Voice of the people: When all are vaccinated, COVID-19 will end

The Ledger
RN Leonor Esquivel administers a Covid-19 vaccine during a Polk County Health Department hold pop-up vaccine clinic held in the Vistor locker room at Bryant Stadium in Lakeland Fl. Tuesday August 17 2021.  

When all are vaccinated, COVID-19 will end

I am angry at those people who have refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine! You are personally responsible for the current resurgence that has overwhelmed our nation. You have adversely altered the lives of everyone. Most importantly, you have endangered our way of life.

You have endangered your children - that is unconscionable.

The school systems are in turmoil about how to protect students and staff from COVID-19.

You have overwhelmed our medical system. A recent Ledger article stated almost 50% of Lakeland Regional Hospital beds are occupied by unvaccinated COVID-19 patients. Fifty eight ICU beds are taken up by COVID-19 patients.

Elective surgeries are being postponed - typically available beds are taken by COVID-19 patients. The people whose surgeries are delayed must continue to suffer their disabilities and pains because you did not get vaccinated.

The hospital staff people are worn out trying to care for unvaccinated COVID-19 patients who caused their own illness. Why should medical people take care of people who refuse to take care of themselves? That has led many care givers to be angry too.

I implore you to get vaccinated. When all are vaccinated, COVID-19 will end. Examples are polio and smallpox, which do not now exist. You know why? Most everyone worldwide was vaccinated!

David Jameson, Lakeland

Phasing out fossil fuels can be done economically

The fossil fuel industry is resorting to deception in a desperate attempt to continue burning fuels to generate electricity. Solar farms and windmills now generate electricity more economically than power plants. Furthermore, these costs continue plummeting.

Fossil fuel producers claim that "Carbon Capture and Storage" will someday avoid massive environmental damage from burning gas, oil and coal. CCS involves recovering CO2 from smokestacks and disposing it underground. Anyone who understands the technology and economics should realize that CCS is hopelessly impractical. The fossil fuel industry uses this falsehood to delay transition to clean energy.

We need to become more aware of environmental damage from burning fuels. We must encourage phasing out of fossil fuels to generate electricity. This can be done in ways that are economically and ecologically viable. Utility companies across Florida are already setting a good example by building solar power farms for nearly all expansions.

Environmental protection is resisted by those who value money above the wellbeing of humanity. The early naturalist John Muir warned, "Nothing dollar-able is safe."

John Wing, Chemical and Environmental Engineer, Lakeland

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