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Item#: 5258
Containment Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Threat Level: Yellow


Photograph taken of SCP-5258, held within Site-92 containment.

Assigned Site


Site Director


Research Head


Assigned MTF

Cancer-1 "Immortal Crabs", Squadron-ᚢ

SCP-5258 is to be stored within a 2m by 2m by 3m humidity controlled containment chamber. No doors possessing a peephole1 are to be present in wing D-4 within the facility. All doors have viewing windows as alternatives. All additionally retrieved instances are to be incinerated upon relocation. Infected individuals will be quarantined immediately, and subjected to mental assessments to determine eligibility of allocation to E-Class2 personnel.

Experiments involving the instance and E-class personnel are restricted to Researchers with level 3 clearance. Of the eight armed guards stationed to patrol Floor -3 in Wing D-4, one is to accompany any individuals entering SCP-5258's containment chamber for the entire duration of any interaction. Researchers and guards entering the containment chamber are to be fitted with a pair of project SCRAMBLE3 goggles to wear while within the chamber, so as to not inadvertently contract the effects of SCP-5258.

SCP-5258 is a series of doors which have anomalous effects localized on their peepholes. Effects of SCP-5258 are designated SCP-5258-1 and manifest as a series of visual and auditory occurrences. SCP-5258-1 occurrences happen at random intervals of time, with four occurrences transpiring per twenty-four hour long period. Occurrences initiate with an undeterminable noise, produced from the exterior of the instance. Effects of the instance become contracted by an individual making direct eye contact with the SCP-5258's peephole for a duration of 3 seconds. Individuals who have contracted the effects of SCP-5258 are affected indefinitely, unless the original affecting instance is completely destroyed, or the individual is terminated. While it is currently unknown how, project SCRAMBLE goggles provide a means of shielding one's self from contracting the effects of SCP-5258.

The entity SCP-5258-2 inhabits an alternate plane of existence through the peephole of SCP-5258. SCP-5258-2 inacts nearly all recorded occurrences of SCP-5258-1 that transpire within SCP-5258 instances. SCP-5258-2 resembles a humanoid in appearance, however, the entity stands approximately 2.4m in height and possesses a yet to be identified, opaque, dripping substance, coating it's exterior. SCP-5258-2 possesses; grossly elongated arms; seven elongated digits on each hand; hollow cavities in place of it's eyes and mouth; massive black boots encompassing feet that are notably grossly disproportionate to the entities legs; and what appears to be the lower half of a navy blue jumpsuit, devoid of any discernable markings or brandings.

SCP-5258 will temporarily adapt in an attempt to redisperse it's effects to create new instances in alternative means, if left incapable of enacting it's anomalous effects for undeterminably prolonged periods of time. Adaptations have included; the transmission from hosts via direct physical contact upon expiration of the individual; the ability for hosts to infect uninfected doors from their exterior; instantaneous effects; spreading to an unaffected door (so long as it's within an unobscured view of the instance or a range of 10m if view is obstructed); and [REDACTED].



Should anyone have no family (or anyone they would consider a friend) they are under no circumstances to be stationed within "Zone: 2, Wing: D-4, Floor: -3", or anywhere near SCP-5258 at any time. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action or casualty.

— Dr.Templar, Director, Site-92.

*Assuming you have been given the proper security clearance by the director of
Site-92, the following terminal has been left primed for easy access.


page revision: 11, last edited: 17 Aug 2021, 14:25 (21 days ago)
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