About CALL4
CALL4 is the first online platform in Japan dedicated for litigation funding with the goal of addressing social problems. By reading and understanding the plight of some of the underserved people we hope people will be encouraged to spread the word about the causes, to get involved in their own manner, or to participate financially.
Learn about cases
Proceedings against "minority crushing" rampant in local council
Supporter 52 supporters
Total amount of current support ¥ 1,237,000
30% -
Proceedings for returning the human remains of Ryukyu ancestors
Supporter 22 supporters
Total amount of current support ¥ 281,000
28% -
Proceedings for side jobs of educational civil servants
Supporter 237 supporters
Total amount of current support ¥ 832,700
[Minpaku] Correct the fraudulent notification of the Chuo Ward Public Health Center in Tokyo, which has a huge vested interest.
Supporter 5 supporters
Total amount of current support ¥ 38,000
Trial Calendar
2021.9.14(Tue)14:00~2nd speech preparation dateLocation Tokyo District Court
2021.9.17(Fri)11:00~8th oral argument dateLocation Tokyo District Court, Court No. 415
Why do you need donation to file a litigation?
Lawsuits are extremely costly and require an incredible amount of time. It places too much burden on underserved individuals. Your donation will help provide aid to the people who are trying to address social problems through their lawsuits.
What’s New
- 2021.9.9 A new column was published
- 2021.9.8 A new column was published
- 2021.9.3 A new column was published
Our Mission
- President
Motoki Taniguchi
CALL4 was established to advocate on behalf of those who are involved in lawsuits which could help to address a wide array of social problems through sharing their stories.
We hope our platform will be a place for everyone who is concerned or interested in the issues we raise to get positively involved by donating financially or participating in a different way.
The judicial process has long been considered closed, and irrelevant to most. CALL4 also strives to be a positive channel through which the voice of the people can be heard. Because we believe that you may realize that their stories and opinions are not something irrelevant, but in fact they are the same as yours.
The legal system is one of the building blocks of the society. And we believe that ensuring the accessibility of the law for all is the best path towards a new, more diverse and fair society.
To lawyers
We want to make CALL4 a shared platform for everyone working in the law.