Item #: SCP-6191
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: A 1.5 kilometer perimeter has been set up over SCP-6191 under the guise of a construction site. All roads leading to SCP-6191 have been redirected and a cover story was generated detailing renovation plans.
Description: SCP-6191 is a rundown Soviet era apartment building located in ██████, Russia. Inside SCP-6191 is a staircase that ascends 10 steps before reaching a rectangular platform 7.5 meters in diameter. The direction rotates to the left 180 degrees and continues ascending to the next platform. Each platform is lit by two fluorescent lamps on the ceiling of platform one through eleven. The fluorescent lamps are powered by an unknown source. On each platform are two doors on both sides of the platform. The stairs continue until the twelfth platform upon which the stairs cutoff into the ceiling, all attempts to damage the ceiling have failed
Upon opening of either door on the first platform by a subject, the door will open to a recreation of the subject's place of birth. Every item inside the room is in pristine condition and cannot be removed from where it is initially located. Any door located in the room cannot be opened by any means. On platforms two through four, the doors will lead to rooms the subject has visited from their respective age of three to ten. Each subject will note that one item is incorrect in its placement. Every subject that opens a door recognizes the room regardless if they had any memories of it prior to opening the door. On platforms five through ten, when the subject opens a door it will lead to a room they have visited from ages seventeen to their current age. The subjects note the furniture in these rooms are completely rearranged or removed. Subjects have stated they feel uneasy upon entry into rooms on platforms nine and ten. Upon entering a room on platform eleven, the room will be in complete disorder with no lights and items scattered. Any lights that are brought onto platform eleven and twelve do not function. Subjects on platform eleven report feelings of being watched, it is unknown if this is a cause of SCP-6191. On platform twelve both doors are unable to be opened regardless of the force applied to it and a soft humming noise is emanating from this platform.