• What Causes CRPS?
  • Improve Your Circulation
  • Tests and Tools for Diagnosing CRPS
Find Your Purpose!

Find Your Purpose!

Are you tired of feeling helpless? Do you feel like you could do more? Well now you can! We are on a mission to spread global CRPS disease awareness to educate millions & save lives. We are tired of watching people suffer. It's time we change the world. Join our team today and make a difference!

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Meet Others Like You

Meet Others Like You

Feel alone? You aren't. You may feel that way, but there are millions just like you. Whether you are a CRPS Warrior, Caretaker, or CRPS Provider, our growing community of Truth Warrior Bloggers are here to provide you with tips that they have learned along their journey to help you in yours.

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CRPS Quick Facts

CRPS Quick Facts

CRPS affects every organ and system in your body. Want to educate yourself about CRPS but don't know where to start? Take a peek at our Quick Facts page and choose at a glance what topics to choose from - CRPS Causes, what is a Spoonie, and share with your friends! There is so much to learn and share!

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Spreading Complex Regional Syndrome (CRPS-RSD) Awareness

The Truth Warriors are here to tell you to not give up, to never stop searching, to never lose hope.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), previously Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), and Causalgia, is unlike any other disease on the planet.  There is nothing like the pain, sorrow, and loss of hope that you feel when you are first diagnosed.  For those that have had the disease for a long time, you know that the chances of remission are low.  You know the days are few and far between when your pain levels are bearable.

Whether you are the survivor of the disease, or a loved one looking for answers in this new helpless world that you have fallen into, know that you have come to the right place because we are here, working non-stop, finding the answers so you don't have to because we are survivors too. 

If you have a doctor that you know of that treats CRPS, or you are a doctor that treats CRPS, please submit your information below so that we can post your information on our website to help others find a CRPS doctor in their area. 

Submit Your CRPS Doctor to Help Us Help Others

  • This will help us get in contact with your doctor
  • This should be where you see your doctor
  • This should be the location information for where you see your doctor
  • Please tell us how your doctor treats your CRPS
  • Please tell us anything else you would like about your doctor
  • If you have a picture and would like to share

Romans 8:28-30

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

Please Donate Now

ComplexTruths is a non-profit foundation that is focused on spreading global CRPS awareness. We have over 500 pages of articles and video's that have helped many people around the world get diagnosed and find treatments that can help them find answers and comfort as they navigate through this disease. We are an ad-free website, and to stay that way, we need donations so that we can afford to keep the website up and running. We survive on donations averaging around $20. If everyone reading this gave $5 we would be done with this fundraiser within the week. We are a small team and our costs go to keeping the servers up, website, domains, and print material. Please help by donating whatever you can to the cause. We are growing to be the largest online library and informational website for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome where everyone around the world can come to learn. That is special, and we want to keep it that way - and ad-free. Thank you.