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Collapse Takes A Lifetime. America Is Just Getting Started

I was born into collapse in Sri Lanka. It only ended when I was nearly 30 years old

I was this years old when Sri Lanka collapsed into war. Technically, zero

Your child

When I wrote American Collapse Is Already Here, people asked me how it ends, like I’m them, from their future. But I’m not. In that analogy I’m not you at all. I am your child.

You’re corrupt

Americans don’t use this word on themselves, but your government is corrupt. That’s the word you’re looking for.


Americans are simply thinking about this all wrong. You are thinking about yourselves, how this affects you, how you can get back to normal life. I’m sorry, but that’s all gone. My parents never got their (relatively) carefree life back, but their grandchildren did.

Indi Samarajiva is a writer living in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Sign up for my newsletter at, and you can reach me at

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Indi Samarajiva is a writer living in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Sign up for my newsletter at, and you can reach me at

Every minority is a majority somewhere

I write from an underdog’s perspective, about racism, and power; but you should know. I am not your minority. Where I live, I am as majority as it gets, with all the power, privilege, and bullshit that entails.

Let me explain.

The Cops

First, let me introduce you to the cops in Sri Lanka. The police station is the site of structural racism, all over the world.

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Where I’ve been, and where Americans are

I was looking thru old photos and I’m like WTF was I doing? There was a war and it looks like I just drank through it. I wrote and protested and stuff, but the photos are mostly partying, interspersed with burnt bodies, heads in trees, and bomb smoke.

That’s what I write about in I Lived Through Collapse. The great banality of decline. As people from any messed up state can tell you, life goes on. I was a 20-something idiot and that proceeded on schedule.

I wrote that piece for Americans who are like ‘this is fine’ to tell…

Living in Sri Lanka during the end of the civil war, I saw how life goes on, surrounded by death

A water tower bombed by the Tamil Tigers in the final stages of the Sri Lankan civil war in 2008. Photo: Creative Touch Imaging Ltd./NurPhoto/Getty Images

I lived through the end of a civil war — I moved back to Sri Lanka in my twenties, just as the ceasefire fell apart. Do you know what it was like for me? Quite normal. I went to work, I went out, I dated. This is what Americans don’t understand. They’re waiting to get personally punched in the face while ash falls from the sky. That’s not how it happens.

This is how it happens. Precisely what you’re feeling now. The numbing litany of bad news. The ever rising outrages. People suffering, dying, and protesting all around you, while…

And why we all need Open Borders

Tom Hanks, your everyman, has got a better passport now. Look for the exits.

The immigration debate is viewed one way. Us hopping over your wall. But walls go two ways. Americans* are now trapped inside, with the plague and fascism on your side.

You know what my immigrant parents did when things got this bad? They moved. If you can see past the impossibility of this happening to America, this is happening to America. We have been there and we cannot warn you hard enough. Sure you need to fight, but thinking about your families, y’all need to move.

For the first time, Americans can understand the immigration debate from the other side…

Towards a Marxist workout plan

Look, it’s easy

My wife and I have gotten in ‘shape’ because of wealth, not willpower. I mean, we work at it, but being rich is not hard work. We have a cook and can control our diet. We can buy exercise equipment and, most importantly, have the uninterrupted time to use it.

Capital give you two things, time and money (ie, other people’s labor). Thus capitalism pervades everything, including how and if you can get fit.

Let me explain.