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Item #: SCP-6918

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment procedures: SCP-6918 has to be kept in a titanium chamber at all times at Site 15. If damage made by Entity is present, SCP-6918 has to be moved in another temporary containment chamber with a powerful light source installed within and three Foundation Agents armed with tasers. SCP Foundation Personnel with a name in common and Researchers named "Edward" are unable to enter the site at all.

Description: SCP-6918 resembles a humanoid creature made out of pieces of Iron, Steel, and other Metals placed all over the body, lacking any order or pattern. Each piece is 30 to 70 cm in lenght and 3 to 7 cm in depth. It has no facial features aside from the space between the Metal pieces, and has three fingers in its left hand, and two on its right hand. Weighing approximately 437 Kg and 1,94 meters in height, SCP-6918 is capable of walking, speaking fluent English and is at least five times more powerful than a human adult.
Although it is currently unknown how it can perform such things, since the anomaly has no power source strong enough to sustain itself, further inspections revealed that SCP-6918 possess a human skeleton within its metal body.

SCP-6918 has the ability of recognize people's names through eye contact. After it has located a human being named "Edward", the entity will attempt to harm, or kill them without hesitation. The entity generally shows no interest in harming animals or human beings that are not named "Edward".

Trying to manually remove or damage SCP-6918 Metal parts will result in the anomaly becoming extremely aggressive towards the attacker, and anyone possessing their name in 18 meter radius for approximately 15 minutes.

SCP-6918 has shown to have skills on crafting objects at high speed. If a Metal piece falls over or becomes rusty and useless to the anomaly, the Entity will attempt to locate the nearest Metal-like object and, depending on its mass, detach a piece of it to replace the missing part. If SCP-6918 is unable to locate a new replacement, it will enter in a dangerous state which will make it breach containment to find a new piece as soon as possible, no matter what the Foundation has to stop it.
SCP-6918 will refuse to replace a missing piece with any other material aside from Metals.

SCP-6918 is highly irritated by powerful light sources and electrical discharges, and will always seek shelter whenever its body is exposed to a souce of light and will stay still for 30 minutes if given a controlled shock.

Discovery: SCP-6918 was discovered in an abandoned Junkyard in San Diego, California. After reports of missing people, all with the same name. At first, the citizens though there was a serial killer in the city. But after weeks, the SCP Foundation was alerted by the Police Department of San Diego after a man claimed to see a statue moving inside the junkyard with what had seem to be a dead body in its hands, dragging it inside one of the cabins.

The anomaly was quickly contained, since no Foundation agents named "Edward" were present during the containment precedures, until Incident-6918-1.

Incident-6918-1: After entering the facility, SCP-6918 was scorted by four Foundation agents. But suddenly, SCP-6918 became aggressive, screaming and trying to break the cuffs that had been placed in its hands by the Foundation Agents. SCP-6918 emitted an unknown sound and began to rush towards Agent Edward Gaurett. The entity successfully harmed the Agent, breaking two ribs and dislocating the left arm, but was quickly stopped by Foundation Personnel and after being tased, it was successfully contained.

Interview-6918#1: Dt. Terence █████ was instructed to ask SCP-6918 a few questions regarding its irritations towards the name "Edward".

Dt. Terence: Greetings, 6918. How are you feeling today?

SCP-6918: Empty.

Dt. Terence: We are curious to know why do you hate the name Ed- (Pauses)

SCP-6918: *Slams hands on the table*

Dt. Terence: *Clears throat* …I'm sorry.

SCP-6918: *Pauses for a few seconds* Would you hate the name of the one who ruined you?

Dt. Terence: Would you mind elaborate?

SCP-6918: You already know I was like you, right? But I'm not like him… Not anymore.

Dt. Terence: That doesn't help, who are you talking about? Can you give us a full name?

SCP-6918: I refuse to pronounce his disgusting name.

Dt. Terence: What did he do to you?

SCP-6918: Killed me.

Dt. Terence: Would you mind elaborate again?

SCP-6918: I said enough, I refuse to remember the past.

<End Log>

Closing Statement: 6918 ignored any other question the researcher asked. And the interview closed after many attempts of communications.

page revision: 2, last edited: 8 Sep 2021, 00:50 (10 hours ago)
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