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Item #: SCP-6064

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6064 is currently contained at Site-██ in a lead-lined containment cell measuring 20 m x 20 m x 20 m. The branches of SCP-6064-1 are to be trimmed every two months to prevent overgrowth. Trimming may only be performed by remote-controlled drones operated from a distance of greater than five (5) meters relative to SCP-6064-3. Under no circumstances is any staff member to enter the cell of SCP-6064 except for authorized testing.

Description: SCP-6064 consists of three (3) components: a black oak (SCP-6064-1), an unidentified species of strangler fig (SCP-6064-2), and the rim of a car tire (SCP-6064-3).

SCP-6064-1 is a Quercus velutina specimen measuring 16.5 m high. It possesses two (3) anomalous traits: its bark’s resistance to fire (up to 5,000 degrees Celsius), its ability to survive without sustenance commonly required for plant life (e.g. fertile soil, light, water, carbon dioxide), and the growth rate of its branches, which is approximately 0.5 cm per hour (0.73 m in two months; see Special Containment Procedures for trimming protocols). The leaves of SCP-6064-1 possess no anomalous traits.

SCP-6064-2 is an unidentified species of strangler fig (suspected to be an undiscovered variant of Ficus aurea) that is currently wrapped around the bole of SCP-6064-1 and extends to some of the lower branches. SCP-6064-2 does not spread, but winds around SCP-6064-1 in a spiraling motion at a speed of approximately 0.2 meters per second. Its means of locomotion are as of yet unknown.

SCP-6064-3 is a car tire rim 40.64 cm in diameter. It is made of an aluminum alloy possessing trace amounts of chromium, uranium, and an unknown metal that is thought be the root cause of its anomalous effects. It is held against the trunk of SCP-6064-1 by SCP-6064-2, loosely enough to allow free rotation for the duration of SCP-6064-3's anomalous cycle. The rim possesses no factory marks or manufacturer logos, thus making it virtually impossible to track down the manufacturer.

The anomalous effects of SCP-6064-3 take place when any human being comes within five (5) meters of SCP-6064-3. If a group approaches, SCP-6064-3 will select a random member within range and begin its cycle. SCP-6064-3 will begin to rotate at a rate of approximately 2.5 revolutions per minute (RPM), accelerating a constant rate for three (3) minutes until it reaches 5 RPM. During this three minute period, any human targeted by SCP-6064-3 (henceforth known as SCP-6064-3A) will begin experience an anomalous change to their anatomy.

SCP-6064-3A's head will begin to lean to the right until it can do so no longer, at which point the upper body begins to lean to the right as well. When the upper body can no longer lean, the spine will be broken by an undetected force, which then proceeds to bend the legs sideways until SCP-6064-3A is circular in shape. By this point, most of the bones in SCP-6064-3A’s body will be broken transversely, and the subject will be experiencing great pain.

Once SCP-6064-3 reaches a rotating speed of 5 RPM, SCP-6064-3A will begin to contract until it is the same size as SCP-6064-3. As they contract, SCP-6064-3A secretes a paste-colored fluid (determined to be liquefied bone after further research) that encases their entire body before flowing into the center of their circular form and projecting five (5) rapidly-growing bones. These bones then pierce SCP-6064-3A at five equally-spaced points, forming a spoke-like pattern identical to that of SCP-6064-3. When this process ends, the liquefied bone covering SCP-6064-3A solidifies and transmutes into the same aluminum allow from which SCP-6064-3 is made, effectively turning SCP-6064-3A into an identical copy of SCP-6064-3. Studies show that SCP-6064-3A survives throughout this entire process but maintains only a small level of consciousness once it ends.

SCP-6064-3's anomalous cycle can be interrupted and SCP-6064-3A can be removed from the area to prevent a complete transformation. All fully transformed instances of SCP-6064-3A possess the same anomalous abilities as SCP-6064-3 and are to be kept in cryogenic storage at temperatures of no higher than -100 degrees Celsius to prevent autonomous rotation. All surviving instances of SCP-6064-3A are to be given corrective orthopedic surgery and evaluated for radiation poisoning. Additionally, if they are not members of the Foundation, they are to be administered Class B amnestics and released.

Addendum 6064.1: Discovery

SCP-6064 was discovered alongside a rural highway in ████████████, Georgia. MTF Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") were deployed to its location after the Foundation intercepted reports of passers-by complaining of neck and back issues as well as experiencing symptoms of radiation sickness. Upon reaching the anomaly, agents reported finding seven (7) instances of SCP-6064-3A piled up on the side of the road, all of which began turning when the agents approached. In response, seven agents began to experience the anomalous effects of SCP-6064-3 and its instances, prompting the remaining personnel to rapidly remove them from the area. Aerial assistance was requested, and the seven (7) instances were carried away using Foundation-operated drones.

SCP-6064 was uprooted using a remote-controlled ArborLiftTM machine and transported to Site-██, where it is currently being held for testing.

page revision: 3, last edited: 8 Sep 2021, 01:30 (9 hours ago)
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