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ComplexTruths is a non-profit foundation that is focused on spreading global CRPS awareness. We have over 500 pages of articles and video's that have helped many people around the world get diagnosed and find treatments that can help them find answers and comfort as they navigate through this disease. We are an ad-free website, and to stay that way, we need donations so that we can afford to keep the website up and running. We survive on donations averaging around $20. If everyone reading this gave $5 we would be done with this fundraiser within the week. We are a small team and our costs go to keeping the servers up, website, domains, and print material. Please help by donating whatever you can to the cause. We are growing to be the largest online library and informational website for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome where everyone around the world can come to learn. That is special, and we want to keep it that way - and ad-free. Thank you.