asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليل@asadabukhalil·10月2日They had children with locals? Is that your term for the rape of local women? “while others were the offspring of European Crusaders who had children with locals in the Middle East”Mass Graves of 13th-Century Crusaders Reveal Brutality of Medieval WarfareFound in Lebanon, the 25 soldiers' remains bear unhealed wounds from stabbing, slicing and blunt force traumasmithsonianmag.com2523
muriel@murielskaf·10月2日“Wouldn’t it be amazing if King Louis himself had helped to bury these bodies?” Ugh. White people. 11
asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليل@asadabukhalil·10月2日they are something else. They don’t know how they sound to native ears1
muriel@murielskaf·10月2日Silver lining in all of this: we managed to defeat invaders in Sidon not once, but twice. الجنوب مقبرة الاستعمار11
muriel@murielskaf返信先: @jskafさん, @asadabukhalilさんNow where did I see this before? Oh wait … 午前9:00 · 2021年10月2日·Twitter for iPhone