2021-08-27 23:00:00 +00:00 – 2021-08-29 11:00:00 +00:00

CTF is over. Thanks for playing!

[ About ]

Welcome to CakeCTF 2021! CakeCTF 2021 is a Jeopardy-style Capture The Flag competition hosted by yoshiking, theoremoon, and ptr-yudai. There will be some challenges of pwn, web, rev, crypto, and so on. These challenges range in difficulty from beginner to intermediate level.

[ Task Release Schedule ]

We announce the schedule of the challenge release in Discord.

  • 1st wave: 2021-08-28 08:00:00 JST (UTC+9)
  • 2nd wave: 2021-08-28 14:00:00 JST (UTC+9)
  • 3rd wave: 2021-08-28 20:00:00 JST (UTC+9)

[ Prize ]

The following teams can get some small gifts this year.

  • Top 3 prize-eligible teams on the scoreboard (Swag × 4)
  • Prize-eligible teams that got first-blood on some specific challenges (Swag × 1)
4 challenges from each main category (crypto, pwn, web, rev) will be subject to the first-blood prize. We'll announce which challenges you can get the first-blood prize in Discord before the CTF starts.
As we cannot send the prize abroad, at least one of your team members needs to live in Japan to be eligible.


  • (賞品を受け取れる)上位3チーム (Prizeセット × 4)
  • 特定の問題を最初に解いた(賞品を受け取れる)チーム (First-Blood Prizeセット × 1)
メインカテゴリ(crypto, pwn, web, rev)の4つの問題がFirst-Blood Prizeの対象になります。 どの問題がFirst-Blood Prizeの対象かは、CTFが始まる前にDiscord上で連絡します。

[ Sponsors ]

We'd like to thank the following people for their financial support in organizing this event!

  • 3socha
  • kusano_k
  • rkm0959
  • prof_siba
  • 匿名希望

[ Contact ]


[ Rules ]

  • There is no limit on your team size.
  • Anyone can participate in this CTF: No restriction on your age, nationality, or the editor you use.
  • Your position on the scoreboard is decided by:
    1. The total points (Higher is better)
    2. The timestamp of your last submission (Earlier is better)
  • The survey challenge is special: It gives you some points but it doesn't update your "submission timestamp". You can't get ahead simply by solving the survey faster. Take enough time to fill the survey.
  • You can't brute-force the flag. If you submit 5 incorrect flags in a short period of time, the submission form will be locked for 5 minutes.
  • You can't participate in multiple teams.
  • Sharing the solutions, hints or flags with other teams during the competition is strictly forbidden.
  • You are not allowed to attack the scoreserver.
  • You are not allowed to attack the other teams.
  • You are not allowed to have multiple accounts. If you can't log in to your account, use the password reset form or contact us on Discord.
  • We may ban and disqualify any teams that break any of these rules.
  • The flag format is CakeCTF\{[\x20-\x7e]+\} unless specified otherwise.
  • Most importantly: good luck and have fun!