The NDE and War |
Kevin Williams' research conclusions |
exists everywhere in nature. The world is a literal combat zone where survival
of the fittest is law. Viruses invade our bodies and antibodies kill them. We
are constantly at war against insects that destroy our crops and invade our
homes. Because we, as humans, are at the top of the food chain, we slaughter all
kinds of plants and animals for food and clothes. Law enforcement is fighting a
war against crime and drugs. The federal government declared war on poverty and
illiteracy. At times, our country declares war against other countries which
threaten our national interests. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural
catastrophes unmercifully kills multitudes of people and destroys billions of
dollars worth of property. Some day in the future, the world will in danger of
being destroyed by a killer asteroid or comet. Ultimately, the whole universe
might end the same way it began - with a violent explosion of unimaginable
destruction. In New York
City, terrorists flew airplanes into the Twin Towers and killed thousands of
innocent people in the name of religion. What should our response be to this?
Should we love the terrorists and pray for them in the hope that more of them
don't do it again? Or should we kill them all to prevent them from ever killing
our children? In the light of the NDE and unconditional love, should we kill our
enemies or should we love them? This is not an easy question for us to answer.
Fortunately, we can find some answers by analyzing history, nature, and science
in light of the NDE.
God's Big Bomb
An incredibly violent act by God resulted in the
creation of the universe and all the acts of violence that followed.
An infinitely massive explosion
unleashed by God led to unimaginable chaos, destruction and fireballs of
incredible proportions. After eons of time, the chaos began to subside and
harmony began - the heavenly bodies were born.
I saw that the Big
Bang is only one of an infinite number of Big Bangs creating Universes endlessly
and simultaneously. The only images that even come close in human terms would be
those created by supercomputers using fractal geometry equations.
(Mellen-Thomas Benedict) |
The War of the Survival of
the Fittest
From the very beginning, the
survival of the fittest
became the struggle for life through domination, submission, killing, and being
killed. The evolution of all living things came about through war and
aggression. The fight
or flight mechanism within animals and humans is a critical component of
evolution. Animals and humans kill plants and animals for survival. This is not
a moral decision, but a matter of life and death.
A way
became available for souls to enter the Earth and experience it as part of their
evolutionary/reincarnation cycle. Of the physical forms already existing on
Earth, a species of anthropoid
ape most nearly approached the necessary pattern.
Souls descended on these apes - hovering above and about them rather than
inhabiting them - and influenced them to move toward a different goal from the
simple one they had been pursuing. They came down out of the trees, built fires,
made tools, lived in communities, and began to communicate with each other.
Eventually they lost their animal look, shed bodily hair, and took on
refinements of manner and habit. The evolution of the human body occurred partly
through the soul's influence on the endocrine glands until the ape-man was a
three-dimensional objectification of the soul that hovered above it. Then the
soul fully descended into the body and Earth had a new inhabitant: the homo
sapien. (Edgar Cayce) |
Natural Born Killers
Evolution and reincarnation put humans at the top of
the food chain of command. Humans succeeded in conquering the animal kingdom and
ruling the planet through violence and killing. Science is beginning to
understand that humans are genetically
natural born killers. Medical researchers discovered that people born with
dysfunctional frontal cortexes of the brain are highly prone to be
serial killers. In our courts of law, criminal defense attorneys have used
the criminal defense of "my
brain made me kill." FBI profilers know that white men are more prone to be
serial killers.
One of these
fates casts before the crowd to be reincarnated a number of earthly destinies
from which they may choose to be, for example, a tyrant, an animal, an artist,
or, as Odysseus carefully chose, an ordinary citizen who minds his own business.
(Plato) |
The Planet of the Apes
The history of humanity is the
history of warfare. Modern civilization is the product of a tremendous
number of devastating wars and man's inhumanity to man. History teaches man that
man learns little from history. However, some people are learning from history
by traveling back into time during their NDEs to experience the entire history
of the world. Perhaps the reason experiencers journey through history is to
teach humanity the lessons of history.
I went back and
lived in the minds of Jesus and his disciples. I heard their conversations,
experienced eating, passing wine, smells, tastes - yet I had no body. I was pure
consciousness. If I didn't understand what was happening, an explanation would
come. But no teacher spoke. I explored the Roman Empire, Babylon, the times of
Noah and Abraham. Any era you can name, I went there.
(Dr. George Rodonaia) |
Holy War? Smart Bombs?
Friendly Fire? Military Intelligence?
In modern times, humans became capable of completely
destroying the world and everyone in it with
weapons of mass destruction. Experiencers reveal that war not only exists in
the physical realm, but in the spirit realm as well. The inner nature of man
that is responsible for committing atrocities against others becomes manifested
in spirit realms.
I had always
thought of hell, when I thought of it at all, as a fiery place somewhere beneath
the Earth where evil people like Hitler would burn forever. But what if one
level of hell existed right here on the surface - unseen and unsuspected by the
living people occupying the same space.
(Dr. George Ritchie) |
The War Against Death
Today, doctors are beginning to win the war against
death. Modern medical technology can now be used by doctors to literally bring
people back from death.
experienced a heated battle between the doctors who were trying to save her and
the angels who were trying to bring her over to spirit. During the struggle, an
angel finally said, "They're stronger than we are," and she was sucked back into
her body.
(Laura) |
Learning From War
While it is true that love is always the best
teacher, even war can result in divine revelations for the learning and soul
growth of humanity in general. Near-death insights reveal that our greatest
mistakes can be our greatest teachers.
The oldest near-death account ever recorded in
western civilization was the result of war. Plato described the NDE of a soldier
who was killed in battle and who came back to life on his funeral pyre. Er was
told that he must be a messenger to humanity to tell them of the other world. (Plato)
Lynn saw soldiers who died during the Vietnam War
hiding in the near-death tunnel. They were afraid to come into the light or who
were disoriented about where they were. Lynn was told that there was no need to
worry about them because a guide would eventually help them along. (Lynn)
Ned Dougherty once lived an unspiritual and
hedonistic life. While trying to murder his business partner, Ned had a heart
attack and a NDE. He saw the light of God and felt God's embrace and love - a
love greater than any love he had ever known. Spiritual beings began cheering
him and conveying their loving encouragement and support. They cheered: "You are
doing wonderfully. We are here to support you. Continue to do good work, and we
will help you. You are part of us, and we are part of you. We stand ready to
come to your aid when you need us, and you will. Call us. Beckon us. We will
flock to you when the time comes!" Ned was confused by all the attention because
there wasn't anything wonderful about the way he had conducted his life. He
thought, "How can I be doing wonderfully? I almost killed someone tonight. Could
I be justified in what I tried to do?" Ned's deceased friend appears and says,
"You were spiritually rescued from a negative event that was taking place in
your life." (Ned Dougherty)
After a man's son was murdered, it angered him so
much that he decided to kill the person responsible. One day, the spirit of his
son appeared to him and said, "No hatred, no anger, Dad," and he repeated it,
"No hatred, no anger." This amazing spiritual experience changed his heart so
much that he no longer felt the anger and hatred. He even began to feel sorry
for the man who murdered his son because he will have to live every waking
minute of his life knowing that he is a murderer. (Bill
During the Apostle Paul's NDE, he witnessed the
judgment and punishment of a soul who murdered three people. Paul saw angels
whipping the murderer. The soul wonders what sin he has committed. The
"gatekeeper" brings forth three of his murder victims. The soul was then cast
down to the world to be reincarnated. (Apocalypse of
A woman consulted Edgar Cayce on a critical health
matter. She was about to undergo a very risky surgery and she wanted to know
whether or not to have it done. Cayce induced himself into having a NDE using
hypnosis in order to read the woman's life record in heaven. Afterward, he
advised the woman to have the surgery because it would be a success. He
explained that the surgeons who were to perform the surgery were once
Inquisitors in a past life who tortured and killed her because of her religious
beliefs. By going ahead with the surgery, she would be allowing the surgeons to
pay a karmic debt they owed her. Because of this advice, the woman underwent the
surgery. It was successful just as Cayce foretold. (Edgar
The Armies of Heaven
Some near-death accounts describe the unseen spiritual warfare occurring all
around us and the warring angels involved. These angels are often described as
extensions of God's desire to bring peace to the world.
God is in the process of recruiting an army in which
God will shake the world. Working through his soldiers, God will produce great
miracles that will shake the established hierarchy of organized religion. (Rev.
Howard Pittman)
The archangels Michael and Gabriel are two gigantic,
magnificent and mighty beings dressed in brilliant garb. Michael's role is to
choose souls to be soldiers for God. Gabriel teaches souls the ways of the
soldier for God. (Lou Famoso)
According to the archangel Michael, God's army of
angels is visiting us with a life force of energy, a spiritual energy radiated
by the Creator to all humankind. (Ned Dougherty)
I was told that the war between
darkness and light upon the Earth has grown so intense that if we are not
continually seeking light, the darkness will consume us and we will be lost. I
was not told when it would happen, but I understood that the Earth is being
prepared for the second coming of Christ. (Angie
Souls preparing themselves for birth are like
battle-hardened veterans girding themselves for combat. (Dr.
Michael Newton)
Kerry witnessed a battle between a Being of Light
and a force of darkness during which the dark force was defeated. (Kerry
Everything in the spirit realm is controlled by the
all-pervading vibration of God. This divine vibration controls all thoughts by
destroying negative thoughts and allowing only good thoughts of love and
happiness. (Arthur Yensen)
No Pain. No Gain.
Near-death accounts reveal that God's love for us is not a passive love that
would sit by and watch humans destroy the world and everyone in it. The evidence
suggests that although God does not want people to kill each other, God permits
it for the purpose of instruction. Such evidence suggests that God's love is a
tough love.
God does not wish to see us suffer. Our adversities
are of our own creation. Just as a parent punishes a child in order to correct
it, so the laws of God prove immovable when we try to resist them. The more we
struggle to resist, the more hopelessly do we entangle ourselves at the mental
or physical or material or emotional level, and sometimes on all four levels
simultaneously. (Edgar Cayce)
God's overriding desire is to purify the darkness of
our souls, irrespective of the suffering it puts us through to achieve that end.
If we learn to accept our situations in life, instead of fighting it, then our
suffering is greatly minimized. (Daniel
All the suffering in our lives is actually for our
own good. Out of the most tragic of circumstances springs human growth. (Angie
Howard Storm was given the
following insights from beings of light after his life review when he was
fearful of returning to Earth life and afraid he would make mistakes again:
Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human. We are here to make all the
mistakes we want because it is through our mistakes that we learn. As long as we
try to do what we know to be right, we will be on the right path. If we make a
mistake, we should fully recognize it as a mistake, then put it behind us and
simply try not to make the same mistake again. The important thing is to try our
best, keep our standards of goodness and truth, and not compromise them to win
people's approval. God loves us just the way we are, mistakes and all. When we
make a mistake, we should ask for forgiveness. After that, it would be an insult
if we don't accept that we are forgiven. We shouldn't continue going around with
a sense of guilt, and we should try not to repeat our mistakes. We should learn
from our mistakes. God wants us to do what we want to do. That means making
choices - and there isn't necessarily any right choice. There are a spectrum of
possibilities, and we should make the best choice from those possibilities. If
we do that, we will receive help from the Other Side.
(Rev. Howard Storm)
Our suffering is not a cross from God for us to
bear. It is a challenge to help us grow and stay compassionate. (Lynn)
Life is supposed to be hard. We can't skip over the
hard parts. We must earn what we receive. (Angie
An acceptance of suffering as a needed lesson can
bring instantaneous healing. (Edgar Cayce)
The Meek Will Conquer the World?
Jesus taught that the meek will inherit the Earth. The question arises
concerning the identity of the meek and the identity of the strong? Are the
so-called strong actually weak? Are the so-called weak actually strong?
Near-death insights suggests that people who appear to be very physically weak
are often very spiritually strong and these people chose to assume this physical
weakness before they were born for the purpose of advancing the spiritual growth
of themselves and others.
There are many divine rewards from struggling and
overcoming a handicap from birth. (Mary Ellen)
The mentally retarded are special people who know
much more than they are able to express. They are actually more spiritually
advanced and come to Earth to teach the rest of us. (Sandra
Life is a cycle leading humanity toward perfection.
Most people have this secret revealed to them when they die, but handicapped
children often know this and endure their problems without complaining because
they know that their burdens will pass. Some of these children have even been
given the challenge of teaching the rest of us how to love. (Dr.
Frank Oski)
Hardships are necessary for the growth of our soul.
(Sandra Rogers)
Some people have a NDE because of losing a battle
against a fatal disease. During their NDE, a Being of Light miraculously
destroys the disease in their body. They are then returned to their body and
returned to life. This suggests that God does destroy diseases in NDEs -
possibly as a testimony of the supremacy of the spirit over the body. (Anecdotal
evidence of NDE healings)
A firefighter lost a battle against a fire he was
fighting. During his NDE, he was told that if he chose to return, he would
miraculously not suffer the ill affects from the fire. He was told that this
will happen so that: "God's power over the elements would be made manifest." (Jake)
Sarah was beaten to death by an intruder in her home
which resulted in a NDE. In heaven, she was told by her guardian that she was
brought to heaven to rest and gain the courage and energy to go on and finish
her mission. (Sarah Powell)
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
The NDE evidence suggests that free will is one of God's greatest gifts given to
humanity. This means we are free to war and kill each other at will. Although
God's gift has lead us to war and murder, free will is the only vehicle which
permits us to truly love God and others. A robot with no free will can only do
what it is programmed to do and has no choice to do otherwise. It is clear that
God does not want robots to love. Perhaps divine love is something that cannot
programmed and can only be attained through trial and error. Perhaps this
explains all the injustices that exist in the world.
War exists in the world because humans come here and
make free choices to learn and evolve. Unfortunately, this creates a mess and
war is a part of that mess. But the same free choice principle is instrumental
in cleaning it up. (David Oakford)
All the misery that happens in this world is our
fault. God gave us the tools to live by including free will. It is our free will
that is responsible for war and hatred.(Carter
Some scientific discoveries were divine gifts that
humanity perverted to use for war. (Rev. Howard Storm)
Humanity's general inability to believe that life is
everlasting is responsible for millions of people being killed by war. Human
life has been held very cheaply. But humans are progressing up the spiral of
evolution to a place where we know that there is no problem, no pain, no ill, no
disharmony in the entire universe that will eventually not be made into harmony.
(Margaret Tweddell)
The Perfect Love of Adolf Hitler
Its hard to comprehend how one man can have such a horrible influence on the
world. Adolf Hitler was responsible for unleashing a global war that was never
before known in history. We think of Hitler as the personification of evil and
we believe he is now somewhere burning in hell for eternity. We believe we are
incapable of doing the things that he did. It horrifies us that any human being
could do these things. We practically deny his humanity in order to demonize
him. But this is one of the things that makes Hitler so horrifying - he was
Try to imagine what Hitler's life review must have
been like. In the light of complete understanding, he would suddenly realize his
true nature as perfect love. He would then become every victim of his atrocities
and feel all their pain. He would see perfectly how all his thoughts and actions
had an impact on the entire universe. Although he made such monumental mistakes,
he probably learned monumental lessons from his life review. One might even
wonder if Hitler learned more from a life review than anyone else. We can only
speculate how horrible the negative aspect of his life review must have been. It
may even be too unbearable for one man to take. (Kevin
The Perfect Teacher Adolf Hitler
From big mistakes come big lessons. It is clear that Hitler made very big
mistakes which led to big lessons not only for himself, but for humanity. It
should be clear to us that God permitted Hitler to make these mistakes for the
purpose of instructing humanity. Near-death accounts reveal that God loves
everyone unconditionally and this includes Hitler. So, we too must love everyone
unconditionally, including Hitler. We know that God's infinite mercy extends to
him and someday Hitler will join the choir in heaven just like the rest of us.
I'm sure that I asked the question that had been
plaguing me since childhood about the sufferings of my (Jewish) people. I do
remember this:There was a reason for everything that happened, no matter how
awful it appeared in the physical realm.And within myself, as I was given the
answer, my own awakening mind now responded in the same manner: "Of course," I
would think, "I already know that.How could I ever have forgotten!" (Beverly
Everyone goes to the same place. This
includes Billy Graham, Hitler, and Jeffery Dahmer. (Mac
Mistakes are an acceptable part of beinghuman. We
are to make all the mistakes we want.It is how we learn. (Rev.
Howard Storm)
There really is no sin as it is known in the world.
The only thing that has any meaning in the spirit worldis what we think. The
very core of our being is perfect love and light. (Jayne
There is no evil in any human soul. It is the lack
of love that distorts people. We are designed by God to self-correct, just like
the rest of the universe. No one is lost because everyone is already saved. (Mellen-Thomas
From these NDE insights, we should conclude that
Hitler was not an evil man because evil does not exist - only ignorance exists.
Hitler was very spiritually ignorant. He was so spiritually ignorant that we
might even consider him spiritually retarded. It is even possible that this
spiritual retardation was the result of a dysfunctional frontal cortex of the
brain. Who is to say? Thinking of Hitler as a mentally handicapped person (who
but by the grace of God goes us) makes it a little easier to love him
unconditionally. How can we hate retarded people? It is much easier to
sympathize with them. (Kevin Williams)
The Perfect Lessons From Adolf
Assuming that Hitler was able to stand up through the negative aspect of his
life review and assuming he did not condemn himself to hell because of it, he
would have seen the tremendously positive influences he had on the world. These
positive influences are positive lessons that God gives to humanity for the
purpose of instruction and perfection.
Hitler brought the world together, all of a sudden,
to a new level of spiritual awareness. War, such as that started by Hitler, must
never be allowed to happen again. For over the last fifty years and going
strong, such a war has not happened. This increased level of spiritual awareness
concerning the utter horror that spiritual ignorance can bring, helped make the
idea of the oneness of humanity realized such as the creation of the United
Nations. (Kevin Williams)
Hitler was the catalyst that led to the development
of the atom bomb, another factor that brought a new level of spiritual awareness
to humanity. We now have the ability to destroy the planet many times over and
everyone in it. This helped bring humanity together to prevent this from
happening. The full extent of the horror of war is now realized. One act of
aggression can now result in the complete oblivion of Earth. Ironically, the
atom bomb is actually contributing to the deterrence of complete oblivion. (Mellen-Thomas
Hitler gave humanity a yardstick for which to
measure the extent of the need for people to change for the better. The
spiritual darkness that Hitler unleashed into the world greatly increased the
need for spiritual light. Unbridled bigotry, hatred, and spiritual ignorance on
such a massive scale are greater threats to the world than ever known before.
Spiritual ignorance now has the power to bring humanity to the very brink of
extinction. (Kevin Williams)
The legacy of Hitler demonstrates the folly of
appeasing murderous dictators. It is too costly to allow them to threaten the
world with impunity. Their murderous intent must be nipped in the bud early on
before it takes a devastating world war to stop it. As stated earlier, God does
not desire war but God will allow it to happen for the purpose of instruction
leading to perfection. (Kevin Williams)
Hitler's attempt to rule the world ultimately led to
a shift in the balance of the world's power. Colonialism dissolved all around
the world and people began to be free to govern themselves. America became the
Arsenal of Democracy to counter the threat of political oppression that breeds
dictators such as Hitler. The legacy of Hitler and World War II is ultimately
resulting in the victory of democracy all over the world. (Kevin
The NDE principle of how our greatest mistakes
become our greatest lessons can certainly be applied to Hitler. Hitler and
Nazism was such a colossal mistake that it resulted in a colossal lesson. A
similar situation on the other side of the spectrum can be made concerning
Jesus. The colossal mistake of executing Jesus led to an even greater good - the
proliferation of his teachings. (Kevin Williams)
Humanity is designed to self-correct itself. (Mellen-Thomas
Apocalypse Now
Near-death experiencers are given glimpses of the
future. They see the future as it would exist if current trends continue.
Near-death accounts reveal that the Earth as a single organism for which we are
all a part. We are the Earth's human awareness. Our wars and transgressions not
only cause us to suffer but causes the Earth to suffer as well.
The Earth has terrible wounds on her body. She is
gasping for breath and calling out to God and to her children to stop the
killing and hatefulness. The world is dying and praying for all of us to help
her to heal and regenerate. (Dr. Liz Dale)
Humans have fallen away from living in balance
with nature. Great damage will be inflicted on the Earth before this harmonic
balance is finally restored. (David Oakford)
Humans are out of harmony with the world and all its
creatures, including our own brothers and sisters, with whom we are constantly
at war. (Norman Paulsen)
Humanity is in the final moments before Jesus
returns. The Earth is being prepared for this event. The war between the forces
of light and the forces of darkness are growing so intense on Earth that
humanity is in danger of being consumed by the forces of darkness. (Angie
The Enemy Within
Near-death accounts reveal that everyone has within them a divine nature and an
animal nature that wars against each other. At a higher divine level of
consciousness (spirit), everyone is connected and there is no separation between
things. This "Universal Consciousness" that connects us all is what people refer
to as "God." But our lower animal nature tends to believe in a delusion that
somehow we are separate from other people and God and that we are not connected.
This creates a spiritual struggle within us between our lower nature and our
higher nature.
The Biblical "war in heaven" between God and "the
devil" is a symbolic religious description of this real spiritual struggle
within all humans between our lower animal nature and our higher spirit nature.
Our higher self - our spirit - is one with (or "a part of" but also "is") the
"Universal Consciousness" which people think of as "God." The lower self is
symbolized as "the beast within" which Jesus taught to put to death by "taking
up our cross" and following him in practicing unconditional love through
self-sacrifice, self-deprecation, and self-denial in devotion to others. By
"crucifying the flesh," we allow our higher selves to manifest itself more and
our lower unevolved animal nature to recede. The nature of the beast within
humanity is manifested as self-gratification, self-indulgence,
self-centeredness, selfishness, self-consciousness, self-importance,
self-righteousness, self-delusion, self-condemnation, self, self, SELF (the
"ego," the "false god," "Satan") This spiritual condition of a "conscious self"
deluding itself into thinking it is separate from the "Conscious Whole" is what
the Bible symbolically refers to as the "fall" of spirit in man at the "Garden
of Eden" - or the "fall" of one third of the "angels" from heaven (both Biblical
analogies refer to the same spiritual event). (Edgar
This struggle between our animal nature and our divine nature ultimately created
a gulf in our consciousness which must be overcome. Self is the greatest enemy
you will ever have to face. This desire for self constantly wars against our
higher self - the Whole. The collective human desire for self and materialism
(symbolically described in the Bible as "Babylon") is the source of every war
and atrocity committed by human beings. Only the painful processes of
"crucifying self" and the "purification" of the Earth will restore everything to
its original glory. For humans to fully evolve from their animal nature and
overcome self, it is not enough to merely believe in these things or know about
them. It must be experienced and put into practice. The higher self - the spirit
- must be brought into conscious awareness. (Edgar Cayce)
It is not enough to merely focus on the cross of Jesus and the divinity within
him. Jesus taught people to "take up their own crosses" and follow his example
and way. A person whose higher self has overcome his lower self will then become
spiritually "awakened" and a spiritual "resurrection" will take place. The
person will then begin to manifest the human-divine unity that Jesus, Buddha,
and other avatars did. Once our spirit "comes alive" in our conscious mind
through the spiritual practice of unconditional love for others, we become
liberated from the cycle of evolution and rebirth. This process of spiritual
awakening within an individual and within humanity at large is described in the
Book of Revelation in dream symbols - the language of the soul. The liberation
of humanity is when the "devil" (the delusion of separation and self-will) is
then "cast into the abyss" (self-will is suppressed from consciousness by the
divine will). The result will be "heaven on Earth" (divine awareness within
humanity). So, in conclusion, this describes in a nutshell the entire story of
human evolution. It is the story of the struggle of the human spirit in
overcoming the animal flesh. It is the Bible story, from Genesis to Revelation,
concerning the fall and rise of the human spirit. It is paradise lost and
paradise found again. The rest of the Bible is mostly commentary. (Edgar
The struggle between our higher and lower selves
grows until finally the destructive elements are completely overcome. (Betty
Humans are educated at a higher level by spirit
beings who bring us into heaven. We grow and increase, and grow and increase,
and shed the concerns, desires, and base animal stuff that we have been fighting
much of our life. Earthly appetites melt away. It is no longer a struggle to
fight them. We become who we truly are, which is part of the divine. (Rev.
Howard Storm)
God's love looks at all of us throughout the eyes of
eternity. God's overriding desire is to purify the darkness of our souls,
irrespective of the suffering God has to put us through to achieve that end.
However, it will greatly minimize our suffering if we learn to accept instead of
fighting against our situation in life. (Daniel
Jesus knew he had to die on the cross to fulfill his
mission. His mission was to demonstrate to humanity how to practice
unconditional love through self-sacrifice in devotion to others and by
overcoming self so that our divine nature can be manifested. (Edgar
War Is Hell
Since war is so prevalent in this world, it should be no surprise that there
exists a spirit realm where the human desire to kill can be fully expressed. At
death, a person's inner nature is expressed outwardly in the spirit realm.
People take their inner hellish natures with them after death. The result is
what people refer to as "hell".
Hell is like a great battlefield that is jammed with
hordes of angry souls who are locked in fights to the death where no death is
possible. They are locked into habits of mind and emotion, into hatred, lust,
destructive thought-patterns that cannot be satisfied. Souls can even be found
arguing over some religious point, trying to kill those who do not agree with
them. (Dr. George Ritchie)
Hell is a psychological condition
which represents the hellish inner thoughts and desires within some souls. Here
they become uninhibited and their hellish condition is fully manifested.
No demons are there to inflict punishment. Each soul acts out their own anger
and hatred by warring and tormenting others. (Emanuel
Hell is a state where a wild orgy of frenzied
taunting, screaming and fighting occurs. These souls are completely ignorant of
any higher spiritual realities. They are a mob driven by unbridled cruelty and
passions. (Rev. Howard Storm)
Murderers in hell do not see a devil. Instead they
see visions of their own face distorted by hatred, greed, anger, and other
defeating emotions. Souls such as these will stay in torment for a long, long
time, until they believe themselves to be totally lost. At this point, they may
at last cry out to God to rescue them. This wail of despair is heard by God and
they are rescued. They are then given opportunities to make amends through the
process of reincarnation. (Ruth Montgomery)
Farewell To Arms
Although the world has a long history of war and murder, near-death accounts
reveal that someday all war will end and
heaven will be established on Earth. This will
happen when humanity learns its lessons, renounces war, and changes for the
There will be no nuclear war in the world because
God loves the world. (Rev. Howard Storm)
If humanity changes for the better, a horrible world
war will be averted. (Dannion Brinkley)
Out of all the wars that humans tried to create, God
allowed only a few, to bring people to their senses and to stop them. (Rev.
Howard Storm)
If people turn more to spirituality and less to
materiality, these wars will not happen. (Ned
God is going to rescind some of humanity's free will
in favor of more divine control over human events in order to bring peace and
harmony to the world. (Rev. Howard Storm)
Man will prey on man until man will pray for man. (Lou