Latest updates on COVID-19 in Osaka

Last update
Consult over the phone if you have any concerns

Details of people testing positive

  • Number of tests conducted 3386516cases
  • Number of people testing positive 199553 persons
    • the current number of those testing positive 3870 persons
      • Negative Confirmed (Total Number of Discharged Patients) 788 persons
        • Severe symptoms 126 persons
      • Awaiting guidance on hospital admission, etc. 230 persons
      • recuperation at home 2127 persons
      • recuperation in special facilities 725 persons
    • Transferred to other prefectures 1813 persons
    • Deaths 2969 persons
    • 退院・解除済累計(療養期間経過を含む) 190901 persons
*The number of those who re-tested positive is included after November 16 while it is excluded up to November 15.
After November 16, the number of re-tests is included in the total number of tests conducted

Number of people testing positive

264 persons
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-134 persons)
*The number of those who re-tested positive is included after November 16 while it is excluded up to November 15.

Occupancy rate of hospital beds for severe symptom patients

20.8 %
(Day-over-day change:-1.7%)

Occupancy rate of hospital beds for mild-moderate symptom patients

23.1 %
(Day-over-day change:+1.9%)


22.7 %
(Day-over-day change:+1.3%)

Number of new positive results per 100,000 persons during the previous week

24.22 persons
(Day-over-day change:-3.13 persons)

Accumulated number of people discharged from hospitals/home recuperation/special facilities.

540 persons
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-388 persons)

Number of tests conducted

19,045 cases
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:+7,206 cases)
Until November 15: Number of re-tests that turned out positive is NOT included After November 16: Number of re-tests that turned out positive is included

Cases with transmission route unknown

156 persons
Transmission route unknown rate: 59.09 %Day-over-day change: -105
*Total number of the cases confirmed today based on the numbers for the press release

Trend of positive result numbers per occurrence date

61 inquiries
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-63 inquiries)

Number of calls to Novel Coronavirus-related Consultation Centers

695 inquiries
Total of 2021-09-28
The number might be updated at a later date depending on the report from each municipality.

Number of calls to the Consultation desk for residents

99 inquiries
Latest figure(Day-over-day change:-19 inquiries)