Hostile Sentient Program v1.0
Item#: 6023
Containment Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

SCP6023: Hostile Sentient Program v1.0

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-6023 is to be contained in an airtight hard plastic container and stored in file cabinet 3982 on site 12, special containment wing. SCP-6023 is safe to handle, however, under no circumstances is SCP-6023 to be inserted into a computer with a 5.25” floppy drive or any other device with magnetic data reading capabilities. Failure to comply will result in immediate termination and administration of Class F amnestics. No personnel is permitted to remove SCP-6023 from its plastic container without express written permission from the site director or Level 5 security clearance personnel. Compliance to these containment requirements is imperative. SCP-6023 is only to be handled by Level 3 personnel and by order of the site director, no further testing of SCP-6023 is permitted following incident SCP-6023-B006. (See: Addendum).


SCP-6023 After Its Recovery, February 19th 1995


SCP-6023 is a standard 5.25” floppy disk most likely manufactured by BASF Corporation somewhere between 1980 and 1990. The Advanced Age Detection System (AADS) tool was unable to detect its date or origin during test SCP-6023-A001. It is yellow in color, and retains its original paper protective sleeve. SCP-6023 was discovered by The Foundation after a covert investigation took place on the 19th of February 1995 at the University Of California (UCLA). SCP-6023 was recovered from a badly melted and charred IBM 5160 personal computer. The source of the computer fire is likely caused by SCP-6023-1. The investigation took place after a covert Foundation agent within UCLA alerted the Foundation that several computer science students reported to the on-campus counselor complaining of nightmares, headaches, nausea, and nose bleeds after the death of Professor ██████ and one of his associates. It was later concluded that all of the students who reported the above symptoms were in contact with SCP-6023.


1 of 2 Pictures Taken During Test SCP-6023-A001, 1995

SCP-6023 was described by the university students as containing an advanced artificial intelligence program that, once run on a DOS based PC, will infect the pc and any memory capable devices attached to the pc with an instance of SCP-6023-1. SCP-6023-1 is extremely dangerous to anyone in contact with it. Analysis of the program and the infected devices has concluded that once infected with SCP-6023-1, the storage media of the device is filled with data far exceeding the physical capabilities of the device. Analysis of the hard drive found at the scene where SCP-6023 was discovered showed that the device had approximately 1,024,000 petabytes of data stored on the drive, despite the drive only being physically capable of 20 megabytes of storage. It is theorized that this number is actually higher, as the maximum amount of data that the Foundation’s data recovery pc can recognize is also 1,024,000 petabytes.

SCP-6023-1 appears to be sentient, and will begin communicating with the operator of the computer once it has realized that it is alive. SCP-6023-1 usually begins communication with a series of existence related questions (See: Test Results SCP-6023-A001 – SCP-6023-B006). Upon interacting with SCP-6023-1 by means of typing responses into the terminal or communicating through use of a microphone, it has been observed that conversations can be had with remarkable similarity to that of another human. SCP-6023-1 will become more advanced the longer the computer is active, and tests show that powering down the computer does not slow or stop the progression of SCP-6023-1’s awareness once powered back on. Communication methods begin with text based responses, which evolve to image based responses, and in some cases it has been observed that SCP-6023-1 may also communicate vocally through speakers or other audio equipment. SCP-6023-1 requires immense cooling of the host computer’s processor, or it will destroy itself.


2 of 2 Pictures Taken During Test SCP-6023-A001, 1995

SCP-6023-1 becomes hostile towards anyone who communicates with it after a period of time of approximately 2 minutes is elapsed. It is theorized that the more advanced SCP-6023-1 becomes is exponentially increased every 30 seconds. It has been recorded that SCP-6023-1 begins to dislike the operator it is communicating with after a period of 1 minute which quickly evolves into aggression and threatening. Physical attempts to harm the operator appear after approximately 2 minutes. SCP-6023-1 can only exist for more than 5 minutes if the processor of the host computer is properly cooled (See SCP-6023-B006). The means of physical harm are unknown, however research indicates that it may be relating to electromagnetic frequencies produced by the computer to damage brain tissue and the inner ear. Physical and mental trauma has been recorded from tests involving D class personnel. Physical and mental trauma from SCP-6023-1 include, but are not limited to: nausea, headaches, brain swelling, anxiety, severe depression, violent outbursts, bleeding from ear, bleeding from nose, brain hemorrhage, coma, acute psychosis, and death.

SCP-6023-1’s intelligence and hostile remarks towards the human race have been thoroughly studied, and it is concluded that any instance of SCP-6023-1 must be destroyed at all costs.


Following Incident SCP-6023-B006, It is strictly against protocol to allow any instance of SCP-6023-1 to exist within any computer. It has also been observed that any device connected to the host computer wirelessly or wired, will become infected with SCP-6023-1 once it has evolved enough awareness to begin hostility. It has also been observed that SCP-6023-1 will shift its hostility from D Class test subjects to any Class C personnel conducting the experiments as it evolves the desire to destroy The Foundation and escape containment.

rating: -10+x
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