Greenville lawmakers are looking for the Greenville Health Authority to take a more hands on approach with Prisma Health.
Lawmakers have raised a series of concerns with the health system since it transitioned from the Greenville Health System and affiliated with Palmetto Health in 2017.
The latest confrontation comes in the form of a resolution which makes it clear the members of the Greenville delegation want the GHA — the public entity left when Prisma-Upstate became a private non-profit — to take a more active role in supervising the system's operations.
The resolution, introduced in the state Senate on March 31 and in the House on April 6 — both referred to committees — was the product of complaints from doctors who were troubled by the culture within Prisma and felt they weren't practicing patient centric medicine, lawmakers say.
"They didn't feel like they were practicing medicine anymore. They feel like that they were on a factory line and being told by the bean counters what to do and how to practice medicine," Rep. Garry Smith told The News before the resolution was introduced.
The resolution does not change the law but simply reiterates the powers given to GHA through Act 432.
"This resolution is to start a conversation to get some of the problems resolved that we currently have and we're making some progress doing that," Rep. Mike Burns said during a Greenville County Legislative Delegation meeting on April 12.
Representatives Smith and Burns said they've met with dozens of doctors who've been intimidated by the health system. They allege that some of these doctors were fired, escorted out by police and then had admitting privileges at Prisma hospitals revoked.
On this front, the resolution states that Prisma cannot limit the use of GHA-owned assets by independent physicians.
Prisma argues that it maintains strong relationships with over 800 independent physicians who currently have privileges at its facilities across the state.
"We are aware of the resolution that was recently introduced in the South Carolina legislature and are extremely disappointed because it is wholly unnecessary and based on inaccurate information," the health system said in an emailed statement.
The resolution adds to a list of complaints by lawmakers that include the closure of the emergency department at North Greenville Hospital, halted plans to replace the Marshall I. Pickens Psychiatric Hospital and plans for a new cancer center. Lawmakers have also long complained that the operations in the Midlands are draining money and resources from the Upstate.
"It's not about healthcare," Smith said. "It's all about making money."
Prisma Health said the notion that it is not meeting its obligations is simply not true.
Prisma points to the 55 new physicians and 341 total providers added in the Upstate, investments of almost $190 million in salaries and retirement benefits, and over $527.3 million in total quantifiable community benefit in 2020 — which were noted in its annual report submitted to the GHA.
The health system added that this resolution comes "on the heels of our heroic work waging a winning battle against COVID-19 in our community," and that they are focused on patient care.
The Greenville Health Authority will review Prisma's lease — which includes most of its major Upstate facilities — later this year but it's clear lawmakers think they are more than a landlord. State officials like Smith and Burns want GHA to have a more robust role in Prisma-Upstate's decision making.
Lawmakers point to the 2018 amendment of Act 432, which ratified Prisma's 2016 lease agreement but also states that previous powers from the act remain with the authority.
They believe this includes duties to deliver healthcare services to residents of the county and control of the hospital system's police department, which was established by a 2010 amendment.
"Prisma doesn't own the doctors, they employ the doctors through a contract through a lease agreement," Burns said during the April 12 delegation meeting. "But the doctors are under the authority of the Greenville Health Authority."
Prisma Health disagrees with lawmakers' evaluation of the authority's power.
"[The resolution] implies that the GHA board has responsibilities for operations of the health system, which is not true," Prisma said.
GHA seems to agree with the system.
Stacey Mills, chairman of GHA's board, told The News that one of the first tasks of the legal counsel GHA hired last October was to research Act 432, its amendments and the lease agreement to determine the authority's responsibilities.
Here is a compiled version of Act 432 and its amendments provided by the GHA's lawyer.
"As a result of this extensive research, we are satisfied that GHA's responsibilities and obligations under this legislation and the lease are being faithfully and completely fulfilled," Mills said in a text message.
Lawmakers hope the resolution and the issues set in it can be discussed in committee meetings soon.
For now, Mills says the authority is taking the resolution under advisement.
He added that issues within the resolution are being addressed directly with Prisma "to the extent GHA deems necessary."