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30 Replies

danconroy This person is a Verified Professional

The Outer Worlds bored me to death. I read some good reviews and read posts from a bunch of folks that liked it. I couldn't get into it.

theoneguy This person is a Verified Professional

danconroy wrote:

The Outer Worlds bored me to death. I read some good reviews and read posts from a bunch of folks that liked it. I couldn't get into it.

I think I gotta agree with you here, I really wanted to love this game.  It ticked all the right boxes but something about it felt off, like it felt really small.  Not sure if that's the right word but since it was so often compared to Fallout I was expecting more out of it.

Jeffrey7035 This person is a Verified Professional

theoneguy wrote:

I think I gotta agree with you here, I really wanted to love this game.  It ticked all the right boxes but something about it felt off, like it felt really small.  Not sure if that's the right word but since it was so often compared to Fallout I was expecting more out of it.

+ expand

I liked the game, but comparing it to Fallout would sell it short. I'm surprised there weren't more people calling it a first person Mass Effect, because it had a strong ME feel for me. A lot of the exploration is similar to FO, but the scope is limited by comparison. It's not really as open world as Fallout, but it still has a lot of Bethesda trappings that aren't necessary in that game, which slowed it down a lot for me. I tried to run out and do all the side quests before the final mission but I didn't want to actually run around and do all that stuff.

I loved the setting, characters, and aesthetic, but gameplay leaves something to be desired. People saw Obsidian, people saw Fallout-esque gameplay, and hyped it to hell as a result. I think it's a good game, but would do better to be sold as a more concise narrative experience than a wandering open world adventure.

Ghost Chili
dimforest This person is a Verified Professional

danconroy wrote:

The Outer Worlds bored me to death. I read some good reviews and read posts from a bunch of folks that liked it. I couldn't get into it.

Same, 100%. I expected to love it. It sounded like a brilliant game in the reviews and when I finally got around to playing it.... I was also bored. It NEVER clicked with me or grabbed me. 


All Assassin Creeds since Black Flag.  They just became cookie cutter open world microtransaction vehicles.  Honestly they just became 3rd person view Far Crys.

_V_ This person is a Verified Professional

Off the top of my head:

Halo: Never once understood the draw. Boring cartoon shooters IMO.

Dark Souls: Don't understand why people enjoy torture

Any MMORPG/Tournament Style/MMO Shooter/Online Gaming in General: I just don't get the draw of online's not for me, and they're all over-hyped. The real sin is all the "different" Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc games that are simply a cash grab to keep doing the same thing over and over.

Microsoft Flight Simulator: How. Do. People. Find. These. Games. Fun?

Minecraft: Snoooooore

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