Alabama saw more deaths in 2020 than any year in history


While battling the coronavirus, Alabama set a new record last year. The state saw more total deaths in 2020 than during any other year in state history, according to Dr. Scott Harris, Alabama’s state health officer.

“This past year, for Alabama, the year 2020... we are going to have more deaths in the state of Alabama than we have ever had in the history of the state of Alabama, by a lot,” Harris said Wednesday in a COVID-19 Town Hall today with “We’re going to have around six or seven thousand more people who died in our state this past year than any year we have ever had, going back to the year 1900. That’s how far I’ve asked our staff to go back.”

[Can’t see the chart? Click here.]

Harris also noted another grim record set in 2020 - Alabama had more deaths than births for the first time ever.

“This is the first year in the history of Alabama that we’ve had more deaths in our state than we had births in our state,” Harris said. “Our state shrank last year. And it’s not a coincidence that that’s about exactly the number of deaths we had from COVID.”

Data from the Alabama Department of Public Health shows there were about 7,000 more deaths than births in Alabama in 2020. It also shows there were 10,605 more total deaths in 2020 than in 2019.

“Our state literally shrunk this year for the first time in history, even going back to World War II, when people were serving overseas; going back to the Spanish Flu epidemic, when we had the flu in our state; going back to World War I. We’ve never seen that happen before in the state of Alabama until COVID this past year.”

Harris reiterated that these excess deaths are indeed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that COVID deaths haven’t been artificially inflated.

“We’ve get skeptical people who go, ‘Oh well, those were just older people who were going to die anyway, and you’re just attributing their deaths to COVID.’ That is not the case,” he said. “We had six or seven thousand COVID deaths last year. That’s about how many excess deaths we had in the state of Alabama.”

2020 death data is preliminary, and could change, but the total isn’t likely to go down much. And the pandemic didn’t stop in 2020. ADPH reports nearly 7,200 COVID deaths in Alabama occurred in 2020, and another 5,600 have been reported so far in 2021.

That number is sure to go up, as deaths from the delta wave continue to get reported. Alabama is averaging about 42 new reported deaths per day as of Wednesday.

Dr. Michael Saag, an infectious diseases professor at UAB, was also on Wednesday’s Town Hall. He said 2021′s deaths are even more tragic.

“When the numbers come out for 2021, there will probably, I would guess, not be as many total deaths. But the tragedy of 2021 is that the majority of those deaths were totally preventable,” he said. “We didn’t have a vaccine in 2020. We do have a vaccine now. And the people who are dying, 90 to 95% plus of those are unvaccinated folks. And that is, to me, an enormous tragedy unfolding before our eyes right now.

Do you have an idea for a data story about Alabama? Email Ramsey Archibald at, and follow him on Twitter @RamseyArchibald. Read more Alabama data stories here.

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