Latest updates on COVID-19 in Osaka
Last update
What's new
- Reporting of the individual data (age, sex, residential area, etc.) of each positive case on this site was finished on November 15, as the report of individual data in the daily infection situation disclosure was abolished to streamline each Public Health Center’s work. You can see the data of up to November 15 here.
- Situations of monitoring points(the external website)
- Situations around new infection cases (external website)
Details of people testing positive
- Number of tests conducted 3386516cases
- Number of people testing positive 199553 persons
- the current number of those testing positive 3870 persons
- Negative Confirmed (Total Number of Discharged Patients) 788 persons
- Severe symptoms 126 persons
- Awaiting guidance on hospital admission, etc. 230 persons
- recuperation at home 2127 persons
- recuperation in special facilities 725 persons
- Transferred to other prefectures 1813 persons
- Deaths 2969 persons
- 退院・解除済累計(療養期間経過を含む) 190901 persons
*The number of those who re-tested positive is included after November 16 while it is excluded up to November 15.
After November 16, the number of re-tests is included in the total number of tests conducted
After November 16, the number of re-tests is included in the total number of tests conducted
Number of people testing positive
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-134 persons)
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-134 persons)
*The number of those who re-tested positive is included after November 16 while it is excluded up to November 15.
Occupancy rate of hospital beds for severe symptom patients
(Day-over-day change:-1.7%)
(Day-over-day change:-1.7%)
Occupancy rate of hospital beds for mild-moderate symptom patients
(Day-over-day change:+1.9%)
(Day-over-day change:+1.9%)
(Day-over-day change:+1.3%)
(Day-over-day change:+1.3%)
Number of new positive results per 100,000 persons during the previous week
(Day-over-day change:-3.13 persons)
(Day-over-day change:-3.13 persons)
Accumulated number of people discharged from hospitals/home recuperation/special facilities.
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-388 persons)
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-388 persons)
Number of tests conducted
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:+7,206 cases)
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:+7,206 cases)
Until November 15: Number of re-tests that turned out positive is NOT included After November 16: Number of re-tests that turned out positive is included
Cases with transmission route unknown
Transmission route unknown rate: 59.09 %Day-over-day change: -105
Transmission route unknown rate: 59.09 %Day-over-day change: -105
*Total number of the cases confirmed today based on the numbers for the press release
Trend of positive result numbers per occurrence date
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-63 inquiries)
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-63 inquiries)
Number of calls to Novel Coronavirus-related Consultation Centers
Total of 2021-09-28
Total of 2021-09-28
The number might be updated at a later date depending on the report from each municipality.
Number of calls to the Consultation desk for residents
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-19 inquiries)
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-19 inquiries)