A Visit to Nihil
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A warning I have to do. My name less matters, as you would forget it anyway. A wanderer I am, that's all you need to know. Like the wanderer I have the pleasure to be I'm conscious like many others of knowledge that escapes mortal comprehension. Forbidden books hidden deep in the Library far from the grasp of curious hands, they contain dark secrets whispered by heretical mouths on the deepest pits of creation beyond the reach of the Executors. This knowledge is about the dregs of the chaos that preceded all, those who never were and never will be.

Aware of their presence I was cautious with my steps and careful with my words, as this topic was a taboo within this halls. My mouth was sealed, but not so much was my mind. I was lacking the caution I had with my words, too confident those heathen myths could never reach our world. Years I drowned in my foolishness, but that would soon change, and those myths became the most palpable truth.

A day like any other in the monotonous creation. I was walking trough the Ways, so stable and secure nothing could happen, my thoughts were those. In my blindness I tripped, then I fell and got forced to rest. An indeterminate time passed since those events, my dreams were lucid and my nightmares horrible. Conscious in my unconsciousness I felt their hands lunging at me, tearing my soul apart. Their shadows entered my eyes and my sight grew hazy, the torture was slow but had no end. In my suffering I woke up.

My awakening was as sudden as turbulent. Stunned I felt, but fast I realized the shapes crawling upon me, feasting on my essence in the look for existence they could reap off from me. I stood up and fought ferocious, but their scope easily eclipsed mine and I soon realized they could not be withstanded by the likes of me, so I ran, ran, RAN. Never looking back, since I felt I would be devoured if I did so.

I sprinted through the winding streets until the air had ran out from my lungs, I saw the nothing around me, so I kept running. When I lost the feeling of my legs I stopped and fearfully I raised my glare. The shades were gone for my relief, but I found myself lost in their domains. I did not want to admit it, or you could better say I did not want to believe it, but the truth was right before my eyes. I in my carelessness had descended to the deepest pits of non-existence, the most dark and horrid parts of the Yesod's roots. Their city, the one that was never meant to be.

A wall of decrepit buildings encircled me, high enough to make my eyes hesitate if what I was seeing was any way real or not, as their imposing height seemed to distort and melt with the awful black sky making it impossible to know if you were looking upwards to the Darkness Beneath or to the cracked ground. Disoriented I followed the path in front of me, always alert for any assault the shapes could try. My nose caught a disgusting acrid aroma that mixed with the walls and made my eyes cry, but stopping there wasn't an option, so I kept walking.

I ended up following a torrent of an oil-like substance, so dense and black that seemed to catch any vestigie of the few light I could see in the area. The strange jumble leaded me to what seemed like a square. Little I saw, for my blood burned into my veins screaming me to run, so I ran and hid again. I leaned out from the corner to take a better look, the sight made my guts go cold. A countless amount of those shades were there, as their forms were formless and their shapes confusing I couldn't tell how many of them there were, but a lot, that would be enough for you. That wasn't the most shocking thing if those are your thoughts, NO, since standing above the shapes the rulers of the city were making act of presence, Gods that could have been but ended up never being I guessed, they were cruel in their acts and of unthinking mind, devouring without discrimination even their own companions. Disgusting till the end I was about to leave, but the eyes of those gods wouldn't be so easy to trick. They spotted my existence and made a gutural howl, and their troops lunged at me.

There's no need to tell you what I did next, my lungs were burning and supplicating for air, the flesh of my legs started to rotten and fall, I started to cry in fear while mob was hot on my heels, lost with no wonder where I was going the oily mud entered my sight, there wasn't any other path to follow so I chosed to make a run for it in the search of salvation. So focused I was in my fear and desperation my senses did not noticed the shades had stopped following me several minutes ago trembling in fear, and less they alerted me from the danger I was approaching to.

What seemed like an old church from where the substance emanated from got in my way, it's shape was emaciated and seemed to be about to crumble to dust and blow away in front of me. I was desperate to survive, so I opened the wooden like doors and entered with the speed of light into the building, then I slammed the entrance and closed the doors shut. I panted for air once I felt safer "I have made it" I thought "I survived those suckers" I told to myself. My relief couldn't be described with words and in my happiness my legs collapsed finally, "I deserve to rest a bit I think" my eyes wanted to close and sink me into sweet dreams but I forced them to open right away. Something was wrong. Moments ago a whole army was following me, and now I don't even hear a sound. It was weird to the extreme, "something must have made them stop, or maybe they are waiting for me outside. But if that's the case why don't they force their way in here?"

My whole body started to shake, it didn't make any sense for me, but deep inside my mind the answer was as clear as the sky you could see through the Ways." The only thing that can scare a monster is a monster even bigger". I directed my eyes at every direction inside the building I was at but there was nothing, nothing to the left, nothing to the right, nothing at the floor, nothing at the…

Finally I exchanged glances with the reason. It was hard to describe what was above me in that instant, as there was nothing to really describe. This was the beating heart of this city or the city itself, a heap of Nothing that encompassed Everything, layers upon layers upon layers of things that never did exist, never will exist and don't exist, but wanted to, they would do anything to do so. It seemed to cast a shadow on the darkness beneath him as his non-body secreted a black fume that made his shape even less recognizable. Terrified I tried to run again, but my legs had ran out time ago and they failed me. The void surrounded me and I was swallowed, but I resisted till my last breath, I needed this message to reach you.

This Nothing seems to be sealed outside our reality, unable to break the frontier between his and our world. I raised my prayers to the skies for that to be the truth, otherwise if that day somehow gets to us the Knowledge will be emptied and the bookcases will burn. The branches will wither and reduced to splinters. The Gods won't have time to react and they will perish in their ignorance. The most Ancient ones could try to resist but will be tored down of their thrones eventually. And the Creator will cry blood tears, for his Creation will die and with it he as well.

My only hope is that those times never arises, so let us all hope that He Who Made the Seal made it tough enough. I pray for the wind to let my words get to you so the Creation can be prepared for the sentence it has been obligated to face. With this my vow and my warning are made, the rest is up to you.

He ceased resisting and his existence vanished.

page revision: 2, last edited: 5 Sep 2021, 20:22 (2 days ago)
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