That Page Where Rigen Pretends to be an Artist
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by Rigen

You know what? Fuck it, I'm making an artist (gallery) page. You can't stop me FBI, I don't live in America, muahahahaha

I hereby affirm that all arts featured in this page are my own creation, and have been released through the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.

Stuff I made for the Instagram Art Contests

totally not salty that Instagram compression wrecked the quality Edition

SCP-3171 is my favorite explanation on how the Foundation got all of their amnestics. Instead of depleting a mobile seaweed forest or feeding an E E L god thing, just open up a ███ hotline!

Broken Masquerade be like.
This is a bit of more vague and broad conceptual piece, instead of specific article, with Juche tower because what else would be in North Korea amirite?

I literally just googled "North Korea Landmark" tbh.
Kinda surprised they let it be an entry.

Remember Korea.


No, it's not Assassination Classroom fanart. …well, not consciously.

This is SCP-2399, the Malfunctioning Destroyer. The already comical rendition was made worse because there were a far better 2399 art a couple entries earlier. sigh cycle of life.

Stuff I made for SCP community in general


SCP-6600 Spidercon's Logo with extra legs

Kara didn't ask me to make this logo, the idea just sprung fully formed inside my head when se proposed the idea to make 6kon into spidercon.

I sent ser the version without the hind legs, so it only has four frontal legs. The massive hind legs don't really fit as header logo. I also didn't make the rainbow/Pride version.

self-explanatory. u trust dado. was a meme.

Stuff I made in SCP Foundation Indonesia community

Inspired by the Special Detachment 88 Anti Terror (Densus 88 Antiteror), Special Detachment 00 Anti Klenik "Ajisaka" was a GoI I was writing in SCP-IDN, a special detachment of police dedicated to anomalous warfare. Like UIU, I guess. "Klenik" was a general word referring to most things related to magick and superstitions. "Aji Saka"/"Ajisaka" was an ancient mystic who was said to have overthrown cannibal king Dewata Cengkar through cunning and magical aptitude, leading the Medang Kamulan kingdom into prosperity.

Brown and orange are inspired by police uniform. Two keris, bound by blue ribbon—the color of the ribbon isn't really symbolic or anything. Keris is a traditional and often mystical weapon, by binding them symbolizes dedication in disarming criminals with anomalous capability.

It is an inter-city sack race, with the SCP Foundation Indonesia Youtube's hosts as participant.

page revision: 10, last edited: 8 Sep 2021, 05:54 (5 hours ago)
Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License