5/14/2021Migrated proc tracking into the core analysis pipeline.
Migrated proc tracking into the core analysis pipeline.
4/4/2021Resources of the analysed player are now visible in the timeline. You can expand the row to view the graphs separately, and hover in either state to view numeric values.
Resources of the analysed player are now visible in the timeline. You can expand the row to view the graphs separately, and hover in either state to view numeric values.
12/7/2020Astrologian support updated to 5.4
Astrologian support updated to 5.4
12/1/2020Fix incorrect action ID and timeline view for Diurnal Sect Aspected Benefic.
Fix incorrect action ID and timeline view for Diurnal Sect .
10/5/2020Fixed Earthly Star drift calculation.
Fixed drift calculation.
10/5/2020Fixed bug where sect was always reported forgotten, even when it wasn't.
Fixed bug where sect was always reported forgotten, even when it wasn't.
8/13/2020Updated AST for 5.3, adjustments to calculations for counting theoretical maximum card draws/plays.
Updated AST for 5.3, adjustments to calculations for counting theoretical maximum card draws/plays.
4/29/2020Updated AST for 5.1 & 5.2
Updated AST for 5.1 & 5.2
4/19/2020Overhaul of logic used to calculate when the boss is invulnerable and/or untargetable. This will have minimal impact on DPS and tanks with average or better play - however, it will have a marked impact on low-uptime play and healer accuracy.
This is a very large change that has been years in the making - and while no effort has been spared to ensure its accuracy, it may have some edge cases we missed. If you see something that looks wrong, please feel free to drop by the discord server, and we can double check to make sure its behaving as it should.
Overhaul of logic used to calculate when the boss is invulnerable and/or untargetable. This will have minimal impact on DPS and tanks with average or better play - however, it will have a impact on low-uptime play and healer accuracy.This is a very large change that has been in the making - and while no effort has been spared to ensure its accuracy, it may have some edge cases we missed. If you see something that looks wrong, please feel free to drop by the discord server, and we can double check to make sure its behaving as it should.
4/10/2020Total rewrite of the timeline. While it looks and behaves in a similar manner to the previous timeline, it has been rewritten from scratch, allowing analysis to expose much more detailed information in the timeline with future changes.
Total rewrite of the timeline. While it looks and behaves in a similar manner to the previous timeline, it has been rewritten from scratch, allowing analysis to expose much more detailed information in the timeline with future changes.
11/22/2019Rework calculations for tracked cooldowns to improve methodology for tracking actual uses and calculating expected uses.

Rework calculations for tracked cooldowns to improve methodology for tracking actual uses and calculating expected uses.
10/8/2019Fixed bug where the target of the card wouldn't display if that target was yourself.
Fixed bug where the target of the card wouldn't display if that target was yourself.
9/25/2019Synastry now triggers a minor suggestion for single-target heals without it despite it being available.
now triggers a minor suggestion for single-target heals without it despite it being available.
now triggers a suggestion for dropping uses. gets its own checklist tracker.
8/24/2019Show pre-pull skill uses on timeline when we can determine a skill was used because the player started with a buff.
Show pre-pull skill uses on timeline when we can determine a skill was used because the player started with a buff.
8/14/2019A few changes to improve the accuracy of core metrics and displays:- Improve GCD calculations for actions with a recast less than 2.5 seconds. Jobs such as DNC should no longer occasionally recieve incredibly short GCD estimates.
- Fix actor filters for secondary event query. Raid buffs applied by other players should be visible again.

A few changes to improve the accuracy of core metrics and displays:
8/10/2019Horoscope reworked tracking for accuracy
reworked tracking for accuracy
8/8/2019Get more of those cards:- Calculation for number of Play in a fight
- Suggestions for not keeping (DrawSleeve Draw) on cooldown

7/30/20195.05 Support:- Ability cast times and cooldowns updated for 5.05
- (Sleeve Draw) Arcana logs updated for 5.05

7/27/2019Overheal and Celestial Intersection modules:- (Celestial Intersection) Throws a suggestion for infrequent usage
- Added an overheal checklist, which counts both heals and HoT percentage overheals for better clarity into the matter.

7/23/2019Arcana play logs support for Shadowbringers:- (Play) Arcana Logs are back up, now includes prepull Plays

7/22/2019Sect detection and Combust improvements:- (Combust II) Added warn tier at 85-90%
- (Diurnal SectNocturnal Sect) Added support for modules to make Sect specific suggestions.
Triggers a suggestion if player pulled without a sect on, and if they used Noct while healing with a Scholar

7/20/2019Add handling for GCD actions with recasts longer than the player GCD. This should impove GCD estimation accuracy and timeline display for DNC, GNB, and MCH.
Add handling for GCD actions with recasts longer than the player GCD. This should impove GCD estimation accuracy and timeline display for DNC, GNB, and MCH.
7/11/2019Basic support for Shadowbringers:- (Combust II) DoT update
- (Undraw) Using it triggers suggestion not to use it
- (Lucid Dreaming, Lightspeed) Message update
- (Horoscope) Failing to read the cards again triggers suggestion
- (Play) Coming soon™
- Made improvements to timeline CD display - merged draw actions, displaying horoscope and earthly detonations
