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Item #: SCP-6616

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The current instance of SCP-6616-2 is contained at Site-19 in a standard humanoid containment cell. Under no circumstances is any member of Foundation personnel allowed to be seen by SCP-6616-2. Upon transference of SCP-6616 to a selected D-Class following the death of SCP-6616-2, the next instance is to be isolated and held for testing. All tests are to only use D-Class personnel.

Description: SCP-6616 is a hallucinatory anomaly first contracted in 19██ by Dr. ███████ following the discovery of SCP-6616-1 in a cave located in the Apuseni Mountains. SCP-6616 only affects humans, as shown by tests performed on various organisms (all of which yielded no effect).

SCP-6616 causes the affected human (henceforth known as SCP-6616-2) to experience the following visual and auditory hallucinations:

1. Any human being directly viewed by SCP-6616-2 appears to be gradually leaking blood through their pores.
2. If SCP-6616-2 maintains visual contact with the human (henceforth known as SCP-6616-2A) for duration of time dependent on the stage of infection (see below), SCP-6616-2A eventually becomes entirely covered in blood.
3. Once they are fully covered, their facial features shift: their noses flatten until they are no longer visible, their lips recede, their eyes become empty sockets, and their teeth sharpen and extend to a length of approximately 3.81 cm.
4. At this point, SCP-6616-2 no longer hears what SCP-6616-2A is saying (if they are speaking at all). Instead, they hear memetically contaminated phrases emanating from SCP-6616-2A. Several of these phrases are listed in Addendum 6616.3.

If SCP-6616-2 breaks visual contact with SCP-6616-2A prior to full coverage, SCP-6616-2A will not be affected by SCP-6616's secondary effects. If full coverage is experienced, however, SCP-6616-2A will gradually lose blood each time they are viewed by SCP-6616-2. The rate of blood loss varies by subject. Eventually, if SCP-6616-2 is not terminated prior to the end of the process, SCP-6616-2A will suffer death by exsanguination despite the lack of wounds that would be expected to cause this type of death.

Following the death of SCP-6616-2A, their corpse will reanimate via unknown means and assume an appearance that coincides with the hallucination experienced by SCP-6616-2. SCP-6616-2A will then hunt down SCP-6616-2 regardless of their location, exhibiting the anomalous abilities to teleport and phase through any material, as well as invulnerability to conventional means of destruction. Once it has located SCP-6616-2, SCP-6616-2A will then eliminate its target before losing integrity and becoming a non-anomalous puddle of blood with a volume equal to that of the blood contained a normal human body. There is so far no known way to deter reanimated instances of SCP-6616-2A.

SCP-6616-1 is a 3-oz. sample of heliotrope, more commonly known as "bloodstone", shaped like a flattened obloid. The words "Moştenitor al Tronului Regelui Sângelui" are inscribed on one side, while the image of a crown with a drop of blood beneath it is inscribed on the other side. If SCP-6616-1 comes into physical contact with human flesh, it passes SCP-6616 into the one who touched it.

The effects of SCP-6616 are irreversible. Cross-testing with SCP-500 is pending approval by the O5 Council.

Addendum 6616.1: Discovery

SCP-6616-1 was discovered in 19██ by Dr. ███████ in a cave during an expedition into the Apuseni Mountains (see "Standard Containment Procedures"). Dr. ███████ became the first instance of SCP-6616-2 following his attempt to hide SCP-6616-1 in his pocket. Once it was discovered that he was hoarding it, however, several members of his expedition attempted to take it from him, each touching SCP-6616-1 in the process. This created ██ instances of SCP-6616-2, as well as ██ instances of SCP-6616-2A as each member of the expedition made visual contact with the others. One of the team members was an undercover Foundation agent who reported the effects of SCP-6616 to the director of his site. In response, MTF Eta-10 ("See No Evil") was deployed to secure and contain the members of the expedition team, who were subsequently quarantined at Site-███.

Addendum 6616.2: Interview with Agent Khalid

Interviewed: Agent Khalid

Interviewer: Dr. Freeman

Foreword: Discussion of the hallucinations experienced by Agent Khalid. The agent is separated from Dr. Freeman by a one-way viewing glass to inhibit the effects of SCP-6616.

<Begin Log>

Dr. Freeman: Good morning, Agent Khalid. How are you feeling?
Agent Khalid: Alright, I guess.
Dr. Freeman: Did you sleep well?
Agent Khalid: Mostly. Except for the dreams, anyway.
Dr. Freeman: Dreams?
Agent Khalid: Yeah. I keep seeing him in my head.
Dr. Freeman: Seeing who, Agent?
Agent Khalid: The king.
Dr. Freeman: …The "king"? What "king"?
Agent Khalid: The Bloody King. He's the one I see. The one who rules our hearts and what lies within. He speaks to me, and he smiles at me.
Dr. Freeman: (pauses) Can you elucidate further, Agent?
Agent Khalid: Uh… I think so. Let's see… so you know how all humans have blood in them?
Dr. Freeman: …Yes.
Agent Khalid: The Bloody King rules all of it. It belongs to him. We belong to him. Do you understand?
Dr. Freeman: I'm not sure I do, Agent. Animals have blood. Insects have—
Agent Khalid: (agitated) Theirs is different!

Agent Khalid stands and slams the interviewing table with both hands.

Agent Khalid: Our blood is special. It's important! The more he feeds, the more he grows, the closer he comes! And when he comes… (laughs) …it will be glorious! We will live in his world, bathe in his blood as it falls from the sky like life-giving rain!
Dr. Freeman: (jots down a note) Okay, thank you, Agent. I think we'll continue this interview another time—
Agent Khalid: Do you know what he said to me?
Dr. Freeman: …No. What did he say?
Agent Khalid: He said I will sit on his throne. He said I am his heir. He said I am, we are, everything. Every drop of blood that flows through the veins of humanity, we will rule, we will perfect. And this world will drown in blood.
Dr. Freeman: [expletive]. She's losing it.
Agent Khalid: (suddenly collapses on table and starts to sob) I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I don't want us to die, oh, god, please don't let us die… the blood! I can see all the blood! ALL THE BLOOD!
Dr. Freeman: [expletive]!
<End Log>

Closing Statement: Following this interview, Dr. Freeman was classified as an instance of SCP-6616-2A and quarantined. Agent Khalid is indefinitely prohibited from coming into contact with Dr. Freeman.

Note: Well, I guess one-way viewing glasses don't work on this thing. Looks like we'll be sticking with cameras and two-way audio. – Researcher Tifton

Addendum 6616.3: Statements dictated by instances of SCP-6616-2A (transcribed by various D-Class personnel)

"The broken body of all this world, in sunken sanguinity, sanguine, soaking in sanguinities of sanguination, my blood covers you, enters eternal and infinite red, revealing my heirs and inheritors upon the throne of Sanguineum Sanguinem, Sânge Sângeros, the bloody blood that is me, of mine, of all that is my kingdom, all mankind"

"Fell into those bloody lakes, blackened blood, blood of death and life, blood is death and life, but what is there of blood and bone that the king, that is me, could not conquer and rule? You are mine, and I am your king, and you will serve me beneath the waves of the bloody ocean revealed in the eyes of the darkest night's shadows beyond the horizon of my kingdom, all mankind"

"Have you faltered in the following of the red, spilled upon the soil drenched in blood, fertilizing this world of mine in the hearts of my kingdom, all mankind, they are mine, my kingdom, my blood, my kingdom, all mankind"

"This beating bellows out in the ears of my kingdom, all mankind, they hear it, my call, echo from their own hearts, their hears are mine, they are all mine, and all their hearts bow to me, the king of blood, the Bloody King, ruler of the kingdom, my kingdom, all mankind"

"Flesh, bone, and blood breathed upon by the darkness of unholy wills broken in the eyes of the beholding warriors spread out across the land of heavy mountainous sanctities, bloodied and broken and battered by fallen fools, FOOLS, ALL OF THEM FOOLS, FORSAKING FEAR FOR THE FOLLY OF FREEDOM, THEY MUST FEAR ME, FOR I AM THE BLOODY KING AND I RULE ALL MY KINGDOM, ALL MANKIND"

Additional Note: The content and manner of SCP-6616-2A's speech has caused some members of Foundation research personnel to hypothesize a possible connection between SCP-6616 and SCP-058. Studies on this hypothesis are ongoing/under development.

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