Server Time: 7:44 AM

Insanity MMORPG | Fantasy MMORPG Private Server

Insanity MMORPG is one of the most popular free to play MMORPGs available.

Patch Notes 28.07.2021

Patch Notes 28.07.2021

*Added Extra Potato drops to the global drop table, this will increase potato drops from mobs level 250-350,
*Summer Jetski and Summer Swimboard are actually DMounts not Gmounts and have been updated ingame to reflect this,
*Changed drop penalties. Before penalties were being applied to drops after a 2 level difference between players and monsters. This has been change to a 51 level difference. This means as a level 350 you can now kill level 300 mobs with no drop penalties being applied!
*Fixed an issue with siege which caused the crown to not show and tokens to be deleted 

Added 10-08-2021 by Marvin
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Takeoff Digital - Magento Agency