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The Strategic/Tactical Dichotomy


Tactical / strategic is one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. More research is needed to fully understand this dichotomy.

Typical Characteristics


  1. Focus on methods, and manipulate them, with goals unsettled.
  2. Goals are defined by, and modified to fit methods.
  3. Prefers to expand options. Doesn't like to have too few of them.


  1. Focus on goals, and manipulate them, with methods unsettled.
  2. Methods are defined by, and modified to fit goals.
  3. Prefers to defend goals. Doesn't like to be forced to deviate from them.

Strategic Types: LII (INTj)  SEI (ISFp)  SLE (ESTp)  EIE (ENFj)  SEE (ESFp)  LIE (ENTj)  EII (INFj)  SLI (ISTp)  

Tactical Types: ILE (ENTp)  ESE (ESFj)  LSI (ISTj)  IEI (INFp)  ESI (ISFj)  ILI (INTp)  IEE (ENFp)  LSE (ESTj)  

Famous Strategic Persons

Famous Tactical Persons

OverviewIntrovert/ExtrovertRational (Judging)/Irrational (Perceiving)Intuitive/Sensing
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