• Abilities
  • Builds
  • Stats
Sylveon Pokémon Unite Portrait

Sylveon Builds, Abilities, Stats, And Evolutions

Special Attacker






  • 3406

  • 167

  • 52

  • 50

  • 38

  • 0%

  • 0%

  • 0%

  • 7

  • 3

  • 3

  • 7

  • 7

Eevee Pokémon Unite Evolution Thumbnail

Evolves At 4

Adaptability Pokémon Unite Ability Icon


Passive Ability

Every time Eevee deals or receives damage, increase Sp. Attack by 5% for 1.5s, stacking up to 4 times. Every time Sylveon deals or receives damage, increase Sp. Atk and Sp. Defense by 2.5% for 1.5s, stacking up to 6 times.

Pokémon Unite Basic Ability Icon


Basic Ability

Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage. In addition - after evolving into Sylveon - increase movement speed when this boosted attack hits.

100% Atk

35% SpA  +  10 x (Level - 1)  +  180

Swift Pokémon Unite Ability


Move 1

unite-db cooldown icon 7s RangedType Pokémon Unite Ranged

Shoots star-shaped rays at enemies, dealing damage to them.

32% SpA  +  6 x (Level - 1)  +  190

Swift Pokémon Unite Ability Screenshot
Swift Upgrade Choices
Mystical Fire Upgrade Pokémon Unite Icon

Mystical Fire

unite-db cooldown icon 7s Dash Type Pokémon Unite Dash

Create four small flames while leaping in the designated direction. The flames shoot toward enemies one by one, dealing damage and decreasing their Sp. Attack by 15% for 1s, stacking up to 4 times. Each time a flame hits, reduce the cooldown of this move and after the first flame hits, subsequent flames on the same target deal 25% damage.

111% SpA  +  17 x (Level - 1)  +  660

Increases the number of flames by one.

Mystical Fire Pokémon Unite Ability Screenshot
Hyper Voice Upgrade Pokémon Unite Icon

Hyper Voice

unite-db cooldown icon 5s Area Type Pokémon Unite Area

Unleashes an attack of multiple sound waves that deal damage when they hit. The damage dealt increases the farther the target is from Sylveon. Every sound wave reduces enemy Sp. Defense by 20% (stacking up to 4 times at 80%) for the next tick of Hyper Voice, after dealing damage to an enemy.

40.2% SpA  +  6 x (Level - 1)  +  138

67% SpA  +  10 x (Level - 1)  +  230

Increases the number of sound waves by one.

Hyper Voice Pokémon Unite Ability Screenshot
Baby Doll Eyes Pokémon Unite Ability

Baby Doll Eyes

Move 2

unite-db cooldown icon 5s RangedType Pokémon Unite Ranged

Stare at an enemy with baby-doll eyes, dealing damage and decreasing their Attack and movement speed for a short time when this move hits.

63% SpA  +  18 x (Level - 1)  +  330

Baby Doll Eyes Pokémon Unite Ability Screenshot
Baby Doll Eyes Upgrade Choices
Draining Kiss Upgrade Pokémon Unite Icon

Draining Kiss

unite-db cooldown icon 10s Sure Hit Type Pokémon Unite Sure Hit

Blow a kiss at an enemy that goes back and forth between Sylveon and the target multiple times. When the kiss touches Sylveon, restore HP. When it hits the enemy, deal damage and decrease their movement speed for a short time. If Sylveon and the enemy move too far away from each other, the kiss will disappear faster than normal.

26% SpA  +  4 x (Level - 1)  +  160

15% SpA  +  0 x (Level - 1)  +  120

Increases the amount of HP this move restores.

22.5% SpA  +  0 x (Level - 1)  +  180

Draining Kiss Pokémon Unite Ability Screenshot
Calm Mind Upgrade Pokémon Unite Icon

Calm Mind

unite-db cooldown icon 10s Buff Type Pokémon Unite Buff

Sylveon quietly focuses their mind and calms their spirit, increasing movement speed, Sp. Attack by 40% and Sp. Defense by 10% for a short time.

Up to 3s after using this move, if Sylveon is hit by an Enemy's move, the damage is completely nullified and Sylveon is granted a shield.

90% SpA  +  0 x (Level - 1)  +  100

Calm Mind Pokémon Unite Ability Screenshot
Fairy Frolic Pokémon Unite Ability Icon

Fairy Frolic

Unite Move

unite-db cooldown icon 139s BuffType Pokémon Unite Buff

Unlocks at level 8

Jump into the air and become briefly invincible. The moment Sylveon lands, deal damage to enemies in the area of effect and restore Sylveon's HP. For 10s afterward, 50% of damage dealt by Sylveon is converted into HP (basic attacks are excluded).

104% SpA  +  13 x (Level - 1)  +  620

Fairy Frolic Pokémon Unite Move