rating: -12+x

Item #:

Object Class: Keter, maybe?

Special Containment Procedures: Get out


All right, let's start simple, my name is Alyssa Corden, my office is at Site-14 in room 502. If someone finds this, they know where to start looking. Upon entering my office I was transported to an unknown location, pitch-black; and solid ground. I can see myself and this paper just fine but, there's no apparent light source.

I'm not alone here, I hear their breathing and footsteps while I walk. Like they're trying to hide their sounds.

They're behind me.
I know I'm not getting out. I'm going to look.
I'm sorry

Note: The above document was found in a hallway trash receptacle. When asked about it, researcher Alyssa Corden explained it was meant as a way to relieve stress. Proposals for further questioning were met with disapproval from multiple Site-14 personnel, including Director Adélaïde Imiter.

page revision: 1, last edited: 8 Sep 2021, 05:42 (5 hours ago)
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