◆ Chitala ornata (Gray 1844)
syn.Notopterus buchanani Valenciennes ex Cuvier & Valenciennes 1848 Notopterus ocellifer Bleeker 1865 Notopterus ornatus Gray 1844 *1831-1844『Description of Three Species of Notopterus Found by Gen.Hardwicke, in the Indian Seas in the British Museum 1831 in Zoological Miscellany:John Edward Gray』。
Genus Notopteridarum⚲ ノトプテリダルム属 (絶滅) ※Otoliths=耳石。
◆ノトプテリダルム・ノルフィ (絶滅) Notopteridarum nolfi Rana 1988 *1988『Freshwater Fish Otoliths from the Deccan Trap Associated Sedimentary, Cretaceous-Tertiary Transition Beds of Rangapur, Hyderabad District, Andhra Pradesh, India:Rajendra Singh Rana』。
◆ Notopterus notopterus (Pallas 1769)
syn.Clupea synura Bloch post Schneider 1801 Glanis imberbis Gronow 1854 Gymnotus notopterus Pallas 1769 Mystus badgee Sykes 1839 ※ナギナタ“ナマズ”の由来。 Mystus kapirat (de la Cépède 1800) Notoptère kapirat de la Cépède 1800 ※章題。 Notopterus bontianus Valenciennes 1848 Notopterus kapirat de la Cépède 1800
※模式種、但し先に記載された Gymnotus notopterus Pallas 1769 に統合。 Notopterus osmani Rahimullah & Das 1991 Notopterus pallasii Valenciennes 1848 Notopterus primaevus Günther 1876 *1800『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 2:Bernard Germain Étienne de Laville-sur-Illon Comte de la Cépède』。 *1801『Systema Ichthyologiae Iconibus cx Illustratum:Marcus Elieser Bloch after Johann Gottlob Schneider』。 *1832『Das Thierreich, Geordnet Nach Seiner Organisation, als Grundlage der Naturgeschichte der Thiere und Als Einleitung in die Vergleichende Anatomie 2:Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier & Friedrich Siegmund Voight』。 *1831-1844『Description of Three Species of Notopterus Found by Gen.Hardwicke, in the Indian Seas in the British Museum 1831 in Zoological Miscellany:John Edward Gray』。 *1876『Contributions to our Knowledge of the Fish-Fauna of the Tertiary Deposits of the Highlands of Padang, Sumatra:Albert Günther』。
Genus Palaeonotopterus♂ FOREY 1997 パラエオノトプテルス属 (絶滅)
◆パラエオノトプテルス・グレエンウォオディ (絶滅) Palaeonotopterus greenwoodi Forey 1997 *1997『A Cretaceous Notopterid [Pisces, Osteoglossomorpha] from Morocco:Peter Lawrence Forey』。
Genus Papyrocranus♂ GREENWOOD 1963 パピロクラヌス属