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Tonami Aki

Faculty of Business Sciences
Official title
Associate Professor
Research keywords
Overseas Foreign Direct Investment
International Political Economy
International relations
Environmental Governance
Foreign Policy
Developmental aid
Research projects
Investment and security in EU & the Arctic: Applying Narrative Policy Framework2020-04 -- 2024-03/4,290,000Yen
北極圏を巡る米中ロの相克と日本への影響:安全保障環境の変遷を中心に2019-04 -- 2020-03竹内俊隆北極域研究共同推進拠点/2019年度 研究者コミュニティ支援事業400,000Yen
北極国際法秩序の構想:科学・環境・海洋・組織2016-04 -- 2021-03Akiho ShibataMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/科研費補助金 基盤研究(B)16,770,000Yen
多文化共生デモクラシーの社会基盤設計—制度・構造・規範の国際比較共同研究2017-02 -- 2019-09Toru OgaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Interdisciplinary research on the exclusivism and democracy in the globalized society (Global Initatives)
New Economic Diplomacy: China & Japan's overseas infrastructure investment in the Arctic and the role of non-state actors2017-04 -- 2020-03Aki TonamiMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)3,250,000Yen
Career history
2018-09 -- 2020-03Waseda University School of International Liberal Studies Adjunct Lecturer (Global Environmental Politics & Policies)
2016-10 -- (current)University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Business Sciences Associate Professor
2016-08 -- 2016-09University of Copenhagen NIAS - Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Department of Political Science Associate Professor
2011-08 -- 2016-07University of Copenhagen NIAS - Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Researcher
2008-01 -- 2010-01Embassy of Japan in The Netherlands Political Section Research Advisor
2007-04 -- 2007-12Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2006-05 -- 2007-01Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Institute for Environmental Studies Visiting researcher
2006-04 -- 2007-03Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Doctoral Research Fellow
Academic background
2004-04 -- 2007-03Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental StudiesAccomplished credits for doctoral program
2002-04 -- 2004-03Kyoto University Graduate School of EconomicsCompleted
1996-09 -- 1998-06Santa Clara University Leavy School of Business Operations Management & Information SystemsGraduated
2008-03PhD in Global Environmental StudiesKyoto University
2004-03Master of Arts in EconomicsKyoto University
1998-06Bachelor of Science in CommerceSanta Clara University
Academic societies
2018-10 -- (current)Japanese Political Science Association
2018-06 -- (current)Japan Association of International Security and Trade
2016-10 -- (current)Japan Association of International Relations
2014-09 -- (current)International Studies Association (ISA)
2004-09 -- (current)Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies: SEEPS
  • David Leheny, Empire of Hope : The Sentimental Politics of Japanese Decline
    礪波 亜希
    NIHON KENKYŪ/62/pp.197-200, 2021-03
  • Can foreign investment pose threats? EU’s perception and investment screening scheme
    礪波 亜希
    Defense Studies/(60)/pp.21-41, 2019-03
  • Exporting the developmental state: Japan’s economic diplomacy in the Arctic
    Tonami Aki
    Third World Quarterly/39(6)/pp.1211-1225, 2018-01
  • Influencing the imagined 'polar regions': the politics of Japan's Arctic and Antarctic policies
    Tonami Aki
    Polar Record/53(5)/pp.489-497, 2017-09
  • Future-Proofing Japan’s Interests in the Arctic: Scientific Collaboration and a Search for Balance
    礪波 亜希
    Asia Policy/18/pp.52-58, 2014-07
  • The Arctic policy of China and Japan: multi-layered economic and strategic motivations
    礪波 亜希
    The Polar Journal/4(1)/pp.105-126, 2014-07
  • Trajectories of Japanese and South Korean Environmental Aid: A Comparative Historical Analysis
    礪波 亜希 アンダース・リエル・ミュラー
    The Journal of Environment & Development/23(2)/pp.191-219, 2014-01
  • Japanese and South Korean Environmental Aid: What are their life stories?
    礪波 亜希; アナス・リエル・ミュラー
    DIIS Working Paper/2013(8), 2013-04
  • Japan and Singapore in the Arctic: Considerations for Greenland
    スチュワート・ワッターズ; 礪波 亜希
    Journal Greenland/2013(1)/pp.2-17, 2013-01
  • Singapore: An Emerging Arctic Actor
    スチュワート・ワッターズ; 礪波 亜希
    Arctic Yearbook 2012/pp.105-114, 2012-11
  • Japan's Arctic Policy: The Sum of Many Parts
    礪波 亜希; スチュワート・ワッターズ
    Arctic Yearbook 2012/pp.93-103, 2012-11
  • Evaluating local participation in environmental aid: the Environmental Fund Project in Thailand
    礪波 亜希
    Journal of international development studies/18(1)/pp.79-96, 2009-06
  • Sustainable Development in Thailand: Lessons From Implementing Local Agenda 21 in Three Cities
    礪波 亜希; 森 晶寿
    The Journal of Environment & Development/16(3)/pp.269-289, 2007-01
  • UK–Japan responses in the Arctic
    Tonami Aki
    Security at the frontier UK–Japan perspectives on cyberspace, outer space, the Arctic and electronic warfare, Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, pp.19-31, 2021-03
  • 第7章 非国家アクターによるパラディプロマシーと規範 北極域に対する北海道の取り組みを例に
    礪波 亜希
    共生社会の再構築III 国際規範の競合と調和, 法律文化社, pp.114-130, 2020-03
  • Exporting the developmental state: Japan's economic diplomacy in the Arctic
    Tonami Aki
    Developmental states beyond East Asia, Routledge, pp.179-193, 2019-05
  • The rise of Asia and Arctic legal order-making: political-economic settings
    Tonami Aki
    Emerging Legal Orders in the Arctic: The Role of Non-Arctic States, Routledge, pp.27-41, 2019-04
  • Asian Foreign Policy in a Changing Arctic: The Diplomacy of Economy and Science at New Frontiers
    礪波 亜希
    Palgrave macmillan, 2016-09
  • サステイナビリティの経済学―人間の福祉と自然環境
    パーサ ダスグプタ; 礪波 亜希
    岩波書店, 2007-12
  • 環境ガバナンス論
    松下 和夫; 礪波 亜希
    京都大学学術出版会, 2007-10
  • アジア環境白書〈2006/07〉
    礪波 亜希
    東洋経済新報社, 2006-10
Conference, etc.
  • Japan’s Arctic Identities
    Tonami Aki
    International Studies Association 2021 Virtual Convention RB24: Regional and Global Challenges to Arctic Identities/2021-04-06--2021-04-09
  • Non-Arctic Countries and Arctic Politics
    Tonami Aki
    Arctic Politics Forum/2021-01-28
  • Economic Development in the Arctic
    Tonami Aki
    Asian Interests and the Path Forward in the New Arctic/2021-02-08--2021-02-09
  • Engaging the Arctic: UK-Japan Responses
    Tonami Aki
    Security at the Frontier: UK-Japan Perspectives on Cyberspace, Outer Space, the Arctic and Electronic Warfare/2020-12-10--2020-12-11
  • China and Russia in the Arctic: A Japanese perspective
    礪波 亜希
    Nordic-Baltic connectivity with Asia via the Arctic/2020-11-10
  • Arctic Economic and Security Agenda
    Tonami Aki
    6th US-Japan-Russia Trilateral Conference: Risks and Opportunities for Cooperation and Security in the Asia-Pacific/2020-12-22
  • Maritime transport and the changing geopolitical landscape in the Arctic: Watching the Arctic from Japan
    Tonami Aki
    The strategic triangle in the Arctic: Implications for Nordic and North East Asian States/2020-09-07--2020-09-10
  • Japan's infrastructure development as a 'Construction State'
    Tonami Aki
    UNSW-APDS Infrastructure Workshop/2019-11-28--2019-11-29
  • Complex Arctic Governance: How can Japanese companies engage? Inspirations for hitting a moving target
    礪波 亜希
    Arctic Technology Research Forum, The 4th Seminar "What are necessary for Japanese businesses to enter the Arctic?"/2019-10-23--2019-10-23
  • Japan and its Arctic identity: Forming a narrative about the region
    Tonami Aki
    The NTNU Japan Program "Technology, the Rule of Law, and East Asian Maritime Cooperation"/2019-10-10--2019-10-10
  • Formation process and threat recognition of EU's investment screening framework
    礪波 亜希
    Japan Political Science Association 2019 Convention/2019-10-06--2019-10-16
  • Recent trends of European investment screening schemes
    礪波 亜希
    26th Conference of the Japan Association of International Security and Trade/2018-10-20--2018-10-20
  • The Choice is Yours: China’s investment in critical infrastructure in democracies
    Tonami Aki
    Japanese Political Science Association Annual Conference 2018/2018-10-13--2018-10-14
  • Japan's Arctic Policy
    Tonami Aki
    Workshop on “Prospect of Arctic Issues in the Near Future” 2018/2018-05-06--2018-05-06
  • The Nexus of Investment and Security: Chinese Investments in Hokkaido, Japan as an Example
    Tonami Aki
    International Studies Association Annual Convention 2018: Power of Rules and Rules of Power/2018-04-04--2018-04-07
  • The New Political Economic Order in the Making? The Arctic and the Asian States/actors
    Tonami Aki
    Kobe University Polar Cooperation Research Centre 3rd International Symposium: The Role of Non-Arctic States/Actors in the Arctic Legal Order-Making/2017-12-07--2017-12-09
  • Exporting the Developmental State: Japan's Economic Diplomacy in the Arctic
    Tonami Aki
    Japan Association of International Relations Annual Convention 2017/2017-10-27--2017-10-29
  • Political Economy of China's Overseas Investment in Critical Infrastructure: Examples from Greenland and the UK
    Tonami Aki
    International Studies Association International 2017: The Pacific Century?/2017-06-15--2017-06-17
  • The case of investment in critical infrastructure
    Tonami Aki
    European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) Europe-Japan Dialogue on Security and Investment/2017-06-08--2017-06-09
  • グリーンランドの政治経済:鉱山開発事業と中国資本「問題」
    Tonami Aki
  • Chinese and Japanese Firms in the New Frontiers: The Case of the Arctic
    Tonami Aki
    International workshop at Rikkyo University, New Developments for Japanese and Chinese Firms: Implications for Investment, Trade, and other Economic Interactions/2016-12-10--2016-12-10
  • China's Overseas Investment in Critical Infrastructure: Nuclear Power and Telecommunications
    Tonami Aki
    International Conference at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Overseas Infrastructure Projects of China and Japan: New Dynamics in Global Development and Security/2016-11-15--2016-11-15
  • Comparative study on the infrastructure capitalization of Japan and China
    Tonami Aki
    Expert workshop at Hokkaido University, Asia and the Northern Sea Route: Sustainability and the Arctic/2016-10-26--2016-10-26
2021-04 -- 2021-08Reading in Business Management I-IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2021-10 -- 2022-02Reading in Systems Management II-IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2021-10 -- 2022-02Reading in Systems Management II-IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2021-04 -- 2021-08Reading in Business Management I-IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2021-04 -- 2021-08Reading in Business Management I-IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2021-05 -- 2021-06Seminar IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2021-10 -- 2022-02Reading in Business Management II-IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2021-11 -- 2022-02Seminar IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2021-10 -- 2022-02Reading in Business Management II-IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2021-04 -- 2021-05Global Management VII: Advanced International Political EconomyUniversity of Tsukuba.
Professional activities
2016-11 -- (current)the Ocean Policy Research InstituteMember, Research Group on the Future of the Arctic
2019-07 -- 2021-08Japan Consortium for Arctic Environmental Research (JCAR)5th Steering Comittee, Committee Member
University Management
2018-04 -- (current)Public Relations, Web updating
2018-04 -- 2020-03Commencement
2017-04 -- 2020-03Entrance Exam CommitteeChief of the committee
2017-04 -- (current)Diversity Accessibility
2017-04 -- 2020-03Open Campus
Other activities
2020-01 -- 2020-11Member, ASM3: The third Arctic Science Ministerial, Japan Review Committee

(Last updated: 2021-04-13)