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82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #1 ·
So I haven't found anywhere on the net that has succinct descriptions of all 162 tritypes.

Using the available sources, including the fantastic thread on PerC by the inestimable madhatter, I've drawn up my own list of descriptors and brief descriptions.

Apart from the Fauvres, who appear to keep their findings in house, there is not much of substance available. Therefore a lot of this is necessarily guesswork, but without putting something like this in the public domain for critiquing, it is difficult to advance my knowledge.

Still a work in progress, which I hope to refine over time.

Any thought or builds are welcome.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #2 ·
Tritype archetype descriptions

The Mentor 125 (i.e. types 125, 152, 215, 251, 512, 521)

Combines the ethics of the 1, the helpfulness of the 2 and the wisdom of the 5.

Private, idealistic and caring, sees what needs to be done and takes practical steps to be of service.

Mentor individual tritypes:

125 - The Tutor. Quiet, reserved and helpful. Enjoys learning and teaching. 1w2, SP, SO.

152 - The Academic. Introverted, intellectual, altruistic. Patient, knowledgable, enjoys being around people. 1w9, 1w2, SO, SP.

215 - The Modest Host/ess. Likes being around people, remembers details about everyone. Quiet, but correct in relating to others. 2w3, SO, SP.

251 - The Social Strategist. Projects positive image, uses intellectual and emotional strategies to help. Procedures and structures are important. 2w1, SO, SP.

512 - The Professor. Precise, disciplined, ethical. High ideals, crusade for systems or ideas they believe will help humankind. 5w6, SO.

521- The Self Help guru. Generous, involved but controlling. Likes to help through teaching self help. 5w6, SO.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #3 ·
The Supporter 126.

Combines the ethics of the 1, the helpfulness of the 2 and the supportive qualities of the 6.

Focused on helping others in a structured and orderly fashion.

Supporter individual tritypes:

126 - The Challenging Helper. Devoted, friendly and dedicated. Seeks company of others, sociable, but can become controlling and demanding. 1w2, SO.

162 - The Traditionalist. Devoted friendship based on loyalty, trust and integrity. Rules and traditions are important. 1w2, SO, SP.

216 - The Caregiver. Devoted, responsible, ethical. Likes to be of service, but insists on doing things the right way. 2w1, SO.

261 - The Dutiful Militant. Helpful and kind hearted, but strident. Want to be of service but think others need to follow their duty too. 2w1, SO, SX.

612 - The Loyal Friend. Friendly, loyal, organised. Discerning and caring, seeks channel to be of help. 6w5, SO, SP.

621 - The Defender. Compliant and strident in equal parts. Help through following process, band together for mutual strength. 6w7, SO, SP.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #4 ·
The Teacher 127.

Combines the ethics of the 1, the helpfulness of the 2 and the inspiration of the 7.

Focusing on creative, fun teaching with a purpose.

Teacher individual tritypes:

127 - The Positive Coach. Positive and playful teacher. Finds innovative ways to coach how to improve and be responsible person. 1w2, SO, SX.

172 - The Optimistic Planner. Enjoys being around people. Has lots of projects on the go, bringing them in on schedule. Makes them fun. 1w2, SX, SO.

217 - The Preschool Teacher. Idealistic, people oriented, friendly. There is a right and wrong way to do things, but learning this can still be fun. 2w1, SO, SX.

271 - The Drama Teacher. Light hearted and creative, wants to make learning fun. Positive energy with a mission to teach. 2w3, SX, SO.

712 - The Hip Priest. Fun with a purpose. Instructs creatively, upbeat but structured. 7w6, SO, SX.

721 - The Enthusiast. Focused on keeping it positive and upbeat. Enjoys helping a group learn and develop. 7w8, 7w6, SX, SO.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #5 ·
The Technical Expert 135

Combines the ethics of the 1, the focus of the 3 and the wisdom of the 5.

Focus is on using powers of observation and systems to achieve goals.

Technical Expert individual tritypes:

135 - The Elitist. Ambitious, hard working, goal oriented. Refined, intellectual, self assured but do not show feelings. 1w9, SO, SP.

153 - The Meticulous Expert. Introverted, meticulous and objective. Uses scientific methods, deliver impeccable work, but fear they do not have enough resources. 1w9, SO, SP.

315 - The Focused Consultant. Exacting, knowledge as means of projecting positive image. Hard working, challenging, know what is right way. 3w4, SO, SP.

351 - The Objectivist. Driven, self disciplined, image oriented (perfect not flashy). Productive and hardworking but can be narrow minded and dismissive of others. 3w2, SO, SX.

513 - The Technician. Scientific, remote, distanced from feelings. Practical, pragmatic, always looking for efficient improvements. 5w6, SP.

531 - The Controller. Cold, efficient, hard working. Very self controlled, but demand recognition for their achievements and intellectual value. 5w6, SO, SP.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #6 ·
The Taskmaster 136.

Combines the ethics of the 1, the focus of the 3 and the supportive qualities of the 6.

Key elements are responsibility, hard work and socially acceptable image.

Taskmaster individual tritypes:

136 - The Manager. Dutiful, diligent and well organised. Prefer a leading role, work efficiently and pragmatically, seek praise for their work. 1w9, SO.

163 - The Pillar. Conscientious, cautious and responsible. Down to earth managers and trouble shooters, seek praise and financial reward. 1w2, SO, SP.

316 - The Professional. Meticulous, responsible, image conscious. Exacting for themselves and others, detail and right way to act are important. 3w2, 3w4, SO.

361 - The Guardian. Focused, responsible, discerning, rule oriented. Create and protect structures for society to follow. 3w4, SP, SO.

613 - The Industrious Worker. Industrious, responsible and eager to get things done. Focus on duty, family and obligation. 6w5, SO, SP.

631 - The Upholder. Duty, image and responsibility. Need for respectable place in society, loyalty to community, need for achievement. 6w5, SO.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #7 ·
The Systems Builder 137.

Combines the ethics of the 1, the focus of the 3 and the inspiration of the 7.

Key elements are finding out what is needed and creating fun ways of achieving.

Systems Builder individual tritypes:

137 - The Motivator. Competitive, goal oriented, extroverted and assertive. Natural leaders, good at networking, self important but fun and charismatic. 1w2, 1w9, SO.

173 - The Co-ordinator. Charming, flexible, open minded and resourceful. Like to have a good time and know the right people, apt to be boastful. 1w2, SO.

317 - The Constructor. Methodical and image oriented, but upbeat. Focused on getting things done but having fun in process. 3w2, SO, SP.

371 - The Empire Builder. Positive, orderly and goal focused. Perfection and creativity, built on getting base right. 3w4, SO, SX.

713 - The System Analyst. Efficient, focused, perfectionist and technical. Enjoys working with people, systems and processes. 7w6, SO.

731 - The Communicator. Pleasant, detail oriented, focused on both communication and fun. Positive, upbeat but result oriented. 7w8, SO, SX.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #8 ·
The Researcher 145.

Combines the ethics of 1, the originality of 4 and the wisdom of 5.

Key elements are investigating, analysing and teaching.

Researcher individual tritypes:

145 - The Existentialist. Introverted, melancholic, creative and original. High standards, abstract cast of mind, prone to bouts of existentialist depression. 1w9, SP, SX.

154 - The Sage. Reserved, cerebral, intuitive and insightful. Isolationists with abstract imagination, develop deep understanding of the nature of things and people. 1w9, SP.

415 - The Romantic Iconoclast. Independent, intellectual and shy. Romantic and mysterious, with a dislike of the stereotypical, can procrastinate. 4w5, SP, SX.

451 - The Refiner. Introspective, individualistic, reserved. Rational and scientific, motivating by searching, collating and teaching meaningful information. 4w5, SP, SO.

514 - The Isolationist. Hard working, creative but apt to anxiety. Unique perspective, and high minded principles can lead to isolation and criticism of others. 5w4, 5w6, SP.

541 - The Tower Dweller. Imaginative, detail oriented and withdrawn. Intellectual and creative but capricious and fussy, leading to isolationism. 5w4, SP, SX.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #9 ·
The Philosopher 146.

Combines the ethics of the 1, the originality of the 4 and the supportive qualities of the 6.

Key elements are finding meaning, helping others find meaning, overlaying with moral dimension.

Philosopher individual tritypes.

146 - The Perfecter. Imaginative, creative, belligerent and melancholic. Perfectionists who can feel let down by an imperfect world, passionate and temperamental. 1w2, SX, SO.

164 - The Reactionary. Dutiful and faithful, but prone to anger and anxiety. Suspicious of those outside their group, traditionalists who may rebel when insecure. 1w2, SX, SO.

416 - The Self Doubter. Compliant, self conscious and inhibited. Hesitant but emotional, has strong opinions but reluctant to voice these. 4w3, SP, SX.

461 - The Activist. Inquisitive, discerning and rule oriented. Apt to be highly anxious and self critical, question whether they are doing the right thing. 4w3, SX, SO.

614 - The Seeker. Dutiful and responsible but also searching for meaning. Creative and discerning, drawn to teaching. 6w7, 6w5, SO, SP.

641 - The Sergeant Major. Perfectionist, critical of self and others. Disciplined, apt to correct others and show frustration. 6w5, SO, SP.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #10 ·
The Visionary 147.

Combines the ethics of the 1, the originality if the 4 and the inspiration of the 7.

Perfectionists seeking standards that improve lives.

Visionary individual tritypes:

147 - The Revolutionary. Whimsical, expressive and passionate. Original, impatient to get things done, sets high standards but also subject to fantasies. 1w2, SX, SP.

174 - The Dramatist. Energetic, eccentric, versatile and unconventional. Enthusiastic, dramatic and self centred, can become obsessional. 1w2, SX, SO.

417 - The Catalyst. Moody but innovative and inspired. Seek change based on what is right but creative in execution. 4w5, SX.

471 - The Idealist. Idealistic visionaries on mission to create. Self critical, need to see ideals manifested in reality, but always fall short. 4w5, SX, SP.

714 - The Innovator. Creative, idealistic, ethical but conflicted. Seeks fun whilst looking to create better world. 7w6, 7w8, SX, SO.

741 - The Futurist. Ethical, discriminating, intense. Conflict between sense of fun and vision for future. 7w6, SX.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #11 ·
The Strategist 258.

Combines the helpfulness of the 2, the wisdom of the 5 and the protective qualities of the 8.

Key elements are providing useful information and protecting by utilising area of expertise.

Strategist individual tritypes:

258 - The Militant. Confident, tough minded and militant. Swings between helpfulness and fear of rejection, between introversion and extroversion. 2w3, SP, SX.

285 - The Strategic Protector. Magnanimous, big hearted, protection oriented. Knowledge as means of helping others, in control. 2w1, SO, SX.

528 - The Dominator. Possessive, dominating and self confident. Like helping and directing others, fearless but domineering. 5w4, 5w6 (counterphobic), SX.

582 - The Cavalier. Passionate, brave and self confident. Aim for positions of power, authority and control, courageous but manipulative. 5w6 (counterphobic), SX.

825 - The Venture Capitalist. Seek control by initiating projects, fear humiliation, seek approval. Look to create positions of strength, loathe signs of disenchantment, like intrigue. 8w7, SX.

852 - The Chieftain. Confident, powerful, imposing. Aim to be in control while protecting others, little ability to compromise. 8w9, SO, SX.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #12 ·
The Problem Solver 259.

Combines the helpfulness of the 2, the wisdom of the 5 and the peacefulness of the 9.

Key elements are providing helpful, knowledgeable information in a harmonious way.

Problem solver individual tritypes:

259 - The Information Expert. Helper who needs to impart information whilst keeping a peaceful countenance and environment. Want to fit in, follow the acknowledged rules, and help out. 2w1, SO, SP.

295 - The Positivist. Gain comfort from positivity. Follows strategies to help create a positive image, but can be undone if environment is adverse. 2w3, SO.

529 - The Humanitarian. Knowledgable, good natured, enjoys helping others. Drawn to social sciences, cooperative, enjoys solving conflict. 5w4, SO.

592 - The Holisticist. Modest, amiable, often have deep understanding and respect of human frailties. Spiritual, positive, not always scientific or thorough. 5w4, SO, SP.

925 - The Problem Assessor. Peaceful, helpful, wants to fit in. Good at assessing situations, but passive and hesitant. 9w1, SP.

952 - The Companion. Peaceful, calm, with depth of insight into others. Like to find out about others, understand their problems, and bring insight to bear to help out. 9w1, SP.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #13 ·
The Rescuer 268.

Combines the helpfulness of the 2, the supportive qualities of the 6 and the protective qualities of the 8.

Key elements are being in control, shield others, follow a noble cause.

Rescuer individual tritypes:

268 - The Parent. Controlling, domineering, possessive. Take on parental role, out to help the disadvantaged, but must have power in relationship. 2w3, 2w1, SO, SX.

286 - The Bear. Powerful, some anger, dominates the group, takes initiative in finding those in need of help. Strength is key, always reactive to threat. 2w1, SO, SX.

628 - The Right Hand Woman/man. Protective and caring, but doesn't like taking the lead. Need to care for and support in order to feel safe. 6w7, SO, SX.

682 - The Dynamo. Dynamic, caring, willing to lead. In the moment problem solver, tension between helping others and own security. 6w5, SO, SP.

826 - The Hero. Dutiful and loyal, but cynical. Forms alliances, gains power through seduction. 8w7, SO, SX.

862 - The Protector. Rescues and protects out of sense of duty. Inquisitive, self confident, solution mastery. 8w9, SO, SP.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #14 ·
The Good Samaritan 269

Combines the helpfulness of the 2, the supportive qualities of the 6 and the peacefulness of the 9.

Key elements are wanting to engage with people and be of assistance.

Good Samaritan individual tritypes:

269 - The Passive Helper. Helpful, mellow, passive and shy. Get along with others, avoid confrontation, can struggle with indecision and insecurity. 2w1, SP.

296 - The Charity Worker. Peaceful, helpful and unassuming. Quiet assistance, try to stay positive, fear negativity. 2w1, SP.

629 - The Supporter. Anxious, phobic but congenial and group oriented. Likes to bridge differences, and secure group harmony. 6w5, SO, SP.

692 - The Pacifist. Passive, submissive and helpful in exchange for safety and security. Conflict averse. 6w5, SP.

926 - The Peacemaker. Helping others, cautious, gentle and nurturing. Establish issues and work to find peaceful solutions. 9w1, SO, SP.

962 - The Anxious Friend. Anxiety mixed with need to help others. Lack of clear self identity, insecurity solved by being of help. 9w1, SP.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #15 ·
The Free Spirit 278.

Combines the helpfulness of 2, the inspiration of 7, and the protective qualities of 8.

Key elements are being assertive, upbeat and straightforward.

Free Spirit individual tritypes:

278 - The Encourager. Independent and outgoing. Likes to help others, but follows own muse, not a pushover.

287 - The Role Model. Assertive, positive and honest. Aims to help others to be more self reliant.

728 - The Energizer. Freedom loving but caring. Energetic, directive, brings natural energy to group.

782 - The Libertine. Power seeking, strong minded, disregards convention. Force of nature with ability to lead or influence others.

827 - The Humanitarian. Leadership with light touch and sensitivity to others. Positive, upbeat and helpful, but with some arrogance.

872 - The Freedom Lover. Caring, innovative, fun to be with. Energy combines with disregard for convention.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #16 ·
The Peacemaker 279.

Combines the helpfulness of the 2, the inspiration of the 7 and the peacefulness of the 9.

Key elements are optimism, comfortable ways of relating, avoidance of conflict.

Peacemaker individual tritypes:

279 - The Optimist. Caring, innovative and upbeat. Seeks peaceful, win - win situations, maintains cheerful attitude. 2w3, SO, SX.

297 - The Peace Envoy. Seeks positive perspective, avoids conflict or negativity. Likes to be upbeat and positive thinking. 2w1, 2w3, SO, SX.

729 - The Harmoniser. Gentle hearted, innovative and helpful. Seeks harmony with sense of humour whilst retaining ability to inspire. 7w6, SX, SO.

792 - The Conflict Avoider. Innovative, receptive to others, sensitive to conflict. Positive front in order to avoid negative feelings. 7w6, SO.

927 - The Peace Seeker. Seeks peace and positive relations and situations. Negativity conflicts with sense of well being so is avoided as much as possible. 9w1, SO, SP.

972 - The Inspirer. Peace seeking and innovative. Seeks to help through gentle inspiration and positive outlook. 9w1, SP, SO.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #17 ·
The Solution Master 358.

Combines the focus of the 3, the wisdom of the 5 and the protective qualities of the 8.

Tough minded and studious. Find original and practical solutions to a problem.

Solution master individual tritypes:

358 - The Troubleshooter. Self sufficient, knowledgeable and direct or blunt. Move toward others, take charge, work tirelessly, then move away. 3w4, SP, SO.

385 - The Executive. Tenacious, tough minded analysis of problems. Strategic outlook, can be insensitive. 3w4, SO.

538 - The Goal Seeker. Ambitious and competitive with leadership ability. Pragmatic, goal oriented and driven, but somewhat self interested. Balanced wings, SO, SX.

583 - The Achiever. Materialistic, ambitious and domineering leader. Reserved, secretive, but exude self confidence. 5w6 (counterphobic), SO, SP.

835 - The Foundation Builder. Direct, action oriented, opinionated and tough minded. Scholarly, impersonal, insensitive to emotion. 8w9, SO, SX.

853 - The Tactician. Strategic, tough, results oriented. Private, concentrates on mastery and efficiency. 8w9, SP, SO.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #18 ·
The Thinker 359.

Combines the focus of the 3, the wisdom of the 5 and the peacefulness of the 9.

Finds clever but amenable ways to manage situations. Peaceful and intellectual.

Thinker individual tritypes:

359 - The Chameleon. Clever and focused, but secretive and shy. Wants admiration, but remains covert almost camouflaged, hides feelings from self and others. 3w4, SP.

395 - The Unobtrusive Achiever. Peaceful and unassuming thinker. Keeps real self hidden, so appears both aloof and understated. 3w4, SP.

539 - The Congenial Expert. Pleasant and cooperative, but goal oriented. Ambitious, purposeful and image conscious despite peaceful exterior. Balanced wings, SO, SP.

593 - The Opportunist. Tactful, well mannered and diplomatic. Adaptable, go with the flow, but skillfully turn opportunities to their advantage. 5w6, SP, SO.

935 - The Mediator. Calm, composed and professional. Wants to mediate conflict but in a detached, no nonsense way. 9w8, SP, SO.

953 - The Island. Professional, cerebral and distant. Strives for harmony but only if it doesn't impinge on own autonomy. 9w8, SP.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #19 ·
The Justice Fighter 368.

Combines the focus of the 3, the supportive qualities of the 6 and the protective qualities of the 8.

Themes are loyalty, straightforward attitude, rebelliousness against injustice.

Justice Fighter individual tritypes:

368 - The Confronter. Tough, counterphobic fighter for justice. Industrious, confrontational and image conscious. 3w4, SX, SO.

386 - The Mobilizer. Success oriented, prominence seeker. Quick to react, fight for justice whilst taking opportunity to gain advantage. 3w4, SX, SO.

638 - The Challenger. Direct, focused and counter phobic. Image conscious, anti authoritarian, battling for underdog. 6w7, SX.

683 - The Debater. Uses energy and debating skills to help achieve justice. Loyal, feisty, achievement oriented. 6w7, SX, SO.

836 - The Don. Confrontational, focused, demands loyalty and mutual trust. Image making and energy used to drive agenda. 8w7, SX, SO.

863 - The Defence Attorney. Firm in direction and beliefs, will not be swayed by others. Legalistic, prepared, fighter for underdog. Balanced wings, SO.

82 Posts
Discussion Starter · #20 ·
The Mediator 369.

Combines the focus of the 3, the supportive qualities of the 6 and the peacefulness of the 9.

Key themes are a search for success whilst keeping in balance and harmony with others.

Mediator individual tritypes:

369 - The Citizen. Influenced by social norms, need to adapt to society expectations in order to be stress free. Success oriented, but success as defined by peers.

396 - The Rulekeepr. Ambitious but coupled with need to be aligned with expectations. Need for peace and harmony influences behaviour.

639 - The Adapter. Fears about security leads to need to follow rules, fit in. Can be accommodating or professional as situation demands.

693 - The Cipher. Obedient, rule abiding, security seeker. Shape shifter who has trouble understanding real self.

936 - The Community Builder. Need for balance, harmony and maintaining an acceptable external image. Peaceful, adaptable, seeks security through community.

963 - The Peacemaker. Focused, inquisitive and adaptable. Changes to reflect social norms, likes to keep the peace.
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