちMoving Beyond Hateは2019に設立されて以来、日本の差別に対して「NO!」と突きつけるためにこれまでにキャンペーンやイベントを行なってきました。
On September 26, , a professor in the School of Social Sciences at Waseda University, made a statement on his twitter account that incited racism. (The following is a quote from tweet, translated from Japanese)
"In Europe and the U.S., Koreans and KoreanOO people are using the Japanese brand to do business. In Europe and the U.S., Koreans and Korean OO people are using the Japanese brand to sell sushi, ramen, and other Japanese food under the pretense that they are Japanese. Europeans and Americans are aware of this. They think that's just who (Koreans) are. So if the Japanese government denies it, the world will believe it."
Referring to Koreans in general as "people who use the Japanese brand to do business" and lump them together, also saying "that's just who they are" is a clear incitement of racism towards Korean people.
On October 3, also tweeted in defense of hate speech:
"I want Seoul or Busan to make an ordinance that says Japanese can say hate speech against Koreans, but Koreans cannot say hate speech against Japanese. It would be a good balance. I would like to see Japanese local governments barter with South Korea to create such an ordinance."
is also a regular denier of the "comfort women" issue.
"The comfort women were better off than the Japanese soldiers in every way. But while there are people who feel sorry for the comfort women, there are no people who feel sorry for the Japanese soldiers. And it's as if Japanese comfort women never existed. It's complete reverse discrimination." (Oct. 3)
"Koreans want Japanese people to apologize for the Korean comfort women, even though Korean comfort women (were better off than) Japanese soldiers. They want us to pay compensation. There is something very strange about that. I think it would be nice if the Korean comfort women could say "thank you" to the Japanese soldiers." (Oct. 4)
Historical denialism is used to attack Koreans and Chinese people and "comfort women" denial is also a serious form of sexism, as it calls victims of serious sexual violence "liars".
Furthermore, has been purposely spreading misinformation about other researchers *(1) and has persistently engaged in harassment-like behavior against other researchers on twitter. *(2)
teaches "Media Theory 1" and "Media Theory 2"*(3) at the School of Social Sciences, Waseda University, as well as seminars for third- and fourth-year students. How can someone who teaches students be allowed to engage in such serious racism and denial of history?
has not apologized about any of his remarks but instead has defended them. It would not be surprising if such racist remarks were also made during his lectures. This is particularly serious since Waseda university is home to thousands of international students.
Since 2019, we have been campaigning and organizing events to say "NO!" to racism in Japan.
Let's work together to create a university campus free of discrimination!
We call on Waseda University to do the following
・Fired and take preventive measures so that this kind of harassment will never happen again.
・Investigate whether has made any serious discriminatory remarks during his lectures.