

Forbidden & Limited Card List

Effective from 01/10/2021

• Cards that are “Forbidden” cannot be used in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, or Side Deck.
• You can only have 1 copy maximum of a “Limited” card in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck combined.
• You can only have 2 copies maximum of a “Semi-Limited” card in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck combined.


The next update after this will be no earlier than 17/01/2022


Card TypeCard NameAdvanced FormatRemarks
Blackwing - Gofu the Vague ShadowForbidden
Blackwing - Steam the CloakForbidden
Blaster, Dragon Ruler of InfernosForbidden
Block DragonForbidden
Cyber JarForbidden
Destrudo the Lost Dragon's FrissonForbidden
Djinn Releaser of RitualsForbidden
Eclipse WyvernForbidden
Fairy Tail - SnowForbidden
Fiber JarForbidden
Fishborg BlasterForbidden
Glow-Up BulbForbidden
Grinder GolemForbidden
Jet SynchronForbidden
Level EaterForbidden
Magical ScientistForbidden
Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying KingForbidden
Maxx "C"Forbidden
Mecha Phantom Beast O-LionForbidden
Mind MasterForbidden
Orcust Harp HorrorForbidden
Phoenixian Cluster AmaryllisForbidden
Redox, Dragon Ruler of BouldersForbidden
Samsara LotusForbidden
SPYRAL Master PlanForbidden
The Tyrant NeptuneForbidden
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of WaterfallsForbidden
Victory DragonForbidden
Elder Entity NordenForbidden
Supreme King Dragon Starving VenomForbidden
Thunder Dragon ColossusForbidden
Astrograph SorcererForbidden
Lunalight TigerForbidden
Majespecter Unicorn - KirinForbidden
Performage PlushfireForbidden
Performapal MonkeyboardForbidden
Ancient Fairy DragonForbidden
Denglong, First of the Yang ZingForbidden
Ib the World Chalice JusticiarForbidden
Tempest MagicianForbidden
Lavalval ChainForbidden
M-X-Saber InvokerForbidden
Number 16: Shock MasterForbidden
Number 42: Galaxy TomahawkForbidden
Number 86: Heroic Champion - RhongomyniadForbidden
Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter DragonForbidden
Number S0: Utopic ZEXALForbidden
Outer Entity AzathotForbidden
Tellarknight PtolemaeusForbidden
True King of All CalamitiesForbidden
Wind-Up Carrier ZenmaityForbidden
Zoodiac BroadbullForbidden
Zoodiac DridentForbidden
Brilliant FusionForbidden
Butterfly Dagger - ElmaForbidden
Card of Safe ReturnForbidden
Change of HeartForbidden
Chicken GameForbidden
Cold WaveForbidden
Delinquent DuoForbidden
Dimension FusionForbidden
Giant TrunadeForbidden
Graceful CharityForbidden
Heavy StormForbidden
Kaiser ColosseumForbidden
Last WillForbidden
Mass DriverForbidden
Mirage of NightmareForbidden
Painful ChoiceForbidden
Pot of GreedForbidden
Premature BurialForbidden
Smoke Grenade of the ThiefForbidden
Snatch StealForbidden
Soul ChargeForbidden
Spellbook of JudgmentForbidden
That Grass Looks GreenerForbidden
The Forceful SentryForbidden
Zoodiac BarrageForbidden
Last TurnForbidden
Return from the Different DimensionForbidden
Royal OppressionForbidden
Self-Destruct ButtonForbidden
Sixth SenseForbidden
Time SealForbidden
Trap DustshootForbidden
Ultimate OfferingForbidden
Vanity's EmptinessForbidden
Card TypeCard NameAdvanced FormatRemarks
Armageddon KnightLimited
Black Dragon CollapserpentLimited
Danger!? Jackalope?Limited
Danger!? Tsuchinoko?Limited
Dark GrepherLimited
Dinomight Knight, the True DracofighterLimited
Dinowrestler PankratopsLimited
Exodia the Forbidden OneLimited
Genex Ally BirdmanLimited
Infernity ArchfiendLimited
Morphing JarLimited
Night AssailantLimited
Phantom SkyblasterLimited
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal DragonLimited
Salamangreat GazelleLimited
Speedroid TerrortopLimited
SPYRAL Quik-FixLimited
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of StormsLimited
True King Lithosagym, the DisasterLimited
White Dragon WyverbursterLimited
Zoodiac RatpierLimited
Gem-Knight Master DiamondLimited
Left Arm of the Forbidden OneLimited
Left Leg of the Forbidden OneLimited
Right Arm of the Forbidden OneLimited
Right Leg of the Forbidden OneLimited
Servant of EndymionLimited
Cyber Angel BentenLimited
PSY-Framelord OmegaLimited
T.G. Hyper LibrarianLimited
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice BarrierLimited
Beatrice, Lady of the EternalLimited
Daigusto EmeralLimited
Salamangreat MiragestallioLimited
A Hero LivesLimited
Called by the GraveLimited
Card DestructionLimited
Card of DemiseLimited
Chain StrikeLimited
Dimensional FissureLimited
Divine Wind of Mist ValleyLimited
Draco Face-OffLimited
Dragonic DiagramLimited
Final CountdownLimited
Fire Formation - TenkiLimited
Foolish BurialLimited
Gateway of the SixLimited
Gold SarcophagusLimited
Harpie's Feather DusterLimited
Infernity LauncherLimited
Instant FusionLimited
Into the VoidLimited
Magical Mid-Breaker FieldLimited
Mind ControlLimited
Monster RebornLimited
One Day of PeaceLimited
One for OneLimited
Reinforcement of the ArmyLimited
Salamangreat CircleLimited
Sekka's LightLimited
Set RotationLimited
Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet DronesLimited
Sky Striker Mecha Modules - MultiroleLimited
Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!Limited
Slash DrawLimited
SPYRAL ResortLimited
Trickstar Light StageLimited
Upstart GoblinLimited
Imperial OrderLimited
Macro CosmosLimited
Magical ExplosionLimited
Red RebootLimited
Skill DrainLimited
Wall of Revealing LightLimited
Card TypeCard NameAdvanced FormatRemarks
Danger! Nessie!Semi-Limited
Destiny HERO - MaliciousSemi-Limited
Performapal Skullcrobat JokerSemi-Limited
Emergency TeleportSemi-Limited
Card TypeCard NameAdvanced FormatRemarks
Double Iris MagicianNo Longer on list
