damn being forced to conform to fandom dot com's standards really made the mine craft wiki look a lot worse honestly
first image is the old one though i think http://archive.org fucked up the theming a bit which u can see with the buttons being too high. still looks better
i miss the normal sidebar on the old mine craft wiki thats just part of every non-fandomdotcom wiki. why does fandom feel the need to fuck everything up
anyway reminder if you want good wikis, niwa network is an alliance of probably the most reliable and well made nintendo-related wikis out there, includes mariowiki, wikirby, bulbapedia, nookipedia, and more
http://fandom.com really does suck in some regards. I know of a serious wiki on their site that was focused on artwork and digital media. It had 7,000+ articles and was deleted with ZERO notices and the fandom dot com owners provided ZERO backups/data dumps. Alternatives!