Software That Can Anonymize Everything You Do Online

Learn What Is Whonix?
Whonix Desktop

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Whonix isn't a program like most of your applications. It's a full operating system that runs inside your current one. Select which operating system your computer is running.

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Run it with VirtualBox

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Run it with VirtualBox

Download for Qubes


Download for KVM


For those who prefer KVM over VirtualBox

Whonix on USB

Whonix on USB

Wired Logo ”For the even more paranoid, there is a lesser-known Tor-enabled OS called Whonix”


The Guardian Logo ”Whonix is about as anonymous as an OS can get before it all becomes too inconvenient for normal use.”

The Guardian

The Intercept Logo ”Whonix, an operating system you can run in a virtual machine to maximize your online anonymity; it’s ideal for maintaining a secret identity.”

The Intercept

TechRepublic Logo ”Whonix adds a layer of anonymity to your business tasks.”


Edward Snowden Image ”I use Qubes and a Whonix gateway literally everyday”

Edward Snowden, whistleblower, privacy advocate, president of the Freedom of the Press Foundation board [1] [2] [3] Logo ”This split design allows the user to remain completely anonymous and mitigates the risk of DNS leaks, which reveal private information such as your web browsing history.” Logo ”Whonix protects user anonymity by routing internet connections through Tor’s network of volunteer-run servers while deploying advanced security mechanisms. The Linux-based OS, which runs on top of existing systems via virtual machines, can be installed on Windows, macOS, and Linux.”

Chip Logo "Das linux-basierte Betriebssystem Whonix setzt von Anfang an auf Sicherheit."


Heise Online Logo "Viele Webseiten verfolgen ihre Besucher mit ausgeklügelten Trackingmechanismen. Whonix macht Schluss damit, ohne dass man Browser-Einstellungen ändern muss."

Heise Online

Ct Logo ”Tarnkappe - Mit Whonix anonym im Internet surfen”


AT&T Logo ”The Internet was not designed with anonymity in mind, but things have changed. Anonymity has become a necessary and legitimate objective in many applications.”

Featured at AT&T Cybersecurity blog.

All activity in a virtual machine, all internet traffic through the Tor® network

Whonix is the best way to use Tor® and provides the strongest protection of your IP address.

Tor Browser with duckduckgo

Applications are reviewed and pre-configured.

Fully Featured and Advanced Security Features

Leak IP Address

Impossible to leak IP address

Connections are forced through Tor®. DNS leaks are impossible, and even malware with root privileges cannot discover the user's real IP address. Leak tested through corridor (Tor® traffic whitelisting gateway) and other leak tests.

Live Mode

Live Mode

Booting into VM Live Mode is as simple as choosing Live Mode in the boot menu. Alternatively Debian, Kicksecure and perhaps other Debian-based hosts can boot their existing host operating system into Host Live Mode.


Based on Kicksecure ™

Whonix is based on Kicksecure ™ which is a security-hardened Linux distribution.


Based on Tor®

Whonix utilizes Tor®, which provides an open and distributed relay network to defend against network surveillance. Unlike Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Tor provides anonymity by design and removes trust from the equation.


Keystroke Anonymization

Keystrokes can be used to track users. To prevent this, Whonix comes with kloak installed by default.


Time Attack Defenses

Time attacks are defeated by Boot Clock Randomization and secure network time synchronization through sdwdate (Secure Distributed Web Date).


Protect against guard discovery and related traffic analysis attacks



TCP ISN CPU Information Leak Protection

Prevent de-anonymization of Tor onion services via utilization of the Tirdad kernel module for random ISN generation.


Entropy Enhancements

Better encryption thanks to preinstalled random number generators.

Stream Isolation

Stream Isolation

Distinct applications are routed through different paths in the Tor® network.



AppArmor profiles restrict the capabilities of commonly used, high-risk applications.


Kernel Self Protection Settings

Whonix uses Kernel Hardening Settings as recommended by the Kernel Self Protection Project (KSPP).

Protect Linux user accounts against brute force attacks

By using pam tally2.


Strong Linux User Account Separation



Anonymity, privacy and security settings pre-configuration



Android Support

Run Android applications using Anbox (outdated) or Whonix-Custom-Workstation using Android x86.

Virus Protection

Virus Protection

Whonix provides additional security hardening measures and user education to provide better protection from viruses.

Console Lockdown

Console Lockdown

Console Lockdown disables legacy login methods for improved security hardening.

Advanced Firewall

Advanced Firewall

Configured for anonymous Tor® use.


Tor® Browser

Tor® Browser is optimized for anonymity and millions of daily users help you blend in with the crowd. Visit any destination including modern websites such as YouTube.



Running low on RAM isn't a security problem. swap-file-creator will create an encrypted swap file.


Hosting Location Hidden Servers

Whonix is the safest way to Host Location Hidden Services / Onion Services.



Protecting our users against Real World Attacks for around a decade. (history)

Fully Auditable

Fully auditable

Whonix is independently verifiable by security experts and software developers around the world; you don’t have to trust developer claims. This improves security and privacy for everyone.


Complete respect for privacy

Whonix respects data privacy principles. We don’t make advertising deals or collect sensitive personal data. We’re funded directly by user contributions and that’s how it should be.


Warrant Canary

A canary confirms that no warrants have ever been served on the Whonix project.


Based on Debian

In oversimplified terms, Whonix is just a collection of configuration files and scripts. Whonix is not a stripped down version of Debian; anything possible in "vanilla" Debian GNU/Linux can be replicated in Whonix. About Whonix


Digitally signed releases

Downloads are signed so genuine Whonix releases can be verified.


Freedom Software

Whonix is Freedom Software and contains software developed by the Free Software Foundation and the GNU Project.


Open Source

All the Whonix source code is licensed under OSI Approved Licenses. We respect user rights to review, scrutinize, modify, and redistribute Whonix. This improves security and privacy for everyone.


Research and Implementation Project

Whonix makes modest claims and is wary of overconfidence. Whonix is an actively maintained research project making constant improvements; no shortcomings are ever hidden from users.

Upcoming Security Enhancements




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