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The Strategic/Tactical Dichotomy
Tactical / strategic is one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. More research is needed to fully understand this dichotomy.
Typical Characteristics
- Focus on methods, and manipulate them, with goals unsettled.
- Goals are defined by, and modified to fit methods.
- Prefers to expand options. Doesn't like to have too few of them.
- Focus on goals, and manipulate them, with methods unsettled.
- Methods are defined by, and modified to fit goals.
- Prefers to defend goals. Doesn't like to be forced to deviate from them.
Strategic Types: LII (INTj) SEI (ISFp) SLE (ESTp) EIE (ENFj) SEE (ESFp) LIE (ENTj) EII (INFj) SLI (ISTp)
Tactical Types: ILE (ENTp) ESE (ESFj) LSI (ISTj) IEI (INFp) ESI (ISFj) ILI (INTp) IEE (ENFp) LSE (ESTj)
Famous Strategic Persons
Sacha Baron Cohen Actor | Robbie Williams Musician, Actor | Amanda Peet Actor | Christophe Reeve | Jessica Alba Actor |
Famous Tactical Persons
Josh Hartnett Actor | Katharine Hepburn Actor | Kevin Costner Actor | Abraham Lincoln Politician | Jake Gyllenhaal Actor |
Overview | Introvert/Extrovert | Rational (Judging)/Irrational (Perceiving) | Intuitive/Sensing |
Logical/Ethical | Static/Dynamic | Obstinate/Yielding | Democratic/Aristocratic |
Strategic/Tactical | Emotivist/Constructivist | Farsighted/Carefree | Merry/Serious |
Judicious/Decisive | Negativist/Positivist | Result/Process | Asking/Declaring |