
Item #: SCP-5294

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5294 is to be kept in a reinforced storage locker and should only be accessed by personnel with a clearance level of 3 and above.
One armed Security guard should be stationed at SCP-5294 containment area at all times in case of a containment breach

Description: SCP-5294 is an antique glass cup, origin is yet unknown. An orange liquid is contained within the cup which has
the consistency of Orange Juice, however further testing of the liquid shows it to be highly corrosive and corrodes any material it comes in contact with except its glass container.
Any organic matter that comes into contact with it will experience tremendous amounts of pain as the liquid corrodes their body inside out. SCP-5294 was first recovered by the foundation
in a cottage in Bedale, England 2011, the authorities were called after an elderly person consumed SCP-5294 in their home; after discussion of the incident around the village
the SCP Foundation retrieved the anomaly and anyone who took part in the case were given Class-A amnestics.

page revision: 7, last edited: 7 Sep 2021, 04:29 (1 day ago)
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